It does not, however, include a wholesale dismissal of news media
He doesn’t do that. He does call out those Democrat propagandists in the media who falsify the news.
As for the Little Sisters, insurance companies via employers paid for contraceptives for Catholics for decades. It’s a non-issue that’s become a dog whistle.
So the Little Sisters of the Poor and other Catholic charities are “dogs” ? Keep in mind, they took it all the way to the Supreme Court because Obama was forcing them to approve of the insurance companies’ paying for abortion.
Obama is considerably more clever than you give him credit for.
You mean in any way that you want to admit.
Actually, I don’t. But you can tell us how, precisely, Trump has “undermined democracy”.
He might want to raise your taxes, but there is absolutely no indication that he wants to raise them to pay for abortions.
He wants to raise my taxes. He wants the government to pay for abortions. Therefore, he intends to raise my taxes to pay for abortions (among other things, of course)
I find it odd that all the vitriol is directed at Democratic policitians who never aborted a single baby or never performed one
They’re as guilty as the doctors who wield the knife.
. It makes one wonder if this abortion criticism is really just a cover for the real reason for disliking Democrats,
I won’t deny that I also oppose their desire to raise taxes, have open borders, pay for illegals’ healthcare, to start wars, to destroy girls’ sports, to support America’s enemies (like the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran) to weaponize powerful arms of the government to oppress dissent, and other things.
But I dropped out of the Dem party before it supported those things, but supported abortion.
Don’t hide behind a professed desire to punish the women to justify supporting abortion.