First of all, it has nothing to do with who has the “rights” to Bible,more important,it has to do with interpretation. Second, such a belief we have a “right” has led to dangerous beliefs and doctrines with every Jane & Joe interpretating a sacred book.The concept of “free will” is certainly an important concept, absolutely essential to understand for a diligent student of the Bible. Yet there are comments saying that “Mormons” (Latter-day Saints) should “leave the Bible alone”. Latter-day Saints have just as much right, just as valid a “free will”, to study the Bible and gain understanding from its wonderful pages, as anyone else in the world. It ought not be viewed as a book to be kept away from people.
Mormons are free to believe what they want,but it does not mean your beliefs are necessarily accurate from Scripture. I too can interpret any Constitutional Amendment and say… it says this or really means this,but does not mean I am correct.There are comments saying that Latter-day Saints don’t have a “proper understanding” of the Bible and its several passages that show that there is a “choice” which can be made, if those several passages are examined carefully, to believe in a “pre-mortal existence”. Yet the choice that Latter-day Saints make to believe those passages as leaning toward there having been a pre-mortal existence, seems to be given no room for allowance–which is diametrically opposed to the idea of “free will” because it is saying “you don’t have free will to believe that.”
WRONG! You are twisting history to make it appear as those opposing the Trinity were robbed of their free-will. Basically you want your human will above the will of the Holy Spirit which Jesus promised to guide His Church until the end of time. The Holy Spirit guided those bishops as a whole body to defend and ratify the Truth of God.It reminds me of the gospel being taken by the apostles out into the world as Christ gave them commission to do, and yet when the Nicene council was convened and one group attested that Jesus is literally the Son of God and the other group attested that there could only be “one God” and thus came up with the “Nicene creed” and excluded the other group and said “conform or else lose membership with us”, they thus discarded their “free will” as not being permissible.
Wrong again! Now you are throwing the victim card out on the table. Once more Jesus clearly says in scripture the Advocate will guide His Church into ALL Truth. Jesus never once teaches individualism and to each his own. The issue here is TRUTH from God as oppose to Mormonism which popped up 1800 years later by one mere FINITE and MORTAL man. I place my trust in the Word of God as oppose to a one man wannabe prophet.The idea of looking for “proof” of the correctness of there having been a “pre-mortal existence” by using the Bible to find that “proof”, shows a lack of consistency with the concept of “free will”. I believe God does indeed give “free will”, even to the extent of giving clues and hints but yet not forcing the issue by having allowed there to be “proof” that would reduce the allowance for the other point of view.