Same Anti Catholic User in many YouTube videos

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He says the church fathers are falliable while the Bible is infalliable. He said, the RCC made many forgeries of the church fathers. He keeps calling Catholics church Roman Catholic Church, even though the term was made in 1800. But he keeps saying that’s wrong and I forgot his explanation. He doesn’t know about Eastern Catholic Churches at all, only Rome and the Eastern Orthodox. He says the Ignatius letters are all forgeries.
So, what are his sources? Why trust him? He spouts dreck that is used by classic anti-Catholic bigots, but has been clearly disproved. There’s no need to trust some random guy in the YouTube comments.
he says RCC is made in 313 by Constantine.
Then he needs to explain the gap between 313 AD and him. Why would God pray that the Church be united in doctrine (John 17:1-26), and will that all people be able to come to the truth and be saved, (1 Tim 2:3-4), and then… just… let the truth disappear for 1,200+ years?

Besides being unbiblical, the “Constantine shift”/“dark ages” theory, which claims that the fall of the Western Roman Empire made everyone illiterate and unable to read the Bible and realize that the Catholic Church was 98% wrong or whatever, completely ignores the Eastern Roman Empire or Byzantine Empire, which had a golden age at the same time Rome was falling. This caused them to switch back to Greek from Latin. Greek is, of course, the original language of the New Testament and of the ancient Septuagint translation of the Old Testament which is the one actually used by Jesus in the Gospels. Now, what’s even more intretesting is that in 1005 AD, roughly 500 years before the Protestant Reformation, the Orthodox Churches of the Byzantine Empire broke from the Papacy. Now if they were that opposed to the Papacy, 98% of Catholicism was false, and all these guys could read the authoritative Bible—why did they keep all of that 98% except the Papacy?

Here in this thread, several Protestants have attempted to explain the gap and have failed: How do protestants explain the time between Christ and the reformation? - #968 by Isearch
No Protestant can answer that question.
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That person is consumed with bigotry, hate and bitterness. Best to stop following what he says, you have been spending so much time reading his poison that it has infected you with doubt. If you want to learn the truth about Catholicism stick to reading the early church fathers and books by respected catholic scholars.
The Bible is not self-interpreting so question is, whose interpretation of the Bible is infallible?

By the way why do you think those apologists lost? They failed to convince him?

He is there not to be convinced and I think no matter how the good the opposing argument he will choose to remain anti-Catholic.

You’re better off ignoring him.
the Bible
ask him to prove to you what books should be in the Bible. He won’t be able to without the authority of the church because there is no table of contents, there is no criteria listed in the Bible to tell us what is and what isn’t sacred scripture and because the bible tells us that the Church is the pillar and bulwark of the truth.

without the authority of the church you don’t have sacred scripture. And he has no authority at all according to scripture.
he doesn’t care about church fathers, he says they’re falliable and the Bible is infalliable. I just give a million pieces of info, then he just replies to me and gives me info and he says 95% of RCC doctrines are not in bible, he says RCC is made in 313 by Constantine. He says most church fathers are forgeries look it up.
Is that really all this guy says? Everything the Catholic church teaches in the Bible. I highly recommend reading Scott Hahn’s books, I read them and they really helped me understand the faith. A few years ago, I was thinking of becoming Catholic. I had many doubts but deciding to become Catholic was the best thing I ever did. Don’t let yourself be influenced by this guy. The founders of all of the Protestant denominations think they are infallible with the way the interpret the Scriptures.
  1. Watch the vids, DO NOT listen to the trolls and sea lions. Who are they anyway, and where do they get their authority? For all we know, the man could be locked up in a prison for the criminally insane. You are allowing yourself to be distracted - one of the devil’s tricks.
  2. The poor soul is woefully, voluntarily ignorant. He condemns doctrines that he cannot see in the scriptures, all the while proclaiming two of the worst errors in all of Christianity: the man-made doctrine of bible alone and that we must believe only that which is written, IOW there is no truth outside of what was written. Jesus taught neither of these.
  3. We know what he hates. What does he love? Christians are known by their love.
  4. If you must, you can argue against intellect, but you cannot argue against the ego
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one of the devil’s tricks.
Good point. Who stands to gain from stealing sheep out of the Catholic Church, with all its philosophical and rational proofs for the existence of God, and shoving into some Protestant Bible-only church with no proofs for God whatsoever, as the tide of atheism and secularism rises?

satan (with a small s).
Asaph Vapor? I beat him in an apologetic debate before on Youtube (or, at least, got to the point where he stopped responding to me).

I agree with most of the people here that we should pray for him, and other anti-Catholics who make it a habit to troll on Catholic videos. I have known worse anti-Catholic users.

Remember - even if certain things aren’t in the Bible, doesn’t mean they’re not true. Sola Scriptura has been proven time and time again to be faulty reasoning. We have the fullness of truth in our Church.
No one can beat him in a apologetic debate. I saw like over 20 different Catholic users all debating him, but it looks like they either lost or given up.
Having engaged with people like this, they probably gave up out of boredom and frustration. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen that guy before, and he, like many others, just ignore point that are made and keep repeating themselves until the “win” via attrition. They don’t actually win, they just make it so frustrating to debate them that people give up. Then, they count it as a win instead of recognizing it as an childish “victory”.

Pray for people like him, they are just the worst kind of ignorant. It’s a self inflicted ignorance that is truly demonic in nature.
If he really wants to defend Sola Scriptura send him to my neck of the woods here: The Sola Scriptura Contradiction

I’d have no issue systematically dismantling his defense of the Bible only position. And I don’t use the Church Fathers to do so. 😉
I really want to be Catholic.
Dear, you’ve put in so much to research and that’s impressive! You’ve given yourself your answer. Being Catholic isn’t about debating with others and trying to prove who is right or wrong, but rather it’s about YOUR faith with God. It’s okay to question things in the Catholic faith, my parish actually encourages it. I’m a recent from convert and I got all the questions and comments from friends and family while in RCIA. Mind you I’m not good at apologetics, but after I tried and gave my knowledge and if I got snarky comments, I would smile at them and say ‘that’s okay I respect your opinion but God is calling me to Catholicism’ and walk away. My point is that you can’t change everyone’s mind and as long as you have your faith that’s all that matters in the end.

I do agree that people who constantly comment online who are anti-catholic often have walked away from the church themselves or have learned it from others. Please don’t let him/her influence your decision because we can’t please everyone. The devil is trying his best to convince you otherwise and often times these people don’t have a true understanding of the beauty of the Catholic faith and these people often don’t have much else to do to occupy their time. As true Catholics, we still love the sinner (we all are) and we should pray for these people. So if you want to be Catholic in your heart, listen to that. Please feel free to message me.
I also must add that Catholic Answers’ official site has more information to rebut these common objections Asaph brings up than he likely thinks, so I suggest look at his claims carefully, then search it on Catholic Answers. You won’t be disappointed! I sure wasn’t. Or you could call in on their Open Forums. (wow I sound like I’m advertising CA lol).
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Wow, he just said most church father documents are forgeries. He also said most Catholic Doctrines are not In the Bible. He said Jesus don’t quote from 7 books of the apocrypha.

He said, “wonder why Catholics love to use fallible writings as doctrines.

O ya, bcos RCC doctrines can’t be proven from the BIBLE.
That’s why!!

Tsk tsk…”

That’s just annoying other Catholics across YouTube. Well, apparently there’s one Catholic successfully defending against him, he Justs Repetitious and annoying.
That’s just annoying other Catholics across YouTube. Well, apparently there’s one Catholic successfully defending against him, he Justs Repetitious and annoying.
Bullies are all alike. Don’t let him press your buttons or get a rise. You’re in the right place if you have any questions about what he’s saying.
Wow, he just said most church father documents are forgeries. He also said most Catholic Doctrines are not In the Bible. He said Jesus don’t quote from 7 books of the apocrypha.

He said, “wonder why Catholics love to use fallible writings as doctrines.

O ya, bcos RCC doctrines can’t be proven from the BIBLE.
That’s why!!

Tsk tsk…”

That’s just annoying other Catholics across YouTube. Well, apparently there’s one Catholic successfully defending against him, he Justs Repetitious and annoying.
He doesn’t sound like he’s interested in intelligent discussion just trolling and riling people up.

Which is against YouTube’s terms of use if you’re inclined to use the Report button. Flag away. 🙂
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He uses this same website.

That’s basically his church website. He has a united congregation. It’s across many lands. They agree with Protestants and themselves. They don’t think they’re Protestants. They say Protestants are good, but why? They did some bad stuff too. You can easily see that.

30 years war

9 years war

French war of religion

German peasants war

And many others.
That’s a very old website. I remember looking at it when I was trying to figure out if God was calling me to be a Catholic. Something about it just creeped me out. It looks like it hasn’t changed very much over the past 12 or so years… lots of 1990s/early 2000s animated GIFs with a very Microsoft FrontPage vibe.

But in all seriousness… it looks like my old instinct was right. These folks deny the existence of nervous and psychological disorders and say that their “church” is the cure for them. They have a whole page dedicated to convincing people to stop visiting their psychiatrists, psychologists, licensed professional counselors and the like and promising that if you join their church and do what they say, your anxiety/personality disorders, schizophrenia, etc. will supposedly be cured. Needless to say, that is a BIG RED FLAG that screams brainwashing, manipulation, and spiritual abuse.

I’m not going to link to that garbage. Just add “/psychiatry” to the above address if you really want to see it. Seeing as the website is based in Canada, and the healthcare system there is nationalized, I’m surprised the owner hasn’t been prosecuted yet for unauthorized practice. (It’s probably because his denomination is a lot less popular than he represents it to be…)
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