Yes.Outcomes of polls and statistics compiled as a result of questionnaires are notoriously unreliable in terms of interpretation as they are open to manipulation.
Questionnaires are often compiled to gauge public opinion, but answers are not necessarily reflection of what people really think. I was recently a questionnaire on abortion law in Northern Ireland. One of the questions was would I support a law preventing women travelling to Scotland and England to have an abortion. My answer would have to be no as a result of the issues such a law would give rise to, but this answer in conjunction with answers I would have given to other questions would have been interpreted as I support expansion of abortion law in Northern Ireland, and I would not have wanted my answers interpreted as such.
It cannot be said because X number of people answered Y to this question X number of people think Z. Furthermore, there is no black and white ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer to the question should the Bible be read literally. I would say no one reads the entire Bible literally. Ask a Protestant fundamentalist what they think Jesus meant when he said drink my blood and eat my flesh and they will say this passage of Scripture is symbolic. They do not accept Peter was the rock on which Jesus would build his Church, and struggle with ‘the power to bind and to loose’ in terms of what it means. There are also passages of Scripture were it can be said the author never intended it to be read literally. What puzzles me about radical atheists is they don’t disagree with this, yet would still argue about the Bible based on a literal reading of it.
I would also say radical atheists are the new fundamentalists. I say this based on their words and actions. In my parents time fiery evangelical preachers stood on street corners shouting through megaphones, ‘Get saved or burn in hell.’ There has been a contemporary revival of this in my home town - though not on the same scale, and every week there are insertions in the local paper, ‘Remember the days of Noah and Sodom and Gomorrah.’ In other words - Godlessness (atheism) is to blame for all the worlds ills and homosexuality is an abomination. Current law prevents them from actually publishing this but they can cite Scripture so we know what they are getting at.
Radical atheists seem to have adopted a similar strategy in that they repeatedly publicly state, 'There is no God, I hate God and Religion, anyone who believes in God is a deluded fool, Religion is to blame for wars and many other ills in society.
Fundamentalists argue intelligent design should be taught in schools as a science. Radical atheists argue religion should not be taught in school at all.
Fundamentalists make no distinction between radical atheists and those who are not radical.
Radical atheists make no distinction between religious fundamentalists and those who are not fundamentalists.
Both deny there are any comparisons.