Rosalind Moss' New Community -Daughters of Mary, Mother of Israel's Hope

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Maybe that’s why I haven’t heard from them…hmm
I think I will start my own community…no age limit,will wear habit and community prayer,liturgy of the hours , working with those in need
The Lord is calling…women of all ages
You may not get a reply via email. Please follow up with a letter by regular mail if you are seriously interested. This is gleaned from my own experience. 🙂
Starting a religious community is very, very hard. Research what the founders of other communities went through, and a lot of those are saints today. They suffered greatly, like Sts. Jeanne Jugan & Mary Mackillop. You may also want to check out the link below of some Franciscan sisters in KT who fill the requirements you mentioned. God bless your search.
How many times have I and my best friend talked about that? And I even tried a (fraudulent) traditional convent that said they took older vocations several years ago–heartbreaking, just heartbreaking. After three months, lots of money, much loss of material things, I nearly lost my faith, but gained some wisdom and forgiveness.

My friend and I have searched for years and visited several places (traditional) - and now that I am 66, I’ve kind of given up, really.

But good luck to you.
I can relate to what you feel; searching for years, visiting several places, getting hurt, and being in the 60s age range. However, a priest once told me to never give up if I felt called to religious life, and he was speaking from personal experience. You may need to take a little break, especially due to the great heartbreak you suffered with the fraudulent convent. Lean on the wisdom gained and cautiously, albeit slowly, remain open and continue searching. If it is His will He will lead you to a community. As with my own search, He will know to hit me on the head with a 4x6 solid oak beam when I find my such community- and I will give up everything when that happens…, with joy!
God bless!
I have a list of many communities that accept late vocations on my Facebook page “Catholic Consecrated Widows.”

If you are Franciscan (or called to be) you might be interested in what I am proposing where I live in Steubenville, Ohio. I am a 56 yr. old widow (19 yrs) with 3 grown sons and 3 grandchildren. I was recently in religious life for 11 yrs. If you want to talk, email me at: or call me at 740-275-6168. Merry Christmas!

Kathleen, ofs
How many times have I and my best friend talked about that? And I even tried a (fraudulent) traditional convent that said they took older vocations several years ago–heartbreaking, just heartbreaking. After three months, lots of money, much loss of material things, I nearly lost my faith, but gained some wisdom and forgiveness.

My friend and I have searched for years and visited several places (traditional) - and now that I am 66, I’ve kind of given up, really.

But good luck to you.
So sorry about your run in with a fraudulent community
Please don’t give up…WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE
to be honest I didn’t know fake communities existed
but please do not give up . Jesus didn’t…

He died for us …we should live for Him…
I really appreciate all I have seen on here. My freind and I are looking for traditon, that is the Latin, traditional mass, such as the Benedictines of Mary of Ephesus - a group outside Kansas City that is faithful to the magesterium yet has the old Latin mass (diocesan or FSSP) though I am not completely speaking for my friend here. They are all young women but my point is the mass itself. That is important to me. And I can find NOTHING for older women about that. Just now I found a small group of women in Maine, quite old, who at the time of writing were looking for a few more members. No habits and they were REALLY old. Let’s say we find each other somehow in our 50s and 60s, and though we are healthy now, what about 10 years from now when 1 of us has a debilitating stroke, one of us moves into Alzheimers?
I really appreciate all I have seen on here. My freind and I are looking for traditon, that is the Latin, traditional mass, such as the Benedictines of Mary of Ephesus - a group outside Kansas City that is faithful to the magesterium yet has the old Latin mass (diocesan or FSSP) though I am not completely speaking for my friend here. They are all young women but my point is the mass itself. That is important to me. And I can find NOTHING for older women about that. Just now I found a small group of women in Maine, quite old, who at the time of writing were looking for a few more members. No habits and they were REALLY old. Let’s say we find each other somehow in our 50s and 60s, and though we are healthy now, what about 10 years from now when 1 of us has a debilitating stroke, one of us moves into Alzheimers?
Thank you for the ‘specific’ clarification of what you are searching for. The Benedictines of Ephesus will be the closest to your heart. Have you seen their video or heard their Advent CD? Beautiful, just beautiful. I don’t know if they take older vocations but you could write to find out. I read somewhere that Mother Miriam in OK said she loves the Latin and hopes to eventually pray the divine office in Gregorian Chant. After all, she is Benedictine! She prefers the Mass ‘Ad Orientum’ at her convent, having it whenever possible (depending on the celebrant of course). From what I can tell, since her sisters will live in the cities the Mass preference is not set in stone. How could it be if they may have to walk to the nearest church for Mass? I like that about her charism…, bending the willow but not breaking it. I personally think about the older sisters too, and having an infirmary at the convent is ieal. I know some communities are so small that they have to send their invalid sisters to nursing homes. How I pray these new communities won’t have to do that! God bless your search & Happy New Year!
After a brief search I found another thread about “older vocations” which I think I will post on about all this rather than continuing to hijack Rosiland Moss…Israel’s hope…thread.

But I am so glad I finally posted - I have already “met” a couple of women who are just like me!!

So, I’m off to the local Novus Ordo mass, (at least they have one on a Holy Day) just cannot keep driving 50 miles to a trad mass like I was. Blessed new year to you all.
There is an up-to-date newsletter on the website- December, 2012. Eight women are entering in February, 2013 as postulants and 38 women visited last year.
The sisters of Ephesus do not take anyone much older than early 30s adn they have somethign close to a waiting list or something. Speaking of traditional, old mass, the sisters of St Benedit Center,Slaves of Immaculate heart of Mary, have a speical convent (St Ann’s House Still River, MA) apparently for older nuns, probably their lifetime vocations,there at the Center. Anyway, online I found they consider “mature” women and when I wrote MOTher Cecelia wrote back that “66 is older than they can accept…so many sisters are infirm…” I would not have asked if I were even a little “infirm” but there you go. She had to say it somehow I guess. So she did, still i think online they might consider putting up an age limit, like 55 or whatever they consider “mature” and not “infirm”. so you won’t have sillly old women like me writing to them in my shaky, frail hand…
Thank you for the ‘specific’ clarification of what you are searching for. The Benedictines of Ephesus will be the closest to your heart. Have you seen their video or heard their Advent CD? Beautiful, just beautiful. I don’t know if they take older vocations but you could write to find out. I read somewhere that Mother Miriam in OK said she loves the Latin and hopes to eventually pray the divine office in Gregorian Chant. After all, she is Benedictine! She prefers the Mass ‘Ad Orientum’ at her convent, having it whenever possible (depending on the celebrant of course). From what I can tell, since her sisters will live in the cities the Mass preference is not set in stone. How could it be if they may have to walk to the nearest church for Mass? I like that about her charism…, bending the willow but not breaking it. I personally think about the older sisters too, and having an infirmary at the convent is ieal. I know some communities are so small that they have to send their invalid sisters to nursing homes. How I pray these new communities won’t have to do that! God bless your search & Happy New Year!
How many times have I and my best friend talked about that? And I even tried a (fraudulent) traditional convent that said they took older vocations several years ago–heartbreaking, just heartbreaking. After three months, lots of money, much loss of material things, I nearly lost my faith, but gained some wisdom and forgiveness.

My friend and I have searched for years and visited several places (traditional) - and now that I am 66, I’ve kind of given up, really.

But good luck to you.
I didn’t know there were fraudulent convents. Did you visit it? I guess it would be easier to fake just being a nun online but an actual convent you can visit, like a building? Sorry if I’ve not understood you correctly.
May The Lord open her eyes, and bring her back to the truth of Orthodox Christianity! All this Jew can say about Rosalind, and David Moss is that it’s a shamdah! In other words it’s a shame, a shame that they joined roman paganism! Luther was a gift from above, I will not say that he was right in all things, but he at least brought about the much needed reformation. Rosalind, and I have a common tie, and that is Chosen People Ministries, I serve with, and donate to this wonderful organization, I’ve spoken to many of my friends from the ministry about Rosalind, and like me all they can do is hang their heads down in dismay.
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