Okay, I don’t know who Shultze is, I like Al Franken, Randi Rhodes, and sometimes Don Imus (though I always respect the work that he does with kids with cancer) While I think that Jerry Springer seems like a nice guy I can’t stand his show, for the same reason that I have trouble with Chris Matthews, on Springer they interrupt each other and I hate all that screaming and posturing. With Matthews he asks a question and then interrupts his guests, so it’s hard to follow whats going on.
I consider myself a Catholic and certainly as good a Catholic as anyone whose posts that I’ve read in this forum.
I try to have respect for all religious beliefs but I’ve never been compelled to change from the cradle Catholic that I am.
I am completely against churches getting involved in politics which is why I was offended by the Political Guides that someone kept leaving in the back of my Church.
To some Catholics, the big issues are abortion and gay rights and they don’t like either one.
I don’t like abortion at all, but I don’t want women going to back alley abortionists either, and I didn’t have a knee jerk reaction to come to this conclusion. Finally I came to the idea that the baby (and I do think that it’s a baby human) goes straight to God when it is killed, but that if the mother dies during the abortion she may lose her chance at eternal life and that really makes me sad.
As for Gay Rights, I’m not opposed to their having a Civil Marriage, but unless the Church is forced to marry them I don’t consider that issue the domain of the Church except as it pertains to Catholic Gays. Actually, there are some folks who take their ministry to the Gay Community very seriously, when my friend was dying of AIDS there were nuns and priests taking care of him, making sure that he received Extreme Unction and
putting Holy Water in the room.
My favorite Catholic is Dorothy Day.
Metrospiritual is a new term to me. I am not a member of that Faith.