Rude comments on Catholic faith

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I think he may have overheard me say that people who have same sex attraction need to be celibate, which started this whole thing. I am only 16 so I guess he thinks that he is entitled to act like that because he is older and considers himself more experienced than me. I just wish I didn’t have to experience this whole situation in the firstplace!
Are you leaving just because of her? I hope you will consider staying if this is the reason.

I hope the situation improves and that this woman stops bullying you and possibly other coworkers.

God Bless.
I don’t know about New Zealand law, but I will still advise you to gather evidence of his wrongdoing. Recordings (if it’s legal to record others in New Zealand), witnesses, etc. Once you have a good amount tell a teacher from another class - one you actually like - about the situation. Ask them to go with you to the principal so you can report the director.
You have all encouraged me. Before I think about taking it into my own hands, I will talk to my parents about reporting him first.

God Bless.
I would love to stay. But I hope that if I leave the choir he will learn a lesson that he cannot mistreat people like that.
And why would you like to teach him a lesson? What does that add in you from a positive constructive perspective?
I ‘ m for the idea of going through this with your parents btw.
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I’ll consult my parents before I make any final decisions. I am just worried about any sort of retaliation from the school or choir.
He’s not going to learn a thing unless enough people leave the choir to the point that it is no longer a functioning choir. He may be delighted that you leave. Don’t give him that satisfaction.
‘I hate the Catholic religion’ and ‘I hate the Mass because it is too long’ etc. are not personal attacks based on your religion. They are expressions of opinion about your religion.

Why should this upset you? People of one religion, especially one with adherents who say that those who do not belong risk (or more) eternal damnation, have no right to expect others not to express an opinion.

You can ask them not to, if you find it disturbing because you don’t need a ‘valid’ reason to be disturbed. Or you can not respond. Or you can give your own opinion in response while avoiding direct argument. Or you can have an argument (or discussion if possible).

Otherwise the solution is to propose a ban on discussion religion at all in the workplace. You would have to go along with this too. Maybe this would extend to you not leaving ashes on on Ash Wednesday and not wearing a crucifix.

As an unbeliever I get religious people telling religious things quite often. Sometimes they don’t even realise they are expressing a religious view, like the HR person who told my team that ‘everything happens for a reason’.

My own view: celebrate the fact you live in a country where religious and non-religious expression is (more-or-less) free.

Almost every day a comment that is just plain mean is made about my faith, and this person says these things not just to express an opinion but to deliberately make me feel uncomfortable.

Am I right to feel so offended?
It is an offense. It is a sad state of affairs!

John 15
18 If the world hate you, know ye that it hath hated me before you. 19 If you had been of the world, the world would love its own: but because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. 20 Remember my word that I said to you: The servant is not greater than his master. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they have kept my word, they will keep yours also. 21 But all these things they will do to you for my name’s sake: because they know not him that sent me. 22 If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have sin: but now they have no excuse for their sin. 23 He that hateth me hateth my Father also. 24 If I had not done among them the works that no other man hath done, they would not have sin: but now they have both seen and hated both me and my Father. 25 But that the word may be fulfilled which is written in their law: they hated me without cause.
If you left he’s more likely to learn the wrong lesson, to think he “won” and that he can treat people badly with impunity.
OP, why are you having discussions about religion at work? Next time the subject comes up, walk away. You aren’t obligated to engage in chit chat with your co workers. Have you told this co-worker you don’t want to talk about religion and it makes you uncomfortable? If so, and this continues, report it to your supervisor and to HR.
If your parents bring this up to the administration of the school, he should be reprimanded, or at least told to knock it off. If he retaliates by saying or doing anything after that to you, report him again. Some people will only stop when they are finally challenged. Too many people do nothing and that it why offenders are able to continue.
I’ll consult my parents before I make any final decisions. I am just worried about any sort of retaliation from the school or choir.
My advice is to report his butt. You shouldn’t be mocked because of your faith, and should demand the same respect he’d give to any other student. He can disagree with you, and ask you not to discuss matters of faith, but mocking and insulting is something different. As far as retaliation, document everything; discussions, phone calls, emails, etc. If it seems like you’re being singled out after reporting, take your documentation to the next level up the chain.
OP, why are you having discussions about religion at work? Next time the subject comes up, walk away. You aren’t obligated to engage in chit chat with your co workers. Have you told this co-worker you don’t want to talk about religion and it makes you uncomfortable? If so, and this continues, report it to your supervisor and to HR.
I respectfully disagree. Walking away instead of politely confronting the individual and asking them to stop is giving them a blank check to continue insults and mockery.
A big scene is exactly what this person wants. If you tell him off in public to his face, you are going to get exactly what he wants.

Never mud wrestle with a pig. All you get is filthy–and the pig loves it!
A big scene is exactly what this person wants. If you tell him off in public to his face, you are going to get exactly what he wants.
I agree you shouldn’t make a big scene. I was trying to encourage standing up for oneself and for the true religion. 👍
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