Say "No" to TV

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We started an experiment with our 6 & 3 year olds. They were acting disrespectfully, temper tantrums general snottiness… anyway, we cut them off from TV as a punishment. Talk back to mom or dad and lose any TV for the morning/afternoon. They went from Sat. to Thurs. afternoon (today) with no TV and their behavior has been much improved! They are watching now (only 30 min. a day). So we’re thinking we’ll limit TV all the time. We’re both amazed at how different their behavior was in such a short time. Has anyone else tried this?
wisdom 3:5:
We started an experiment with our 6 & 3 year olds. They were acting disrespectfully, temper tantrums general snottiness… anyway, we cut them off from TV as a punishment. Talk back to mom or dad and lose any TV for the morning/afternoon. They went from Sat. to Thurs. afternoon (today) with no TV and their behavior has been much improved! They are watching now (only 30 min. a day). So we’re thinking we’ll limit TV all the time. We’re both amazed at how different their behavior was in such a short time. Has anyone else tried this?
What do you think changed their behavior, taking away the TV or the fact that maybe more time was spent with them when they were not allowed to watch TV. I don’t think for a 6 & 3 year old TV made them have temper tantrums and ack disrespectfully. Maybe they were acting that way was because that was the baby-sitter and you weren’t spending enough quality time with them. We all spend time with our kids, but how much of that time is devoted to just the kids. My kids are 7 & 4, just about your kids age and they watch a lot of TV but it is more educational things. TV is not bad for kids or anyone, its what you watch that is harmfull.

I’m not saying that you guys are bad parents, we just have to make sure that the time we spend with our kids are for their benefit. 👍
On my way:
What do you think changed their behavior, taking away the TV or the fact that maybe more time was spent with them when they were not allowed to watch TV. I don’t think for a 6 & 3 year old TV made them have temper tantrums and ack disrespectfully. Maybe they were acting that way was because that was the baby-sitter and you weren’t spending enough quality time with them. We all spend time with our kids, but how much of that time is devoted to just the kids. My kids are 7 & 4, just about your kids age and they watch a lot of TV but it is more educational things. TV is not bad for kids or anyone, its what you watch that is harmfull.

I’m not saying that you guys are bad parents, we just have to make sure that the time we spend with our kids are for their benefit. 👍
The time that they would have watched TV was actually spent playing with the neighbor kids next door. My “quality time” with them hadn’t increased or decreased really. Personally, I think it has to do with brain activity. When watching TV they don’t think, they just absorb. There is also no physical outlet. With playing by themselves or other kids they have to use their imagination. They also have to work on people skills actually dealing with other kids in give and take situations.

They only watched Sesame street, cyberchase and those kind of shows anyway. I don’t have a problem with a little TV, I just think my kids were watching too much (during the summer). When we cut it out we saw a change in their behavior.
Has anyone thought about saying No to TV in 2006?
If so try this:
EWTN on the Internet
That’s great! Up until my cable company started carrying EWTN (last week or so–thanks be to God!), that’s what we did.

However, one can’t gather the family comfortably around the computer for Life on the Rock or the World Over or Sunday Night Live w/ Fr. Benedict, etc. EWTN was an individual experience for the one whose turn at the computer desk it happened to be. Now, we can watch those shows together as a family, and my computer illiterate, wheel-chair bound mother can tune in to daily Mass every morning and watch her favorite shows without getting DH, DD or me to set up the computer for her.

Before EWTN on cable, we used the TV only for the Weather Channel, local news, and old movies. Now it’s on pretty much continually as I do housework, cook, whatever, to catch up on whatever edifying special speaker or devotion they offer. It’s been a blessing. (The EWTN radio station in this area doesn’t come in very well, so it’s a blessing to get these things without all the static).

TV has its place and, in some instances, is preferable to the computer. I would throw neither out, but rather, regulate their use.
Since I moved over a year ago, I did not install cable at home. I have broadband internet and that suits me fine. All news I get mostly through it. Local news are ok but not adequate for my test. I am pondering to get cable just because one thing - World Cup 2006. So I will probably get it for a month and then cancel the subscription (hopefully Time Warner has a good promotion). As far as movies, I like buying entire seasons on DVDs - that saves me going though endless comercial breaks.

My wife on the other hand is really addicted to TV. She basically turns on the silver box the second she comes back home from work. I have lots of work ahead of me to break that addiction
I see no reason to say ‘no’ to tv. My family and I enjoy it…
I do not watch some programs and find plenty of shows to watch.

Its all in proportion… 🙂
When our contract expires in August, we are planning on not renewing it. I am going to miss EWTN so, so, so, so much! I know you can get it online (and that is what I did up until we switched TV service about 5 months ago), but it’s not the same. We are definitely weaning from TV, a conscious choice, by not watching anything other than EWTN and my Spanish show.

What I like about TV:
  1. I can eat lunch in front of it when my husband is at work and still be entertained and not feel like I am ignoring my son like I feel when I read during lunch (obviously I can’t read aloud and eat at the same time!).
  2. I can put my son in front of the televised Daily Mass at 8:00 am while I try to get ready to go to the real thing, and he is happy to watch while I get done on time.
  3. I have learned so much from the programs on EWTN, and I don’t feel so deprived when I have to leave the real Daily Mass to take my son to the lobby when he’s being disruptive during the readings or homily because there is always a wonderful homily on EWTN several times a day.
  4. I have kept up with my Spanish skills now that I no longer come into contact with real, live Spanish-speakers 🙂
  5. We enjoy watching America’s Funniest Home Videos on Sunday night when we get back home from visiting my parents (after a usually-stressful drive on interstates and tiny back roads in the dark with a crying one-year-old, we need something light-hearted)!!
But, having said that, we think that we will sacrifice and do away with TV service. I wish there was a way to just pay for the stations you wanted. I would choose EWTN and be done with it 🙂
How come when someone does something drastic (like chucking a tv) and just cause it happens to work for them, they then try and impose, suggest, hint, etc that others should do the same and it will work for them as well? It cracks me up cause I KNOW if the internet didnt exist, the numbers of chucked tvs would vastly dwindle.

To think that Tv is evil and internet doesnt pose the same dangers and much more so which it does… is crazy.
They’re just suggesting because they would like to share the ‘joy’ which they’ve gotten, but they’re not imposing in any way.

True, the internet can be bad too, even CAF sometimes. But I remember, before there was the internet (or before we had it anyway), playing single player games on the computer by myself was even more fun than playing or chatting on the internet is these days… and also there was no one to get mad at you or start talking trash and etc., and no danger of seeing anything bad (unless it was part of the game I was playing).

We don’t have cable at home (my parents don’t want it) and I don’t watch much TV anyway because I just don’t enjoy it that much. But no one in our family has actually ‘given it up’ - we actually enjoy the odd movie or the odd series that attracts our attention.
How come when someone does something drastic (like chucking a tv) and just cause it happens to work for them, they then try and impose, suggest, hint, etc that others should do the same and it will work for them as well? It cracks me up cause I KNOW if the internet didnt exist, the numbers of chucked tvs would vastly dwindle.

To think that Tv is evil and internet doesnt pose the same dangers and much more so which it does… is crazy.
:hmmm: I’m trying to understand what drives people to give up tv totally…I don’t feel as though they are imposing on me…but I still haven’t figured out why they do it…I guess it works for them but perhaps the temptation to watch programs that are not wholesome is too much for them… :confused:
I don’t watch certain programs but enjoy others…so I’ll be for sure keeping my tv…
OK so we don’t have TV any more!.. So now genius…who is going to be your friend?..Who will be there through thick and thin?..Yeah some can depend on family or friends…others can’t… but we ALL know that our bright eyed brother will be with us no matter what…you know it is true ,TV will never abandon you no matter what…I LOVE MY TV FRIEND!!!
Aimee, I think that some people do it for their own souls, but many do away with TV to protect their kids from the trash. Many kids will look at shows that they’re not supposed to if they get the opportunity, just out of curiosity.

Money is also a factor. I’m paying $40 a month and not really watching it that much. I would rather join Netflix or Blockbuster Online for $15 a month and get all the movies (and only the movies) that I want to see. I can think of many better ways for me personally to spend $40 a month. Now, if it were much cheaper, I would be more inclined to keep it just for the two channels that I watch 😛
Aimee, I think that some people do it for their own souls, but many do away with TV to protect their kids from the trash. Many kids will look at shows that they’re not supposed to if they get the opportunity, just out of curiosity.

Money is also a factor. I’m paying $40 a month and not really watching it that much. I would rather join Netflix or Blockbuster Online for $15 a month and get all the movies (and only the movies) that I want to see. I can think of many better ways for me personally to spend $40 a month. Now, if it were much cheaper, I would be more inclined to keep it just for the two channels that I watch 😛
That extra $40 could go for:

Your Parish
Catholic Answers
Utilities and/or gasoline
Clothing for the kids

…on and on and on…
Aimee, I think that some people do it for their own souls, but many do away with TV to protect their kids from the trash. Many kids will look at shows that they’re not supposed to if they get the opportunity, just out of curiosity.

Money is also a factor. I’m paying $40 a month and not really watching it that much. I would rather join Netflix or Blockbuster Online for $15 a month and get all the movies (and only the movies) that I want to see. I can think of many better ways for me personally to spend $40 a month. Now, if it were much cheaper, I would be more inclined to keep it just for the two channels that I watch 😛
Well thats if you have cable…I suppose…40. a month?

I have cable but don’t take the movie channels…I have sports, EWTN,and the reg channels…news…Its something we enjoy…

Still…go figure… whatever works :confused:
:confused: Hmmmm… let me clarify… I spend $40 a month for basic satellite service. The cable here costs $45 or so for basic service withOUT EWTN, so that’s why we switched from cable to satellite when we moved a few months ago. I’m sorry if I came across as saying that I didn’t have a clue what I could use that money for 🙂 I said “I **can ** think of many better ways for me personally to spend $40 a month.” But we ended up in a one-year contract that will cost us $12.50 a month to break (totalling $100) , and that seems like an even worse deal right now. So we’ll just have to suck it in and enjoy our two little channels for a few more months :rolleyes:

Also, we’re already tithing over 10% of our income in the 5%-4%-1% breakdown, so at least we’re not neglecting this responsibility.

Aimee, we belong to the same Archdiocese! I’m from St. Pius X, and you?
**When in grade school and high school, I’d give up television for Lent. Didn’t miss it then and definitely don’t miss it now. If I can’t see what I like in DVD, then I don’t need to watch it.

I got tired of “Must See TV” mindedness, and scheduling around TV shows and having nothing to talk with others with except TV shows.

I watch more public television, and if I had cable, I’d stick more to the history and cooking channels. I am considering TIVO so I can see what I want at my own leisure and skip the commercials. I’m thinking more of sports and the Olympics coming up 👍 **
Throwing out a tv is for me a form of secular blasphemy.

Now folks who cancel cable is one thing. Escalating prices and the content stinks. I hate sports and I aint spanish and I aint an evangelical or fundamentalist… and I shouldnt be subjected to content I dont want. On top of that, its edited and censored…and ya still get socked with commercials. I am also against paying for cable and someone decides if I should or shouldnt see nudity or hear swear words.

Theres talk of picking ones channels on the horizon. I hope it works out.
Mike Dye:
OK so we don’t have TV any more!.. So now genius…who is going to be your friend?..Who will be there through thick and thin?..Yeah some can depend on family or friends…others can’t… but we ALL know that our bright eyed brother will be with us no matter what…you know it is true ,TV will never abandon you no matter what…I LOVE MY TV FRIEND!!!
I have just reread my post and found that it ended up sounding not at all as I intended it. It was supposed to come across as a toung in cheek comment, but came across as kind of harsh. I didn’t mean it to sound like that! Sorry.
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