Sean Hannity

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Does anyone listen to him? I used to be a big fan of his but I think his success has really gotten to his head. Now when I listen to him he sounds like nails on a chalk board. If his guest oppose his views (especially if they are considered liberal) he gets really nasty with them and that is when I turn the radio off.

Any other views out there?
Cinci, disregard anything I said about Sean Hannity’s secretary, I had him confused with Joe Scarborough.
I clicked on your link to the Homemakers of America and I was disappointed, I thought it would be a site about how to make a nice home, but, as usual, it’s all politics.
I think that the Home is the most sacred place in this world and I hate the idea of using it as a vehicle for politics.
Of course, in my house, politics in on the table 24/7 so I guess that I’m the soul of hypocrisy.
Does anyone listen to him? I used to be a big fan of his but I think his success has really gotten to his head. Now when I listen to him he sounds like nails on a chalk board. If his guest oppose his views (especially if they are considered liberal) he gets really nasty with them and that is when I turn the radio off.

Any other views out there?
I just can’t listen to him, or Rush Limbaugh…I find them to be one note singers…shrill, and too wrapped up in themselves. Just my opionion…

Years ago, I did listen to Rush…when he was new…He was good then, but has since gotten too big for his britches, so to speak…The same goes for Sean Hannity.

I just can’t stand that blind loyalty to the Bush Administration that both men display.
Sean does need the prayers of orthodox Catholics. I have repeatedly heard him voice personal opinions that differ from church teaching. I have heard him say “the church is wrong” . He believes in abortion for incest, rape and the life of the mother. His belief and practice differs from church teaching on contraception. He doesn’t understand the church teaching on the death penalty. He is a cafeteria Catholic who is dangerous because he spouts these views on the radio and only sometimes points out where he knows he differs from church teaching.( I rarely watch the tv show so don’t know what he’s saying on there about catholicism.)
Catholic Heart:
I just can’t listen to him, or Rush Limbaugh…I find them to be one note singers…shrill, and too wrapped up in themselves. Just my opionion…

Years ago, I did listen to Rush…when he was new…He was good then, but has since gotten too big for his britches, so to speak…The same goes for Sean Hannity.

I just can’t stand that blind loyalty to the Bush Administration that both men display.
I have heard both Rush and Sean criticize the Bush Administration. Think they are both conservatives first, and Bush supporters second.

I don’t hear Sean’s radio show so I can’t speak objectively about it, but I have not heard Sean say anything anti-Catholic on his TV show. Maybe I just missed it.
mary bobo:
I have heard both Rush and Sean criticize the Bush Administration. Think they are both conservatives first, and Bush supporters second.

I don’t hear Sean’s radio show so I can’t speak objectively about it, but I have not heard Sean say anything anti-Catholic on his TV show. Maybe I just missed it.
In my area he has the drive-home slot on radio. I find it interesting to listen to both political views but to date, I find that both sides tend to over-do. I know that “I” overdo but I’m not a talking head who gets millions for sharing my opinion.
Wondering Waif:
Okay, I don’t know who Shultze is, I like Al Franken, Randi Rhodes, and sometimes Don Imus (though I always respect the work that he does with kids with cancer) While I think that Jerry Springer seems like a nice guy I can’t stand his show, for the same reason that I have trouble with Chris Matthews, on Springer they interrupt each other and I hate all that screaming and posturing. With Matthews he asks a question and then interrupts his guests, so it’s hard to follow whats going on.
I consider myself a Catholic and certainly as good a Catholic as anyone whose posts that I’ve read in this forum.
I try to have respect for all religious beliefs but I’ve never been compelled to change from the cradle Catholic that I am.
I am completely against churches getting involved in politics which is why I was offended by the Political Guides that someone kept leaving in the back of my Church.
To some Catholics, the big issues are abortion and gay rights and they don’t like either one.
I don’t like abortion at all, but I don’t want women going to back alley abortionists either, and I didn’t have a knee jerk reaction to come to this conclusion. Finally I came to the idea that the baby (and I do think that it’s a baby human) goes straight to God when it is killed, but that if the mother dies during the abortion she may lose her chance at eternal life and that really makes me sad.
As for Gay Rights, I’m not opposed to their having a Civil Marriage, but unless the Church is forced to marry them I don’t consider that issue the domain of the Church except as it pertains to Catholic Gays. Actually, there are some folks who take their ministry to the Gay Community very seriously, when my friend was dying of AIDS there were nuns and priests taking care of him, making sure that he received Extreme Unction and
putting Holy Water in the room.
My favorite Catholic is Dorothy Day.
Metrospiritual is a new term to me. I am not a member of that Faith.
With you, I don’t have any problem with gays and lesbians having a civil marriage (and calling it marriage) or even a marriage that is recognized by a particular church or denomination like Unitarian Universalist, ECLA or Episcopalian.

I don’t believe that government should be in the business of giving sanction to the practice of abortion. People will have abortions despite what the law says, just as some people do illegal drugs and carry illegal weapons despite what the law says. I am against all practices of government or legal sanction of abortion or euthanasia as I am against the deliberate taking of human life. I am, however, under no illusion that despite how I feel, the government and legal system will continue to do as it chooses.

I know that God is just and merciful, so I leave all aborted humans, and children who die before being capable of making a decision for Christ, in the hands of God, and trust that God’s judgment will be right.

Wondering Waif – thank you very much. I appreciate your comments. 🙂 I hope you didn’t think I was trying to fish for a compliment or something here! lol Thanks again though!

Orionthehunter, thank you for sending me a message offline buddy, please see my reply. Apparently you are trying to keep your “argument” going here on the thread as well. :rolleyes: So be it – I guess I’ll respond to this post as well!
I got your point if it is that you don’t agree w/ Hannity’s views on the military. Am I missing anything?
Yes, you are most certainly missing something.
Please support your argument that his never serving in the military is a de facto disqualification of the merits of his views?
No, but thank you for your polite request though! I like people who use their “Please’s” and “Thank you’s!” And that was never my argument, it was yours. “Thank you!”

May the Lord be with you!

Wondering Waif:
Are you telling me that a person who questions Church teaching is not devout in YOUR book?
How dare you call the man a cafeteria Catholic?
You don’t know what’s in his heart!
At one time, a male born out of wedlock was not allowed to serve as a priest, the Church changed it’s mind about that, therefore, there are Catholics who question and reason about certain teachings and those are the GOOD Catholics, in my opinion. They work to change what doesn’t seem right to them. And the Church AGREES with them sometimes! At one time girls could not serve at the altar and that has changed. Not by people who thought that they were doing enough by mouthing platitudes about
never questioning, but by people who WORKED at being Catholic!

NOT the ones who blindly accept what they are taught with a heartfelt and reasoned acceptance based on their personal relationship with the Church. In my opinion, that’s just plain lazy, and not using the mind God gave you!
Before you question the church teaching you must know what the church laws are . Therfore you should know your catechesim inside and out in order to question the church. Catholisism is not a democracy. You are a catholic because you believe, you must have blind faith and obedience to the church teaching. Unfortunately we are living in a time when obedient is the last thing most people want to be. There are many other religions out there that have been spun off from catholisism because people did not want to obey the church law. As catholics if we don’t stand for our church and its laws we will fall. We are just weakening our church. We must pray that the church will remain strong and that more men will answer the call to the preisthood. Pray the rosary to heal our church.

Peace be with you
Wondering Waif:
I hate to tell you this but the current Pope DID serve in the Nazi Military.
Check it out.
That’s not the entire story. All men who were his age living in Germany at the time were forced into the Hitler Youth movement. Our current Holy Father included. You make it sound he joined up by choice.
Wondering Waif:
I can’t stand the guy, I call him Sean Vomity, however to question his devotion to his church is not my business or yours! YOU, Bones are judging and that’s just wrong! God knows what is in Sean’s heart, you and I don’t, Mother Teresa said that if we knew the heartache that others carry we would be kinder. I wouldn’t mind if you said you didn’t like him but attacking his religious convictions …well, I don’t like that one bit.
I challenge you to point out where I judged him. I don’t come accross as sounding negative. Father Levis gave a homily and talked about immorality of this nation. And a certain member berated Father, for ‘being negative.’ Sometimes love is not kind.
Wondering Waif:
I hate to tell you this but the current Pope DID serve in the Nazi Military.
Check it out.
Well, he did serve in the military and that’s true. He was forced into it. He had no choice. Funny how jewish communities didn’t seem offended by the fact he served in the military.
Wondering Waif:
I clicked on your link to the Homemakers of America and I was disappointed, I thought it would be a site about how to make a nice home, but, as usual, it’s all politics.
I think that the Home is the most sacred place in this world and I hate the idea of using it as a vehicle for politics.
Of course, in my house, politics in on the table 24/7 so I guess that I’m the soul of hypocrisy.

Just because I am a Homemaker does not dismiss me from political viewpoints. Your comment was pretty offensive.

Just because I am a Homemaker does not dismiss me from political viewpoints. Your comment was pretty offensive.
I agree it was. You have every right to your political viewpoints.
Before you question the church teaching you must know what the church laws are . Therfore you should know your catechesim inside and out in order to question the church. Catholisism is not a democracy. You are a catholic because you believe, you must have blind faith and obedience to the church teaching. Unfortunately we are living in a time when obedient is the last thing most people want to be. There are many other religions out there that have been spun off from catholisism because people did not want to obey the church law. As catholics if we don’t stand for our church and its laws we will fall. We are just weakening our church. We must pray that the church will remain strong and that more men will answer the call to the preisthood. Pray the rosary to heal our church.

Peace be with you
If the church wanted me have blind faith they would not have taught me read and they would not have harangued me about developing my talents. Please do NOT worry that the Church will weaken, we have been promised that the Church will stand until the world ends, on THAT promise, I have blind faith, furthermore, it would be illogical for Jesus to establish a church and then allow it to be ruined by a few naysayers. Think about all the scandals around our church! Not just the ones today, think about WAY back, and yet the Church continues.
The Church isn’t going anyway, it’s stronger today than it ever was, thanks to the increase in communications. Robert Novak and
Laura Ingraham have joined, not that I’m thrilled with either of them, but they had to see something in it-that helps my faith, even as I am annoyed that we seem to get…oh well…forget that thought!

Just because I am a Homemaker does not dismiss me from political viewpoints. Your comment was pretty offensive.
When did I say that I dismissed your political views? I don’t care that you were offended- if you’re that sensitive stay out of the political arena.
I agree it was. You have every right to your political viewpoints.
You’re just offended because of I told you to keep out of the Confessional Booth of your fellow Catholics, so don’t try that nonsense with me!
Of course she has a right to views-so do I. Maybe “home” isn’t sacred to you and Cinci but it is to me.
Wondering Waif:
When did I say that I dismissed your political views? I don’t care that you were offended- if you’re that sensitive stay out of the political arena.
Now that you have opened that door, you may get some posts that will deal with your “views” in a much more direct tone, and not pull any punches when you are wrong or misinformed or both.
Well, he did serve in the military and that’s true. He was forced into it. He had no choice. Funny how jewish communities didn’t seem offended by the fact he served in the military.
Agreed, he was also still legally a kid and he abandoned the Nazi military (at least that is what I read).
Most folks in the Jewish community know very well that there were members of the Nazi military that were forced to serve, it doesn’t surprise me that they’re so forgiving, but I appreciate it.
Now that you have opened that door, you may get some posts that will deal with your “views” in a much more direct tone, and not pull any punches when you are wrong or misinformed or both.
Bring it on.
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