Yes, interesting observations, I may add a couple. I suppose your explanation of gravity isn’t incorrect, but I’m not sure if he would describe it the same way under general relativity, but it makes sense using that analogy.I had been thinking of starting a new thread on a similar topic, but here it is…
My pondering started from JPII theology of the body (translated from Popese by Christopher West, thank you very much) and a friend of mine who had been considering opening a Catholic University that was also technically oriented. So, I began to wonder about applying this teaching. So, to marry the two ideas together: Theology of the body teaches us that God reveals himself through our own bodies and our sexuality. On a corrallary (sp?) God has been setting us up for Jesus throughout the whole OT. So, since God really wants us to “GET” what he is about, wouldn’t it make sense that physics could be pointing us to greater knowledge of God/his spiritual truth. This is not very rigorous, but let’s look at a couple of physical laws:
Law of Gravity: Eistein’s theory was that smaller masses tend to be drawn to larger masses (simplistic, but I believe it gets the point across). So, to take the spiritual side of this, our smaller spiritual beings are drawn to a much larger spiritual being, GOD! Where we get into trouble, I theorize is when we find local minimum/maximums, such as our own gods (money, goods, Greek gods, etc) which we fool ourselves into believing are more than they really are, or worse satan, who is a spiritual force.
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction: This to me points to God’s justice. If we do something, we are always accountable for it. God’s grace might act like friction for us… but justice/heat is always there, the heat might just be a little pergatory. Actually, this law for me, (assuming there is any truth to my pondering) would actually point to the existance of pergatory.
I haven’t taken this to any other physical laws, just because of time, but I thought it was interesting, geek that I am. Oh, and since there is very rarely any new ideas out there, please point me to the person that did think of this before and probably thought it out more clearly. I guess to me, this would also point out that physics isn’t some random creation from God, it would be based on spiritual truth. Not that God couldn’t create something random, but that he is always trying to reveal himself to us.
Have fun throwing stones if I’m waaay out!
Extending upon your thoughts on that everything we do is accounted for, sort of as a ‘conservation of energy’ in physics terms. We all start out at an initial state (an initial position or velocity), and are tempted. We commit sins (frictional losses/heat/inefficiences) and end up at a final state. Additionally, reactions progress in one direction (the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics), always to a state of more disorder and we as humans are born without sin, and commit sins through our life (increasing the ‘disorder’). Hmm, maybe my analogy totally failed - I’m not sure if that makes sense or not, but I tried to think it through.