Salvation outside Catholicism

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I am with you OP!

I am a cradle Catholic and wish that I wasn’t. Catholicism is not the church I would have chosen for myself at all. Had I been given the choice I would have went Lutheran or like yourself Episcopalian.
seems you’ve freely made your choice.
I wish that were true.

Once Catholic, always Catholic according to the church.
I wish that were true.

Once Catholic, always Catholic according to the church.
According to the Church,

One is either fully incorporated into the Church or they aren’t. I posted this previously on the thread HERE
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I am a formal kinda person. So, that is why I said I wish that were true.
I am a formal kinda person. So, that is why I said I wish that were true.
Here’s IMV, the perfect example of defection. HERE Note:v 66 as in Jn 666

Seems intellectually and faithfully , you’ve already defected.

May I suggest, it also looks like you have not been properly catechized in the faith… so this is a great place to ask questions and challenge your feelings and knowledge of things.
The second Vatican council stated on their decree on ecumenism:
“…though we believe them[non-Catholic Christian churches] to be deficient in some respects, [they] have been by no means deprived of significance and importance in the mystery of salvation. For the Spirit of Christ has not refrained from using them as means of salvation which derive their efficacy from the very fullness of grace and truth entrusted to the Church.”- UNITATIS REDINTEGRATIO chapter 1 section 3 verse 23
It’s like being married and not having joyful relations together.
The Church offers the fullness of salvation, not a checklist of requirements. And having salvation means, at some point in heaven, attaining the fullness of it. Not just scraping by with elements of it.
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With that being said, why are some Catholics so insistent that Protestants, or non Catholic Christians, convert?
Because there is no salvation outside the Catholic church and the Church is about saving souls.

The quote in the OP from Unitatis Redintegration was only part of the decree: here is the statement that comes after:

Nevertheless, our separated brethren, whether considered as individuals or as Communities and Churches, are not blessed with that unity which Jesus Christ wished to bestow on all those who through Him were born again into one body, and with Him quickened to newness of life - that unity which the Holy Scriptures and the ancient Tradition of the Church proclaim. For it is only through Christ’s Catholic Church, which is “the all-embracing means of salvation,” that they can benefit fully from the means of salvation. We believe that *Our Lord entrusted all the blessings of the New Covenant to the apostolic college alone, of which Peter is the head
Once Catholic, always Catholic according to the church.
Yes, one who leaves the Church is just a fallen away Catholic but God is always calling us back home.
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Yes, one who leaves the Church is just a fallen away Catholic but God is always calling us back home.
The Catholic church has never been my home even as a cradle Catholic nor will it ever be my home.

Too much I disagree with and will never accept as the truth as the Catholic church teaches it.
As I said, I am a formal kinda guy. Since there is no formal way to defect, I am stuck as a Catholic.
Catholic church has never been my home even as a cradle Catholic nor will it ever be my home.

Too much I disagree with and will never accept as the truth as the Catholic church teaches it.
In all charity, I said that once also. When you come to know and truly understand that the Catholic church is the Church of Jesus, you want nothing more than to be there.
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That was true for you. It doesn’t mean it will be the same for me.
That was true for you. It doesn’t mean it will be the same for me.
You are correct. As I said though, God is always calling us and watching for our return as a loving Father.
If you seek the truth with all your heart you will find it.
If you seek the truth with all your heart you will find it.
I understand that you believe that whole truth and your home and for you it is, I truly do, but I have done that, and it solidifies my resolve even more that the Catholic church isn’t my home.

To each their own though. I believe that each of the Christian churches make up the whole true Church together. That they all bring their part of the truth to the table and that none hold the whole truth at once.
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As I said, I am a formal kinda person and there is no longer a formal way to defect from the Catholic church.

I have no inclination to ask my questions on here in regards to my feelings and knowledge of things. I simply disagree with the church on many things, and no amount of Catholic apologetics would change my mind.

As I showed HERE,. Jesus honored even His own “disciples” choice to defect. He didn’t go after them. He didn’t try to dissuade them, He let them go.
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I believe that each of the Christian churches make up the whole true Church together.
You might consider reading what all the different denominations believe. Not all would agree with that and many don’t believe the others are really Christian.
Most hold to different truths about Christianity.
Such as what baptism is. Whether it is a symbol or does it cleanse us of sin. They have different beliefs about salvation, sin, communion, . …on and on.
They cant all be right because there can only be one truth and Jesus promised the Holy Spirit would lead us to it.
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