I’m not Gorman, and I know I’m notorious for getting between you and Gorman, bear06, but I’m going to say this anyway. It’ll add some spice to this thread, if nothing else.And now we’re back to the super-interregnum. Where is the Visible Church, Gorman?
It appears you think sedevacantists regard themselves as the true Catholic Church and the rest of us as non-Catholics, so to speak. So the sedevacantist Church is some tiny, remote, and hidden sect that claims to be the Catholic Church while the Catholic Church you and I are a part of is an imposter church. (I realize I may be making a rash assumption in regards to what you think, but I’m making that assumption mainly for the sake of the explanation that follows.)
However, I’m inclined to think that’s actually not what they believe (or at least not what Gorman believes). Basically, all who are baptized, consider themselves Catholic, hold the teachings they sincerely believe to be those of the Catholic Church, and are subject to those whom they believe to be the lawful superiors in the Catholic Church are considered Catholic by sedevacantists.
According to sedevacantist reasoning, even if sincere sedevacantists are in the wrong, they are not to be called heretics or schismatics because they sincerely believed their position to be correct. They can be called material heretics/schismatics, but material heretics/schismatics are not in fact cut off from the Church because they lack pertinacity. So they are not true (formal) heretics/schismatics, they say.
The same goes for us non-sedevacantists. I don’t know whether sedevacantists consider you and me material heretics or schismatics, but their reasoning is the same: we are not cut off from the Church because we lack pertinacity in our material heresy/schism.
In conclusion, they believe Gorman, you, and I are all Catholics. We are members of the Visible Church, and so are all sincere and validly ordained bishops and priests, whether sedevacantist or non-sedevacantist.
I may be completely wrong in this analysis, but I thought I’d give it a try anyway.