Choosing a convicted felon over a patriot. That is a hard choice!
Phyllis Schafley’s son turned out Gay, Martha’s daughter is a happy heterosexual, but if you prefer parenting that destroys a child’s sexual orientation, have at it!
From CinciMon
In today’s society, it is both a privilege and a sacrifice to raise the children. A privilege because we homemakers get to enjoy hearing our children’s first words, first steps, etc. These are the times that you can never take back, so I am happy I get to experience these things with our children. It is our JOB to raise our children, and this goes to ALL parents. It is also a sacrifice because we do give up some material things in such a materialistic society. We do not go out and buy new cars every 2-4 years, we do not go out to dinner every night, we do not go out and buy designer fashions so we can “keep up with the Joneses” (we do not want that lifestyle either). Yes, there are things I would like to have (I am human after all), but I **chose **this vocation and I would not trade this for the world
You seem to always dwell on what you can’t have! Plenty of mothers who work outside of the home also can’t have dinner out every night or a new car every four years, but they’re not sitting at home crying about it! As for your vocation choice, you are also fortunate that you have a spouse who supports your decision to stay home, you couldn’t do this without him, so you are very lucky. For every SAHM, there’s a wonderful man bringing home the bacon so that she CAN elect whether or not to work outside of the home.
And what is your point here?