What are the similarities and differences
between Salvation in the Old Testament
and Salvation in the New Testament?
between Salvation in the Old Testament
and Salvation in the New Testament?
As Jesus had not redeemed the world yet in the OT I don’t think the souls of the righteous in the OT entered heaven as we knew it just yet- they were in a good place though. Scripture mentions “Abraham’s bosom”…What are the similarities and differences
between Salvation in the Old Testament
and Salvation in the New Testament?
That’s right. I think this is the place referred to by the bosom of AbrahamThe Old Testament saints were kept in the underworld known as “Sheol”. Christ, when He died, entered Sheol and brought them to heaven.
Just an aside, talking about Jewish peopleFrom the perspective of Judaism and the Hebrew Scriptures, salvation is meant in terms of salvation of the Jewish people from their enemies due to G-d’s protection. It is not meant as personal salvation in heaven. Not that the Hebrews or present-day Jews do not believe in the spiritual salvation of the individual’s soul, but it was not and is not focused on in Judaism. The Law (Torah) is meant as a guiding light that teaches how to live a moral and meaningful live on Earth according to one’s interpretation of the will of G-d; it was not and is not presently meant as a way to achieve personal salvation. The concept of salvation, according to Christian teaching, is not part of Jewish theology.