Second Trump-Biden Debate

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I’m just going to say once again that debates are pointless, everyone walks away thinking their guy won, and an hour long podcast type interview separately with each candidate would be way better.
The only thing that Trump did poorly was to address every charge that was thrown at him as a deflection. He asked Biden about the millions he has received from Russia, China, etc. Biden countered with, “but what about your tax returns?” Trump should have quickly dismissed that and restated his question. Instead he lost momentum and Biden got off the hook.
That has been fact checked.

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It’s not been found false. The accused have denied it. There’s a difference.
There was at least a senate investigation report making the allegation. Doesn’t make it fact, this is true, but it’s more evidence than the Biden’s have offered.
My only thought was that I wish Joe would quit acting like he’s the tuff working-class guy from Scranton when he lives hours away from there within shouting distance of two DuPont estates for years now.
Which Biden are you referring to? Just a reminder for those that have lost track, Joe Biden is the father and the one running for office. Hunter Biden is the son and is not running for office. I do not see how he is any more an issue that Trump’s sister Marianne, who the Democrats have been trotting out.

But I guess we all get to decide what matter to us. I will just sit back and finish my last Billy beer.
He sounded pretty senile, constantly mixed up the names of things (like calling the Proud Boys “Poor Boys” or calling Climate Change “Climate Warming”).
I was wondering who the poor boys were. Thanks for clarifying.
I’m just going to say once again that debates are pointless, everyone walks away thinking their guy won, and an hour long podcast type interview separately with each candidate would be way better.
They kinda did the interview thing with the town halls.

I just see debates as political theater. In non-COVID times it is fun to watch them at a watch party or a politically-themed bar, where they have funny cocktails named after the candidates and stuff like that. Debates don’t change anyone’s mind these days, and a lot of folks voted by mail or drop box already.
, and a lot of folks voted by mail or drop box already.
We are finishing a second week of early voting. The first week, a record of 30% of registered voters voted. In other words, the majority of votes here are already in.
I liked that, one of the coolest comments ever. It is right up there with the time Reagan reacted to a question about age.

That hunter biden received 3.5 million dollars from the Russians.
Debates don’t change anyone’s mind these days, and a lot of folks voted by mail or drop box already.
The talking heads were quick to dismiss the impact of the debates, but I disagree. I think the people who have voted already probably made up their minds months ago. There is still a sizeable group who have still not voted, and I think that includes most of the undecideds.

I think Biden’s comments about eliminating petroleum production by 2025 was significant - and could have an impact on the outcome in PA in particular.
Hunter Biden. Even though he’s not running, it casts aspersions on the father. Particularly when seen in light of the information found on laptops. Joe may not be being paid directly, but it’s entirely plausible that his son is an intermediary.
Unfortunately, if someone is only voting against Trump this will not matter.
That hunter biden received 3.5 million dollars from the Russians.
Not correct:
A partisan investigation conducted by Senate Republicans, whose report was released this month, alleged that Elena Baturina, a Russian businesswoman and the wife of late Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov, sent $3.5 million in 2014 to a firm called Rosemont Seneca Thornton, and that the payment was identified as a “consultancy agreement.” The report did not provide any further details about the transaction.
It was sent to the firm.
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