SDA Adventist claim 538 AD – 1798 AD = 1260 years prove the Papacy is the Anti-Christ and that Catholic Church oppressed God’s peoples

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SDA Adventist claims 538 AD - 1798 AD = 1260 years prove the Papacy is the Anti-Christ and that Catholic Church oppressed God’s people
Adventist beliefs are based on the idea that one day equals a year in Daniel and Revelation which has been rejected by all sane theologians for 500 years. Daniel fasted for 3 weeks in Dan. 10 not 21 years. The little horn removes the daily and sets up the AOD after 1290 days not 1290 years. The 1000 years in Rev. 20 are 1000 years not 365,000 years and so on and so on. Many scholars are coming to the conclusion that Daniel and Revelation speak exclusively to the last days so all the time periods are literal.
She was part of the “Millerite” movement, followers of self-proclaimed Baptist farmer/pastor William Miller. He did the math and knew for certain that the world would end in or around 1843.


He re-did the numbers and voilá, it was actually 1844!

Still didn’t.

This lead to the “Great disappointment” and his followers drifted away.

Fascination with the Parousia, which they called the “Advent”, many new denominations were formed by his dejected followers, among them one Ellen Gould White.
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The 70 week prophecy given to Daniel can’t be 70 literal weeks. The angel tells Daniel that when the decree is given to restore and build Jerusalem until the time of the Messiah would be 483 years. Daniel and the Jews are still in captivity at this point. It wasn’t 70 literal weeks, that would have been a little more than a year. That’s not close to being historically accurate.

The prophecy works out exactly historically. If you want to do some reading on the subject pm me because it’s too much to post here.
The 70 weeks can easily be literal or roughly 1 and a half years. There is so much evidence that Jerusalem and the temple will be the focus of the last days so another commandment will go forth to restore and rebuild Jerusalem and the temple. The ‘anointed one’ who is cut off in the midst of the week is likely one of the two witnesses. This is not meant in any way to imply that Jesus is not the messiah, but he’s still the messiah even if the 70 weeks are talking about someone else.
Thanks but no thanks. I cannot fit a square peg into a round hole.

You are reading the prophecy through a lens, but could you ask yourself truthfully which decree to rebuild Jerusalem are we talking about?

John the Baptist had that very message, Jesus Christ had that very message, repent the Kingdom of God is at hand.
I will just add one thing out of interest which should have a huge bearing on the understand of the 70 weeks prophecy. There is in Jeremiah 25 a prophecy of 70 years. Daniel in chapter 9 according to the word of Jeremiah understands the 70 years as 70 literal years, no qualms there.

That is Daniel 9. The 70 weeks just so happens to also be in Daniel 9 and it becomes a comparison to the 70 years. 70 years that is long, try this 70 weeks. Fast sudden swift compared to the 70 years.

Doesn’t that make more sense than 70 years dragged out to 490 in contrast.

I wish you well.
I’m not reading through a lens and not making any predetermined thoughts. Scripture says the following in Daniel 9:

25 Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.

It’s clear here Daniel is given a prophecy of when Jesus would come correct? That much I think we would all agree. We all agree Daniel most likely died around 538 BC. We again all agree there are different decrees given regarding Jerusalem but we know all were given 100’s of years before Christ was born. Just agreeing on this point must make 70 literal weeks from the decree unfounded.
The word for Messiah is ‘mashiyach’ and is used 41 times in scripture and in every occurrence except for Daniel it is translated as anointed. So the correct translation should be the anointed prince or leader. The anointed prince of verses 25 & 26 is most likely one of the two witnesses who show in Jerusalem during the final week and are both killed with their bodies laying in the streets for three and a half days.
Could we back up a little to a post you made earlier. You said 70 weeks can’t literally be 70 weeks because it cannot fit your conditions. I am only suggesting that the 70 weeks can be literally 70 weeks if your conditions are wrong, and I gave you 2 examples of proclamations to rebuild Jerusalem, establish the throne of David, and make straight the paths. And a far more beautiful proclamation at that.
Could we back up a little to a post you made earlier. You said 70 weeks can’t literally be 70 weeks because it cannot fit your conditions. I am only suggesting that the 70 weeks can be literally 70 weeks if your conditions are wrong, and I gave you 2 examples of proclamations to rebuild Jerusalem, establish the throne of David, and make straight the paths. And a far more beautiful proclamation at that.
I agree! Can Christians please move out of the dark ages.
I’ve mentioned the 70 years comparison to the 70 weeks, time frame to time frame, I’ve mentioned the beginning of the prophecy potentially meaning something beyond the literal primal expectation of Daniel.

My last witness is Matthew. Matthew loves telling me how the NT is a fulfilment of the OT. Why is there no mention of this by Matthew? If you are going to appeal to your Scripture loving brethren one would think the 70 weeks being 490 years would work. But instead there is nothing.
Daniel and Revelation go together and most Christians so no parallel between the 70 week prophecy and the 1260 day prophecy of the two witnesses. Both take place in Jerusalem in a rebuilt temple and both have something happening in the middle of the final week. The anointed one is cut off in the midst of the week and the two witnesses are killed and lie in the streets for 3 1/2 days. The Olivet discourse is even clearer and says the AOD will take place in the holy place of an earthly temple. There will be a rebuilt temple in the last days which means the Adventists were completely Wrong! and should be dismissed with prejudice.
References to the sanctuary and temple are some of the most confusing in scripture because there were so many different applications. Moses built the sanctuary in the wilderness and the more permanent temple was built by Solomon and later rebuilt by Zerubabbel. There is a temple in heaven that is described in Hebrews and Revelation where Jesus ministers as our great high priest. God’s people are referred to individually as a spiritual temple and collectively as a holy city or royal priesthood. Context is the key to knowing what is being described. All three applications of the ‘temple’ will be represented in the last days.
Because you said “All three applications of the temple will be represented in the last days”, which implies that not all three applications of the temple will be represented prior to the last days.
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