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For quite some time, I have been concerned about the non-support – even the obstruction of and resistance to our President’s efforts to make life better in our country from those in his own party – Republicans In Name Only (RINOS), and the Never Trumpers who were determined to fight him every step of the way just as soon as he announced his candidacy.

These are dug-in folks who aren’t interested in uniting behind our President, who are almost always willing to cave in to the Democrats instead of standing up for the basic values and principles of their party,and who, in my opinion, are as much entrenched in the Deep State as the Democrats are, and don’t want to rock the boat in favor of better change.

I think they’re a big part of the problem of why Congress can’t seem to accomplish anything. They have voted against proposed legislation that would have truly benefited the American people – the 2016 healthcare bill being an example of this. Because a few Republicans chose to hold out, especially one who had previously given his word to vote for it, that bill failed and we lost the House in 2018.

Because a few rogue Republicans refused to stand together with the majority of their colleagues, and refuse to this day to be of any help to President Trump.

Just whose side are these folks on? As far as I’m concerned, they might as well switch their affiliations to Democrat, because they seem to be more in their camp.

President Trump was duly and legitimately elected, and these turncoats in his own party are thumbing their noses at the voters just the same as the Democrats have been doing. If he loses re-election in November, THEY will be partly responsible.
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That is simply the way our democracy works. Every president faces opposition even when their behavior, character and intentions are honorable.
There are really only two political parties in our country that hold any power. I’m aware there are more, but in terms of relevance it is Democrat or Republican. It is unrealistic to think that every politician is going to think 100% along party lines. Our country has fallen into a system where there are two trains of political thought and anyone who might feel opposed to a specific issue is ridiculed and called things like “turncoats” or “rinos”. The biggest issue our country faces is the absolute failure of both political parties to reach any type of bipartisan agreement on any topic. This trend has been growing since the early 2000’s and it isn’t getting any better. The Democrats may dig their feet in now, but look back at how the Republicans did the same thing when Obama was in office. This isn’t a Democrat issue or a Republican issue, it is an issue with the system as a whole. Politicians who are willing to work with the other party are the ones that will carry our country forward by showing that agreements can be reached. If we continue on this trend our federal government will exist solely to remove any law or plan put in place by the opposition and everything else will be a secondary priority.
I’m not a Republican or a Democrat. I think one of the things people don’t like about President Trump is that he’s kind of “in your face”. To me, that’s something I like. Sometimes, you have to be offensive.
These are dug-in folks who aren’t interested in uniting behind our President,
As noted by his Mount Rushmore speech, Trump is not interested in unifying anyone but his supporters. He has no program of reaching out to all voters or in creating a ‘big tent’. All he wants is for people to think like he does.

So he reaps what he sows. Don’t be so critical to call people RINOs and never trumpers. They have not been courted.
I can’t answer this personally, as I am not American and, even if I were, I very much doubt I would ever have been a Republican.

However, I can tell you about a very good friend of mine who is pretty much who you are talking about. She’s in her 40s and has been a lifelong Republican. She is the third generation of her family to be a Republican. Her political heroes are Reagan and Nixon. But in 2016 all that changed. Under sufferance, she voted for Clinton and she intends to vote for Biden. To be clear, her exact description of Clinton was “evil” and she believes that Biden has dementia. But she just cannot bring herself to vote for Trump. It seemed that the last straw was watching Trump mocking a disabled journalist. My friend believes that Biden is a socialist who is suffering from dementia, but she also believes that he is a decent man. Given a choice between Trump and a decent man, she will vote for a decent man.
That’s ridiculous. She thinks a man that she believes has dementia is a better choice for President? That is irresponsible and plain hateful.
For quite some time, I have been concerned about the non-support – even the obstruction of and resistance to our President’s efforts to make life better in our country from those in his own party
I just watched a great documentary on how he character assassinated and ran out of town republicans he did not agree with / like in his early days.

Two sides of the coin here.
I am a veteran, and have always respected the President’s office, no matter who occupied it. I consider myself a patriot.

My wife and I were in mourning when Bill Clinton was elected. Same with Obama. We were appalled at some of the things he did, including using Executive Orders when he was unable to persuade the opposition to agree with legislative initiatives.

Then, we come to Trump. I do not support him because he does not support the American ideals that we as a country espouse. Heck, he doesn’t even know what they are. He came into office not knowing what the Presidency was about, about American government, about the separation of powers, about legislating. He has found a willing cadre of Republicans who have become Trumpublicans and allow him to do things that go against our ideals.

So, I’ve donated to the Lincoln Project. I look forward to the day when we have a normal person as President.
I support Trump because he has stood up for the American people at a time when too many of our jobs have been exported to China.

China is more than willing to stab us in the back and rob intellectual property.
That’s ridiculous. She thinks a man that she believes has dementia is a better choice for President? That is irresponsible and plain hateful.
It may seem ridiculous to you, but it does demonstrate just what an awful human being Donald Trump is. Needless to say, she is also influenced by the fact that Trump boasts about sexually assaulting women. She’s always said that although she didn’t vote for Obama, and considers him to be a socialist, she’s always liked him as a person. If it makes you feel any better, my friend’s belief is that Biden intends to resign early on in his presidency.
He came into office not knowing what the Presidency was about, about American government, about the separation of powers, about legislating.
I would estimate that anybody with a GCSE* in history would probably understand more about the principles on which the United States was founded and about its system of government than Donald Trump knows.

*General Certificate of Secondary Education, a qualification typically awarded to 15- or 16-year-olds in the UK.
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I would estimate that anybody with a GCSE* in history would probably understand more about the principles on which the United States was founded and about its system of government than Donald Trump knows.
That’s true? Wow!

I don’t know how one can live in the United States for 70 something years and not absorb how the whole thing works. You almost have to be willfully ignorant.
That’s ridiculous. She thinks a man that she believes has dementia is a better choice for President? That is irresponsible and plain hateful.
She thinks that Trump is such a terrible person that a decent man, even if starting to show signs of dementia, is a better choice.
You may find that irresponsible, but it is in no way hateful.
Part of the problem that many Trump supporters don’t understand is that there are people that could agree with every single Trump idea and yet are so appalled as his behavior and personality that they can not bring themselves to vote for him. Many state they are appalled at his behavior yet vote for him because they agree with his policies and can overlook his behavior. Different people have differing lines in the sand for a president of the US. To many people, his behavior is so important, they will vote elsewhere or not vote at all. They shouldn’t be condemned for this. I think they should be applauded!
But, this behavior factor in our presidents is nothing new. We’ve had presidents throughout our history who haven’t been the most stellar, behavior-wise or even personality-wise, but have still served this country well, and we the people are better off from their having been elected.

We need to consider the larger picture. What kind of a COUNTRY do we want? No president is going to be perfect, or even close to it. But if the COUNTRY benefits from that presidency, then nearly everyone in the country also benefits from it.

If a womanizing president is so objectionable, go research Warren G. Harding. His wife, Florence would enter a room through one door in the White House while he was hustling a mistress out through another. She may have caught him, as there is speculation that she might have had something to do with his dying in office. Only speculation.

Look at Bill Clinton, John F. Kennedy, Franklin D. Roosevelt – all were adulterers, some worse than others.

None of this behavior should be condoned, but an entire presidency shouldn’t be condemned just because of that. There are other very important factors to consider when electing – or re-electing – the leader of the free world.
I used to understand why some conservatives were “Never Trump.”
Even though I (reluctantly) voted for him because I thought the alternative(corrupt, Deep- State Hillary)
was worse, I could see why some of my friends and colleagues did not. He has so far surprised me that he has stuck to what he has promised.
Then came Brett Kavanaugh in 2018 and the vicious take down and character assassination of the poor man by any means necessary, by the left- with no due process. It could have been any one of us.(Actually I’ve realized this since Robert Bork, yes I’m that old.)
I began to then realize it wasn’t about Donald Trump, it was about much more.
The Democrats want a one party state.
As far as RINO’s I’ve never liked them.
They are honestly the reason we got Donald Trump.
Most Republicans in power have refused to stand against the radical left.
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Part of the problem that many Trump supporters don’t understand is that there are people that could agree with every single Trump idea and yet are so appalled as his behavior and personality that they can not bring themselves to vote for him
A leader is more than his or her official decisions.
There is 100% no way the moderators would have allowed these types of post about Obama.
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