Steve - from what I can tell, that section of the Catechism is taken almost directly from “Gaudium Et Spes” (“GS”),
[snip for space]
the more persons and groups turn aside from blind choice and strive to be guided by the objective norms of morality. Conscience frequently errs from invincible ignorance without losing its dignity. The same cannot be said for a man who cares but little for truth and goodness, or for a conscience which by degrees grows practically sightless as a result of habitual sin.”
This is part of the close:
“Our hearts embrace also those brothers and communities not yet living with us in full communion; to them we are linked nonetheless by our profession of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and by the bond of charity. We do not forget that the unity of Christians is today awaited and desired by many, too, who do not believe in Christ; for the farther it advances toward truth and love under the powerful impulse of the Holy Spirit, the more this unity will be a harbinger of unity and peace for the world at large.”
Are baptized, professing non-Catholics the object of 1791? The way I read it (especially with the discussion of atheism which follows), there are bigger fish to fry, no?
Don’t over read into that.
Re: ignorance, and this is for everyone
Invincible ignorance = no matter the effort one takes to understand the subject, they can’t understand the subject. Let’s face it, some subjects are going to be stumpers
It therefore, automatically suggests good efforts to understand has been made by the individual without success.
So I have to ask, given that
What is sooooooo invincibly tough, about understanding simple history, scriptural and Tradition, of the Church, to understand who started the Church and when it was started, and the consequences mentioned in scripture and Tradition for ignoring or disobeying what is taught there.?
unintentional ignorance = simply not having, or can’t get , the information to begin with. One therefore, is innocent of that ignorance… until of course, when/if the information is made available… right?
That said,
An example, true story.
while buying groceries one day, I noticed a young lady and young man about mid 20’s not able to find what they were looking for. So I offered to help, and was immediately spoken to by another woman who was off to the side, and told me that these 2 individuals were her students. I noticed They were completely unable to understand simple directions to find the isle for jam even when told the exact isle to go down.
So I asked the teacher, are their IQ’s 50 or below? She said yes.
Those 2 put massive effort into their task and couldn’t accomplish that simple task of finding the jam. So Parents of children like this need to know their children aren’t responsible like everyone else who are without that deficit of intellect.
So in this example, their ignorance is invincible.