In other words, what you are getting at it that man is born into this world justified, and in the state of grace. The “desire for the beatific vision” supplies for baptism of desire and as such justifies. That is what you are saying, right? Therefore, man is born part of the mystical body of Christ, which makes him a member of the soul of the Church. Therefore, baptism is merely a ceremony that makes him a member of the body of the Church.The IX Dogma of the Church on Baptism says;
1.Baptism is a true Sacrament instituted by Jesus Christ.
2.The materia remota of the Sacrament of Baptism is true and natural water.
3.Baptism confers the grace of justification.
4.Baptism effects the remission of all punishments of sin, both eternal and temporal.
5.Even if it be unworthily received, valid Baptism imprints on the soul of the recipient an indelible spiritual mark, the Baptismal Character, and for this reason, the Sacrament cannot be repeated.
6.Baptism by water (Baptismus fluminis) is, since the promulgation of the Gospel, necessary for all men without exception for salvation.
7.Baptism can be validly administered by anyone.
8.Baptism can be received by any person in the wayfaring state who is not already baptised.
9.The Baptism of young children is valid and licit.
Though I know this to be true and can never be abrogated it’s my opinion that an unborn soul naturally desires the beatific vision
No offense, but there are numerous errors in your “opinion”. Not to mention it is not what the Church teaches.in line with the letter of the Church teaching and law is possibly more than enough to gain purgatory or a similar place to purify the soul of original sin as it would yet to be plagued by any concupiscence which might constitute a baptism of desire.
There have been alot of men over the years who have rejected what the Church teaches in favor of their opinion. These men, such as Luther, Calvin, and others, left the Church and began to teach their “opinion” to others. They gained some converts and now we have over 30,000 different “opinions” (denominations).
I have said several times that thoughts such as those expressed in this discussion are dangerous because they can lead people to reject what the Church actually teaches. They place so much emphasis in “possibilities”, and “hopes” that, after a while, they begin to form a system of theology around them. Belief always seeks understanding. And when people begin to beliive certain things (such as that aborted babies are saved) they seek to understand how this can be. The purpose of theology is to give understanding to what we believe. That’s what theology is.
Since you believe that aborted babies are saved, you have developed a theology around it, that can explain it. The problem is that this theology is not what the Church teaches, and causes you to explicitly reject what the Church teaches.
I’ll end here with the teaching of the Church as expressed at the council of Florence:
Dogmatic Council of Florence (1438-1445): “…the souls of those who depart in actual mortal sin or in original sin only, descend immediately into hell but to undergo punishments of different kinds.” (Denzinger 693)