What does fornication have to do with wellfare?
+++ A lot. The federal program Aid to Families with Dependent Children by definition means a single parent household receiving the aid. The vast majority of these situations is a single mother who was never married to a man. This program, however, effectively replaces the male husband with the government as the husband taking care of the mother and babies. If one wants more of something subsidize it, if one wants less of something tax it (or penalize it some other way) and the incidence will decrease. This is, in large part, why blacks’ illegitimacy rate has sky rocketed from around 25% 50 yrs ago to 70% today (whites from 5% to 25%). Illegitimacy by definition means birth to parents not married to each other or in the US today a single mom with dad not around too much or else no federal benefit. This sky rocketing illegitimacy rate obviously reflects an increase in fornication which the woman has an incentive to commit as she will be financially rewarded. Add in the fact of a religious/cultural attitude of the Protestant religion that it is not essential to keep the commandments to be saved (just accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour) and you’ve got the perfect mixture for large scale societal pathology. This is quite evident in ALL the major inner cities of this country.
And do you think that children without fathers will grow up better if they also don’t have any health care because we’ve abolished Medicaid?
+++ Children (and adults) were not dying in the streets prior to Medicaid (and food stamps) in the early to mid 1960‘s. Churches, Christian hospital, doctors worked pro bono for the poor back then. Not as much now due to Uncle Sugar Daddy stepping in. Besides, as mentioned above, Medicaid’s money comes from productive citizens at the point of a gun, in other words - tyranny. Also a violation of the 7th Commandment - Thou shalt not steal.
And maybe you think they’ll grow up better being hungry and malnourished, too, because we’ve abolished food stamps.
+++ Please see above response.