Rude comments on Catholic faith

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For those of you inquiring, it is in the US and the person is a different christian denomination.
Given the context, it sounds like you could get away with first correcting the person, “Would you please refrain from insulting my faith? It makes me feel uncomfortable and is very in appropriate to say in the workplace.”

Unless this person is psychologically unstable or prone to bullying and intimidation, this alone should put a stop to it. When the more charitable option is possible - in this case, talking directly to the co-worker before going over his/her head - it’s best to start there.
If you are in the US, your coworker is breaking the law.

Speak to your supervisor and HR, let them know that your co-worker is creating a hostile work environment.

Religion is not a topic for work. Talk about work at work.
Mass isn’t boring. It’s beautiful. I find it goes too quickly. But they do say time flies when you’re having fun.
. . . . All joking aside, pray for this person. 🙏 🙏 🙏
Remember that one of the first big persecutors of the Church, Saul of Tarsus, eventually came to see the light on his journey to Damascus. He went on to become St. Paul. Hallelujah!
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Don’t forget that our reward for being persecuted will be great in heaven. 😀

God loves us who are persecuted with a special love.
I have a feeling the Lord never meant verbal abuse to be considered ( persecution ) if I’m being honest.

Remember God loves every body , not just those who put faith in him.
I have a feeling the Lord never meant verbal abuse to be considered ( persecution ) if I’m being honest.
Your feeling is incorrect.

Luke 6:22 :
“Blessed are you when people hate you, and when they exclude and insult you, and denounce your name as evil on account of the Son of Man.”
Which makes total sense. Words hurt; verbal abuse can do just as much damage as a punch, or even more.
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As Jesus said , turn the other cheek.

Saul caused the early Church so much pain but Jesus never turned against Saul in fact he made him a disciple.

Many say St Paul is one of the greatest Saint’s to have lived ?

So my point is try not to object against those who choose to ridicule ones Faith. Instead forgive them and over come this world.
Welcome, but sorry to hear this. Sadly, this is all too common. However, turn that sense of offense into constant prayer for them. Treat them like a million dollars and sic the Holy Spirit on them.

As well, bearing wrongs with patience is a spiritual work of mercy. They are not in a good spiritual position, and the Lord would hate to see their souls lost - as we should, too. I recall that such persons are not a finished product and that their hearts are just as capable of change as ours are.

If you can manage it, just smile and offer a silent prayer for them at such times - difficult as that may be at first. But, you will see results.
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Bullying is never acceptable.

First, report this to HR and give them a chance to do their job. You might find that’s all it will take to put an end to the bullying.

If HR refuses to take this seriously and put a stop to it, it will look very much like THEY are also biased against your faith, and that would be cause for filing a discrimination complaint based on religion. Hopefully, HR will take the matter seriously and resolve it, but if they won’t, and the bullying continues or the bullies retaliate against you for reporting their behavior to HR, the next step should be to consult a labor attorney. A letter from a lawyer may have enough clout to take care of the situation, once and for all. These people are creating a hostile work environment, and that is against the law.
I would pull the person aside and have a few words with them. It doesn’t have to be aggressive. Just say “Look, I want to remind you that I am Catholic. Your remarks regarding the Catholic faith are harrassing to me. I have to ask you to please stop with that. If not, I will have to address the issue with our H/R Department.”

This may be all you have to do. Of course, if it continues after that then I would go immediately to the harrasser’s boss and report the issue. If no resolution, then head to H/R.

It is hard to believe in this day and age that some people are so dense that they don’t realize a) their behavior is harrassing, and b) it isn’t allowed in the workplace. However, it is true. Some people just need a little education. Nip it in the bud, though. Don’t let it continue.
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No, your point was that hurtful words were not “persecution”.
When I posted the Scripture reference showing otherwise, you started talking about a totally different issue.
Why don’t you use facts to rebut against this person? Mention heresy and the Protestant Reformation.
The problem in apologetics with hard core Protestants; mentioning heresy and the Reformation just fuels them. With the hard core and the haters; I think debating them is a waste of time. Unless your apologetics is aimed at others looking in on the conversation.

With these two haters mentioned in this thread; if I were these two unfortunate Catholics; I’d just walk away, love and forgive and report them to the authorities.
The problem in apologetics with hard core Protestants; mentioning heresy and the Reformation just fuels them. With the hard core and the haters; I think debating them is a waste of time. Unless your apologetics is aimed at others looking in on the conversation.

With these two haters mentioned in this thread; if I were these two unfortunate Catholics; I’d just walk away, love and forgive and report them to the authorities.
Yeah, probably the best thing to do. . . . Some Protestants can be . . . annoying. A girl at school constantly belittles me about how I’m not a Christian because I’m a Catholic…like dude we’re the first church…
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