The Catholic Church of the fourth century was the answer to an earlier apostasy.
The Catholic Church of the fourth century was the answer to an earlier apostasy.
McConkie was simply reiterating what previous apostles (McConkie was an apostle, his erroneous book was not that much of an embarrassment apparently) and presidents (otherwise known as the Prophet) taught and believed:shrug:PART ONE (OF TWO PARTS):
Two. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints does not take – and never has taken – a position on the identity of any religious denomination as supposedly being the “harlot church” (your phrase). The book of Revelation uses the phrases “great whore that sitteth upon the waters” (Rev. 17:1) and “Babylon the great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth” (Rev. 17:5). But you will find nowhere at no time that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has ever identified those phrases or your phrase (or any similar phrase, or similar idea) either as the equivalent of or as identifying the Roman Catholic Church (or any other church, for that matter) as the Babylon or harlot spoken of in the book of Revelation.
Three. Some Latter-day Saints have done so erroneously. One who was in a position of leadership in the Church once did so (to the embarassment of many, I might add). He was Bruce R. McConkie, and essentially did so in his widely-read book “Mormon Doctrine” (first edition). However, not only did he remove that in his second edition, both his first edition and his second edition contained clear and explicit mention of the fact that everything he said in his book was his own personal thinking and that he was not speaking on behalf of the Church. (Indeed, it was numerous other Church leaders themselves who asked him to remove it from his book.)
It is an old routine for those who take issue with the Roman Catholic Church and for those who take issue with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to make an assertion about the Church, whichever Church, and then after attacking that assertion, walk away satisfied. And those who pick up the conversation afterwards usually never go behind the assertion to discover that it in fact is a false assertion. Both churches have suffered this mistreatment since their earliest days. To state that “McConkie was simply reiterating what previous apostles . . . and presidents . . . taught and believed” does not stand up to scrutiny; it has been falsely asserted that prior leaders in the LDS Church have believed and stated that belief, but if anyone can find any prior statement of any prior leader in the LDS Church, please quote and cite it. I am confident you’ll not be successful in the effort.McConkie was simply reiterating what previous apostles (McConkie was an apostle, his erroneous book was not that much of an embarrassment apparently) and presidents (otherwise known as the Prophet) taught and believed:shrug:
You should sharpen your research skills.it has been falsely asserted that prior leaders in the LDS Church have believed and stated that belief, but if anyone can find any prior statement of any prior leader in the LDS Church, please quote and cite it. I am confident you’ll not be successful in the effort.
Indeed, I am at a loss to find that any leaders in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at any time have ever “taught and believed” that the Holy Roman Apostolic Catholic Church is to be identifed as the “harlot church” (Kathleen’s words, not mine) or the “great whore” (Rev. 17:1) or “Babylon”…kindly cite it and quote it. I am confident you will never find it. It’s simply not there.
"The present Christian world exists and continues by division. The MYSTERY of Babylon the great, is mother of harlots and abominations of the earth, and it needs no prophetic vision, to unravel such mysteries. The old church is the mother, and the protestants are the lewd daughters. Alas! alas! what doctrine, what principle, or what scheme, in all, what prayers, what devotion, or what faith,since the fathers have fallen asleep,' has opened the heavens; has brought men into the presence of God; and to the spirits of just men made perfect, and to an innumerable company of angels? The answer is, not any: **
There is none in all christendom that doeth good; no, not one.’**
- Apostle John Taylor, Times and Seasons, Vol.6, No.1, p.811
“Babylon, literally understood, is the gay world; spiritual wickedness, the golden city, and the glory of the world, The priests of Egypt, who received a portion gratis from Pharaoh; the priests of Baal, and the Pharisees, and Sadducees, with their “long robes,” among the Jews, are equally included in their mother’s family, with the Roman Catholics, Protestants, and all that have not had the keys of the kingdom and power thereof, according to the ordinances of God.”
- Prophet John Taylor, Times and Seasons, Vol.6, No.1, p.939
"**Both Catholics and Protestants are nothing less than the “whore of Babylon” **whom the Lord denounces… as having corrupted all the earth by their fornications and wickedness. And any person who shall be so wicked as to receive a holy ordinance of the gospel from the ministers of any of these apostate churches will be sent down to hell with them, unless they repent of the unholy and impious act. If any penitent believer desires to obtain forgiveness of sins through baptism, let him beware of having any thing to do with the churches of apostate Christendom, lest he perish in the awful plagues and judgments, denounced against them. The only persons among all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people who have authority from Jesus Christ to administer any gospel ordinance are those called and authorized among the Latter-day Saints. Before the restoration of the church of Christ to the earth in the year 1830, there have been no people on the earth for many generations possessing authority from God to minister gospel ordinances. We again repeat. Beware of the hypocritical false teachers and imposters of Babylon!
- Apostle Orson Pratt The Seer, Vol.2, No.4, p.255
Pre-1990 Temple Endowment (Lucifer speaking): “Then with that enmity I will take the treasure of the earth, and with gold and silver I will buy up armies and navies, Popes and priests, and reign with blood and horror on the earth!”
LDS Church Publication “The Seer,” January, 1854. No. 1., Page 204-206
Q. Who founded the Roman Catholic Church?
A. The Devil, through the medium of Apostates, who subverted the whole order of God by denying immediate revelation, and substituting in the place thereof, tradition and ancient revelations as a sufficient rule of faith and practice.
The Catholic Church of the fourth century was the answer to an earlier apostasy.
I realize that the comment was rather blunt. However, I think it was meant to be more tongue-in-cheek than insulting. It reflects his basic view that the reason we (Catholics) see LDS beliefs as being so far off the mark, is due to the fact that its theology is way off kilter from a Catholic, or even a mainstream Christian, standpoint. I don’t think it was intended as an insult, just a general statement of his opinion.I’m talking about statements like “your theology is whacked”. I know you didn’t make it personally, but our theology makes perfect sense when understood based on our understanding and interpretation of the scriptures: it can’t be expected to make sense based on yours or we’d all be Catholic, now wouldn’t we.
The only way discussion works is if both sides are interested and make an attempt to understand each other’s views.
I can sympathize with your view. But, this is a Catholic forum, so expecting us not to look at everything through that lens is not very realistic. If we weren’t interested in learning about others beliefs, we wouldn’t be posting here, in the Non-Catholic section. But, we’re also obliged to try to correct any misconceptions about the truth of Christianity as we know it. If we didn’t do that, we wouldn’t be doing what Jesus taught us all to do. Did He pull any punches when telling the Pharisees and Sadduccees how their interpretations of Scripture and its application to their daily life were wrong? Nope. In fact, He came right out and called them a “den of vipers”. So, I think we’ve probably been even more tolerant in our methods of explaining errors that we see, than He was with them.Absolutely, when explaining to us what you disagree with our beliefs, base that on your own interpretation and understanding, buy don’t try to tell us that ours don’t make sense when you’re basing that on theology that was never meant to back it up.
Not a personal dig at anyone you understand, just trying to help the discussion along a little better, hopefully.
Which is the crux of the problem in LDS beliefs. LDS redefine terms to fit their theology, rather than trying to understand theology correctly, according to the original meaning of the terms that all Christians use. Using the same words is meaningless if the definitions are totally different. If you call an apple an orange, then ask me for a cup of orange juice, should you be surprised when you don’t get what you wanted? Would that be my fault or yours?In your theology, but not in ours. Eternal has two uses, one that simply means without beginning or end: simply being a statement of something’s period of existence; and the other referring to God as ‘The Eternal One’. When we speak of Eternal Life it means both life without end, but also life with the Eternal One.
If you order a Catholic Bible online, would you expect a Priest or a Nun to personally deliver it to you?It’s not a suggestion that you might need help reading it, but as it is only the Latter Day Saints that use it, it seems reasonable that someone wanting it is interested to know about us, and therefore the missionaries are the best people to talk to about us.
Actually, I was picturing the Romulan that said it, but I love that pic! (right click/save as)Given its a quote I can think of only one source: and your saying it to me makes me a balding Shakespearian actor…
Drat, I wanted to be Q! (disclaimer: not to be taken as any statement of doctrine )
Mine, too. He was clearly saying He’s God. No question.Jesus on trial stating simply “I AM” is one of my favourite, and possibly most powerful proclamations of His divinity. Not to mention just how riled up those two simple words got his accusers.
However all it has to mean is that He* is unchanging* (present continuous tense, with no reference to the past). It does not have to be interpreted to mean anything with regards to eternity.
I realize that. I just couldn’t help pointing out the irony.I was responding to a statement to the effect that it was a shame particular books were not included in the KJV, the poster seemed to be of the opinion we believed that if it hadn’t been included, it was of no worth.
Song of Solomon is included, and we believe it to be of little doctrinal worth. Go figure lol.
I might have been too hasty in my painting with such a broad brush. I know many Catholics that have a very poor understanding of what the Church teaches, so I should know better than to doubt the some Catholics might have a view that’s not based on Church teaching. But, what “some” individual Catholic scholars might believe about anything in scripture is less important than what the Church actually teaches about them, even if they are college professors.Anyway, some were denying my assertion that some Catholic scholars read Wisdom 8:19 as referring to premortal existence of the soul, even in the face of the one reference I provided. (Yes the guy was a doctoral student, but he had to pass his dissertation off with 3 faculty members. One was a Franciscan, and another was a Jesuit. All three had a “Licentiate of Sacred Theology”, which allows them to teach theology in Catholic universities. And yet, these guys aren’t “real Catholics”? Whatever.
Not every Rabbi was correct in their theological thinking, either. Just look at the Pharisees, Sadducee, and even the High Priest, Caiaphas, in the time of Christ. They couldn’t have been more wrong in their beliefs about the coming Messiah, since they couldn’t even recognize Him when He was standing right in front of them.So not only is the premortal existence of the soul thought by many scholars to have been taught in Wisdom, but a bunch of ancient Rabbis taught it, too!
I admit that there probably are many people that would see them as ‘evidence’, but those passages are still subject to individual interpretation which might not be correct.Do you (Kathleen and Lori) see the corner you are painting yourself into? You pronounce that there is NO biblical evidence for the idea of premortal existence. People then trot out several biblical passages that seem to support the view. You pronounce that these passages cannot possibly be taken to mean what Mormons take them to mean. People then trot out various biblical scholars (including Catholics) that take at least one of these passages to refer to pre-mortal existence. You pronounce that the Jews never believed any such thing. People then trot out an old scholarly article about how the Rabbinical writings contain such interpretations. You’ve also pronounced that nobody but Gnostics within early Christianity believed in premortal existence, but it turns out that isn’t the case. Do you want some references?
Sorry, that’s why I said IIRC (If I Remember Correctly). Apparently, I didn’t. (I’m not even an expert on my own, so I sure don’t claim to be one on any other religion, either.) Mea culpa.Finally, Lori pronounced this:
Really? Because both the 7th Day Adventists and the JWs believe that humans DON’T HAVE a soul that is separate from the body.
I apologize for any of my previous ‘presumptions’. But, that doesn’t change the fact that things are not always what they seem, even in Scripture. That’s why Catholics defer to those who have been given the gift, and the Authority, to interpret what it really means. When 20 different people read them, we can end up with 20 completely different interpretations of what they mean. That’s why Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to remain with the Church that He established, to ensure that Her interpretations would always be the correct ones.It seems like you’re trying a bit too hard. None of the Mormons here seem to be pushing the idea that every reasonable person HAS TO interpret these passages the same way we do. We are just saying that many reasonable people can (and do) interpret at least some of these passages to be referring to premortal existence. This doesn’t “prove” our interpretation right–it just proves that people who pronounce that we have “no evidence” for our view are really stretching.
Agreeance!awesome posts…good job, Kath