Serious doubts about Church teaching on homosexuality

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Either we have principles to live by or we fall for anything. I sympathise with your situation, but you are trying to blame the Church for your sin. As a serial masturbator, I fell into the same trap. I tried to blame the Church for my weakness. I understand that you were born the way you were, but as someone else said, it is acting on it that is the problem.

Like someone said, we all have crosses to bear. As a masturbator, I have to avoid communion. But I don’t gripe about it or blame someone else. It is my crime. my fault. I just try to get on with life. Suck it up, as the marines say.

Best wishes,
What sin? It sounds like the OP is striving through a great deal of suffering, hurt, and fear to NOT sin. Nowhere in the OP’s statement does it say that she has engaged in sinful behavior. It sounds like she’s trying to find out how she can live a fullfilling life and have meaningful relationships with others without sinning. How is your post supposed to be helpful?
Okay, so here it is. I’m twenty-three and grew up in your perfect traditional Catholic family. My parents were loving and religious and great. I believed wholeheartedly what I was taught and adored it. And yet, before I even know what homosexuality was (because, like as good like Catholic girls, I was very sheltered), I began to feel romantic urges for girls. This began to creep on me as I grew older and by the time I was seventeen I knew, with some horror, that I had gay feelings.

I can already anticipate your reactions. No, there were no examples of homosexuality in my life. I was not sexually abused. I have healthy, normal relationships with men. You can’t pin this on anything environmental. If I had any choice at all I would have wanted to be straight. You cannot imagine the pain and suffering this has caused me, as a Catholic who wants desperately to be the daughter her parents wanted.

I spent most of my teenagerhood terrified of having close relationships with other women and suffered socially because of it. I tried desperately, and totally alone, to “pray away the gay”. My parents, who are wonderful in every way, didn’t even consider that this could happen to their children. I had no support. I was scared shitless, thanks to some very graphic church sermons and comments dropped by my family, that if anyone found out, I’d be kicked out of the house. Even if I kept my family’s love, there was no getting around that this would change things forever.

Eventually I realized, quite frankly, that my efforts were ********. It was clear that I am who I am. I cannot control my sexuality any more than I can control my love of hip hop, or the color of my eyes. We are born with some preferences, for different flavors of ice cream, and for some genders. I am not a pervert. My feelings for women are as pure and lofty as any my heterosexual friends have.

The more I prayed and tried, desperately, to understand why I am the way I am, the angrier I became. I am angry at my parents and my Church, who created a world of fear. I have spent so much of my life terrified of judgment. I have had no role models, no community, and no compassion.

The Church makes its views on homosexuality very clear. And for all you may claim to love the sinner, hate the sin, you all cannot deny that a Catholic congregation is an unfriendly place for even a celibate homosexual. You cannot deny that being open about who I am would be inviting gossip and cruelty, no matter how closely my life follows Church teachings. It would be like living under a microscope.

I’ve read this community’s responses to questions about homosexuality. I’ve read how, at the first mention of a gay man, you pry into his sexual history.

Imagine telling me at sixteen, a young girl who loved romcoms and longed for romance, that she could never have an intimate relationship. That celibacy for her was not a calling, or a vocation, but a sentence. Heterosexuals choose celibacy and it is a beautiful thing, but homosexuals have no choice. They are slated into one path and let’s be honest here. It sucks.

So yes, I’m angry. It makes it hard to go to Church, to have meaningful relationships with my family. My prayer life is strong and I try to follow God’s teachings, but I feel as if I’m hitting brick walls. I am tired of being told that my soul and body are an abomination and that I am incapable of giving romantic love.

The Catholic Church is scary for me. I wish it wasn’t.

I don’t know quite what I’m saying here, only that the more time I spend with Catholics, the more cruel comments about homosexuality slip, and the more I feel like this isn’t the place for me. This forum feels unsafe for me.

I don’t know what to do.
Gah, I just want to give you a hug. :hug3:

I’m sorry that you’ve been pushed away in the past. I think sometimes it’s hard for people to remember that people with SSA are children of God just like them, they just have a cross that most of us don’t have to bear. We need to do better in this area, and it’s our responsibility to change our communities so that they are more welcoming to people with different experiences.
People in the Church are beginning to realize that gay people really do need close and intimate relationships with people of the same sex (EVERYONE, gay or straight, needs close friendships with same-sex friends).
This is such an important point. Just because someone cannot marry or is not called to marriage doesn’t mean that they should be alone. Very very few of us are meant to be alone for any huge length of time. I would hope that the OP would be able to have wonderful friendships with other women. She may not be called to marriage, but that certainly wouldn’t mean that she shouldn’t experience intimacy or closeness!

God be with you, Naomily.
Yes, Pacomius. He does.

In the same sentence, he condemns fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, male prostitutes, thieves, the greedy, drunkards, revilers, robbers.

I have no problem with the condemnation of these. None of these are admirable. I just think that well-meaning gay people are cut out for a particular type of hatred.

What gay or straight people get up to in private is nobody’s business except the Lord’s. It’s up to the person if they attend church or receive sacraments. It’s exactly the same with thieves and idolaters, greedy people and drunkards. A sin is a sin.
But earlier you mocked the Old Testament teachings against homosexual sex. Now you’re saying you think it’s a sin – no worse than other sins, but a sin nonetheless.

You can’t have it both ways. 🤷
It sounds like you are in a lot of pain.

I don’t know what advice I would have, but I can give you some resources [if you’re looking to stay on the path prescribed by the Church]:

Courage - A Roman Catholic Apostolate

Joel 2:25 (run by a Roman Catholic man who has same-sex attraction, but open to people of other faiths as well):

Although I am not gay or bi-sexual, I am a part of North Star (an LDS support group):

Although many of those posts are related to that Church, you don’t have to be LDS to join (there is a Muslim man there). I have seen a lot of good advice go through that group that is generally good for everyone.

For the Facebook page (the group is “secret” so no one will know you’re in it or see what you post there):

People will be happy to reach out to you, even if you’re of a different faith.

For the g-mail discussion groups (if you want to be a bit more anonymous, but those a little less active) :

Even if you have no idea where you are going to end up in the long run, there are steps you can take in these places to make your life better and healthier.

Circling the Wagons workshop “Families in Conflict”:

Talks about techniques you can use in conflicts with family. At about 43:30 they are talking about techniques, before that it is mainly people commenting about their lives. This one is mainly about people who want to act on their attractions and conflict they have with conservative family, but it can be useful to you in just any conflict. You can check out CTW Conferences past for more stuff as well.

I know there are a couple Catholic LGBT (affirming) groups out there as well such as DiginityUSA, New Ways Ministry, ect.

And a quote from a Conference about when people compare your orientation to other trials:

"Comparing attraction or orientation to an addiction, a weakness, or other mortal trials furthers the misconception that sexual orientation is a decision one makes, when the church has clearly stated that “individuals do not choose to have such attractions.

Although mortality presents various challenges and circumstances to so many of God’s children, not all situations are alike. For example, I used to believe that my brother’s sexual orientation and the proposition of life of celibacy would be just like the many single adults in the church who never had the chance to marry and would spent their lives alone, too. However, what I didn’t realize is that likely a straight [person] prays with hope and faith that today they will meet their [spouse], the gay sister or brother prays not to fall in love today, and has no hope that their desire to love can be fulfilled in this life. Though well-intentioned, we must be careful to not equate situations that are not the same."

If you haven’t already, reach out.

Good Luck,
My 26 year old daughter is living the gay lifestyle. She is engaged at this point to her “girlfriend” and planning a wedding which obviously her Dad and I will have no part of in any sense or way. I wish I had known when she came out at about age 16 what I’ve learned since. You were NOT born gay–no matter what secular society tries to feed you–and you CAN change–but only if you really want to! I don’t want to sound mean spirited, but aside from being a plain old mom of 5 kids, I’m a women’s health nurse practitioner. There is no “Gay Gene” No matter what your friends or society tries to feed you, nobody is born gay! That is, frankly, a crock of cr#p!. You may not know off the top of your head what happened that caused these feelings, but if you want to find out and become heterosexual, you can. There’s a wonderful Catholic organization called COURAGE that can help you. Some parishes have groups of this in them but it’s fairly new and all parishes don’t. If your parish doesn’t offer this group, then I want you to know that there’s a huge online group if you plug it into your search engine and they are amazing. There’s also a support group for the parents and family of those with SSA called ENCOURAGE. It’s helped me a lot. Good luck and make your choices wisely. Do you really want to walk the path of homosexuality all your life with all it entails? If not, I suggest that you at least give COURAGE a try.
I’m praying that someday you will be able to accept your daughter as is. We do not agree on this issue, but as a mother, I cannot imagine missing my dear daughter’s wedding. 🤷
My 26 year old daughter is living the gay lifestyle. She is engaged at this point to her “girlfriend” and planning a wedding which obviously her Dad and I will have no part of in any sense or way. I wish I had known when she came out at about age 16 what I’ve learned since. You were NOT born gay–no matter what secular society tries to feed you–and you CAN change–but only if you really want to! I don’t want to sound mean spirited, but aside from being a plain old mom of 5 kids, I’m a women’s health nurse practitioner. There is no “Gay Gene” No matter what your friends or society tries to feed you, nobody is born gay! That is, frankly, a crock of cr#p!. You may not know off the top of your head what happened that caused these feelings, but if you want to find out and become heterosexual, you can. There’s a wonderful Catholic organization called COURAGE that can help you. Some parishes have groups of this in them but it’s fairly new and all parishes don’t. If your parish doesn’t offer this group, then I want you to know that there’s a huge online group if you plug it into your search engine and they are amazing. There’s also a support group for the parents and family of those with SSA called ENCOURAGE. It’s helped me a lot. Good luck and make your choices wisely. Do you really want to walk the path of homosexuality all your life with all it entails? If not, I suggest that you at least give COURAGE a try.
Just out of curiosity, how old was your daughter when she realised she was homosexual? I don’t agree with your view and I feel it is a shame it is causing a separation from your daughter, but I am not sure if people who think as you do (ie homosexuals can change and do choose their lifestyle), realise the implications/logic that view has for you.

I feel for you and your distress. Please don’t let the teachings of the Catholic Church destroy your life. I believe you were born a homosexual and you should be able to live a happy and fulfilling life without denying your sexuality.

The Catholic Church will (at best) only ever accept you as a person with a disorder that needs to be treated with compassion. I don’t believe homosexuality is a disorder.

I can’t see you ever receiving true acceptance in the Catholic Church. I would look to other denominations and congregations (often called affirming congregations) that accept who you are and will allow you to grow your relationship with God without denying or suppressing who you are.
How terrible that a young person feels driven from the Church she loves.
But that’s exactly what we do. As a society and a church, we judge and we condemn: precisely the things Jesus told us not to do.

Now, lest anyone retort that it is simply the command of scripture that homosexuality is forbidden, I’d add that the Bible says all kinds of primitive and frankly stupid things, for nomadic, tribal people to obey in a time of widespread ignorance, illiteracy and superstition.

Leviticus teaches that menstruating women are ritually unclean, not to be touched.
Exodus teaches that we are to put a sorceress to death.
These are clearly ancient edicts, ridiculous in the modern era. If a woman menstruates, it’s quite okay now. We don’t regard her chair as ritually unclean. We understand about hygiene and feminine health.
If someone wants to be a sorceress, no-one really cares any more.

If we’re going to resort to the OT in our condemnation of homosexuals, we might as well adhere to all the OT laws.
Please don’t keep perpetuating this specious objection. Read this:
Okay, so here it is. I’m twenty-three and grew up in your perfect traditional Catholic family. My parents were loving and religious and great. I believed wholeheartedly what I was taught and adored it. And yet, before I even know what homosexuality was (because, like as good like Catholic girls, I was very sheltered), I began to feel romantic urges for girls. This began to creep on me as I grew older and by the time I was seventeen I knew, with some horror, that I had gay feelings.

I can already anticipate your reactions. No, there were no examples of homosexuality in my life. I was not sexually abused. I have healthy, normal relationships with men. You can’t pin this on anything environmental. If I had any choice at all I would have wanted to be straight. You cannot imagine the pain and suffering this has caused me, as a Catholic who wants desperately to be the daughter her parents wanted.

I spent most of my teenagerhood terrified of having close relationships with other women and suffered socially because of it. I tried desperately, and totally alone, to “pray away the gay”. My parents, who are wonderful in every way, didn’t even consider that this could happen to their children. I had no support. I was scared shitless, thanks to some very graphic church sermons and comments dropped by my family, that if anyone found out, I’d be kicked out of the house. Even if I kept my family’s love, there was no getting around that this would change things forever.

Eventually I realized, quite frankly, that my efforts were ********. It was clear that I am who I am. I cannot control my sexuality any more than I can control my love of hip hop, or the color of my eyes. We are born with some preferences, for different flavors of ice cream, and for some genders. I am not a pervert. My feelings for women are as pure and lofty as any my heterosexual friends have.

The more I prayed and tried, desperately, to understand why I am the way I am, the angrier I became. I am angry at my parents and my Church, who created a world of fear. I have spent so much of my life terrified of judgment. I have had no role models, no community, and no compassion.

The Church makes its views on homosexuality very clear. And for all you may claim to love the sinner, hate the sin, you all cannot deny that a Catholic congregation is an unfriendly place for even a celibate homosexual. You cannot deny that being open about who I am would be inviting gossip and cruelty, no matter how closely my life follows Church teachings. It would be like living under a microscope.

I’ve read this community’s responses to questions about homosexuality. I’ve read how, at the first mention of a gay man, you pry into his sexual history.

Imagine telling me at sixteen, a young girl who loved romcoms and longed for romance, that she could never have an intimate relationship. That celibacy for her was not a calling, or a vocation, but a sentence. Heterosexuals choose celibacy and it is a beautiful thing, but homosexuals have no choice. They are slated into one path and let’s be honest here. It sucks.

So yes, I’m angry. It makes it hard to go to Church, to have meaningful relationships with my family. My prayer life is strong and I try to follow God’s teachings, but I feel as if I’m hitting brick walls. I am tired of being told that my soul and body are an abomination and that I am incapable of giving romantic love.

The Catholic Church is scary for me. I wish it wasn’t.

I don’t know quite what I’m saying here, only that the more time I spend with Catholics, the more cruel comments about homosexuality slip, and the more I feel like this isn’t the place for me. This forum feels unsafe for me.

I don’t know what to do.

I want to begin with saying that I am sorry that this has been your experience, this fear and frustration, often caused by well-meaning individuals who are unaware of the effects their words have on people. We, too, are sinners, and sometimes in the attempt of fighting against sin, end up hurting people along with it. I think it may be because it is constantly in the news, the widespread advance and celebration of this sin, that we might react against it quite strongly in a way that does no help. It is true that no one is perfect, but that does not excuse imperfection.

You are not an abomination, you are a beloved child of God who has temptations like the rest of us. It is important to know that God knows and wants what is best for us, because we are made and loved by Him. With that said, God wants us to be good. It is no easy thing being good. Jesus said to love him we must keep his commandments, to take up our cross and follow him. It is a lifelong challenge. We must remember that everything in this world will pass away, fashions and romances will come and go, but that which is Heavenly is Eternal, and will endure forever. This is the Love that we are all called to partake in, to desire and work for what is Good for ourselves and others, to become closer to God. This is quite different from romantic love, but romance was meant as a natural way for us to begin loving in this supernatural way. You are not sentenced to a life without Love. God knows what is best for us, and that is why he does not want us to use our gift of sexuality in a way that it was not intended. You may still have intimacy (closeness) with others, but this does not necessarily have to involve sex.

I will definitely pray that you find peace and Love, and never bow to pressures of the world that would love to have you accept sin under the guise of compassion. It has been recommended already, but I will say it again. You should watch The Third Way. It really calls to attention how we need to treat one another.
There are a few issues you’ve expressed in your OP, and I’ll try and address them as best I can. However, before we do ANY of that I think we need to clearly express what Church teaches about homosexuality. You are not an abomination (the word you used to describe your soul and body). You are a child of God, a princess of His heavenly kingdom, and you are beautiful. You are destined for eternal happiness and unfathomable joy in heaven. God loves you, the Church loves you, and you are always welcome in the Catholic Church.

I understand that this truth hasn’t be communicated to you. I understand that many of the Catholics your life may not appear to believe or they may not believe it at all. This is truly unfortunate, but I would remind you that all Catholics are imperfect sinners. To be a Catholic, active in the Church, is to experience that imperfection. For some people that imperfection is more manifest than others. I’ve had nothing but a positive experience in the Church. I wish that the same could be said for everyone. With that said the correctness and efficacy of the Catholic faith is not dependent on the holiness of her members. If the Catholic faith is true, it remains true even if every single Catholic is a horrible person. If it is false, it would remain false if every Catholic was a bad person. The truth of the Catholic faith rests on one thing: God and His Son Jesus Christ.

So where does that leave us? I think that before even considering whether the Church is correct on homosexuality you may want to examine your relationship with Jesus and His Church. Other than Her teachings on same sex attraction, do you believe in the Catholic faith? If not, I think that’s a far more pressing issue to be addressed.

But, for the sake of the rest of this post, let us assume that you have no problems with the Church other than Her teachings on homosexuality.

I think the first thing to remember is that when encountering a difficult teaching, it’s important to trust. One of the more difficult teachings that I had to encounter was the Church’s position on contraception. I didn’t understand it and to some extent I still don’t. But because I accept that the Church was founded by Jesus, I know that Her teachings must necessarily be true. In other words, because I accept that scripture is inerrant and that Jesus founded the Church I must logically believe that the Church has the authority to teach on faith and morals.

The second thing I would point out is that I think it is a mistake to close yourself off to relationships with other women. If you have the chance to check out Courage (I haven’t read the thread but I’m sure they’ve been recommended half a dozen times) you’ll not that the entire purpose of that organization is forming friendships between Catholics with same sex attraction. I’ve had the opportunity to hear different people in Courage speak, and they freely form friendships with people who are actively and openly gay/lesbian.

The third thing I would point out is that being attracted to the same sex is not a sin. It is oriented towards the wrong target, and acting on that attraction would be gravely sinful, but merely feeling something is not sinful. In your post you said that you’ve come to accept that’s just who you are, and I think that’s good. Similarly, I’ve had to accept that I am an angry man. That’s a party of who I am. The trick isn’t denying who and what you are. The trick is to accept it, and use your gifts, your talents, and your difficulties in service to God.

The fourth thing is that I understand how you feel about a lifetime devoid of romantic relationship. While you pointed out that some heterosexuals are celibate, you wrongly pointed out that this is always by choice. Some heterosexuals want a relationship every bit as much as you do but they never meet a significant other. I may very well fall into this category. Whether or not I’m justified in feeling like I may never be in a relationship, that was definitely something I’ve had to struggle with. You’re right, it does suck. With that said, the purpose of our lives is not enter into a romantic relationship. The purpose of our life is to love and serve God as best we can. That service can be immensely difficult, but it was Jesus who said that that unless we are willing to take up our crosses and follow Him we are not worthy to serve Him.

I know it can feel like a relationship is the key to happiness, and without it you’ll be miserable forever. The thing is… that’s not true. The moment I started to let go of my fear of being a life long bachelor I began to feel a lot better about my life and happier overall. Friendships, acts of service, hobbies, and more give me are sources of happiness whether or not we are in a relationship. Just like everyone else we’ll have moments of happiness and sadness.

Same sex attraction is a heavy cross, but it doesn’t have to be as heavy as you have made it and experienced it. Many of the people I know who are Catholic, chaste, and open about their attractions have had a very positive experience in the Church. Clearly, this hasn’t be the case for you. If possible, I might recommend trying to find a different parish that may be more friendly to individuals with SSA attraction. Alternatively, if you’re feeling courageous, perhaps you can be a witness for chaste Catholics with an attraction to the same sex. I hope that was somewhat of a help.
by applying a little of empathy I consider your response very UNHELPFUL. she is trying to understand what her vocation should be. Should she marry a male she is not attracted to? Get a gay marriage? Accept a ‘sentence’ of compulsory celibacy?
Your SUCK IT UP response obviously did not answer any pertinent question. And how on earth did you reach the conclusion that she is blaming the church?
Read my post. I said I understood her situation. Is that not empathy? She can of course, do what she likes, but she cannot have her cake and eat it by expecting the Church to approve her inclinations.

I did five years on dialysis. I ‘sucked it up’. It worked for me.

Have a look at the title of her topic. She seriously doubts Church teaching.

Best wishes,
I believe God does make people with SSA, not necessarily that there is a “gene” for it, but that its just an inclination someone naturally has. Attraction isn’t a sin, the sins comes in when you act on that attraction. I am very sorry that you feel driven away from the Church and family. Most of the Catholics I know try their best to be loving, but in the end we are all human. Understand that the Church does teach that you have as much dignity and respect as anyone else. First and foremost, you are not an abomination.

In the end, we are called to live chastely. This excludes homosexual marriage, because its just impossible. Sex in marriage is unitive, and procreative. If you take out one, you take away the meaning entirely. This does not exclude you form having deep and meaningful friendships with either gender though. You may see it as a sentence, but as you said your prayer life has grown allot through this. Is that not a good thing? and having the Eucharist and participating in the sacraments? Could it not just be a way to grow in holiness? I will not pretend to understand your situation though.

Here is a really good Life Teen blog post from a Catholic Teen who is Gay I’d aloso maybe suggest talking to a priest about your doubts as well. They could probably help you allot more than us strangers on the internet.

God bless, I’ll be praying for you.

I feel for you and your distress. Please don’t let the teachings of the Catholic Church destroy your life. I believe you were born a homosexual and you should be able to live a happy and fulfilling life without denying your sexuality.

The Catholic Church will (at best) only ever accept you as a person with a disorder that needs to be treated with compassion. I don’t believe homosexuality is a disorder.

I can’t see you ever receiving true acceptance in the Catholic Church. I would look to other denominations and congregations (often called affirming congregations) that accept who you are and will allow you to grow your relationship with God without denying or suppressing who you are.
What?! :mad:

No. Just no. Leaving Holy Mother Church is never the answer. Leaving the Sacraments is never the answer.

Homosexuality is not a disorder in the sense that it is like ADHD or some disease. It is disordered sexuality in the sense that the sexuality God designed humans to have if Adam and Eve had not sinned is not the way it should be, and so it is not properly ordered. Homosexuality is not a disease, and the Church does not teach that it is.

Also, the Church embraces LGBT with open arms, and instructs them just like she instructs all the faithful to live holy lives. How do we live a holy life? We pour ourselves out so that we can be filled with Jesus Christ. We do this by denying our sinful inclinations and instead acting/speaking/thinking in true charity. We also do this by going to Mass and receiving the Blessed Sacrament and being literally filled with Jesus Christ --body, blood, soul and divinity – which we cannot do if we join some other religion. It is the Sacraments of the Church that will change your life. Go to confession regularly and Mass as often as you can and in some months time you will not be the same person. The Church has strong words to say against those people who talk down to, oppress or ridicule homosexuals and DEMANDS they be treated with respect and compassion – that is how we are supposed to treat all people!

Not to long ago all the protestant denominations taught that homosexual marriage is not possible. The fact that the majority of them are now changing their tune is just further proof that the Catholic Church is the one true Church established by Christ Himself and protected by the Holy Spirit, and the gates of hell will never prevail against her. It doesn’t matter what the world says, It doesn’t matter what governments pressure us to do, it doesn’t even matter what the majority of cafeteria Catholics say, the Church will not change her teachings on this because we are loyal to the Magisterium, not to the changing whims of popular opinion and not our private interpretations of the Bible.
Hey guys! First off, thank you so much for all your thoughts. Those of you who have shared stories of loved ones with similar issues— I’m praying for you and your families, that you find peace.
  1. I would like to repeat, once again, that nothing in my environment contributed to my homosexual inclinations. Nothing. Those of you claiming I must have been influenced in some way are grasping at straws. I know acknowledging that we are truly “born this way” is scary because it means that anyone (ANYONE!) could be gay. You could have been born gay too. Be thankful you aren’t, and trust me on this one. I am who I am. Nitpicking my childhood won’t give you an answer.
  2. I do not doubt that if He wanted to, God could snap His fingers and poof! I’d be straight. However, I have grown to learn that praying to be something I’m not is sinful. I was created in God’s image and He loves me as I am, gay bits and all. I would no sooner pray to have blonde hair. It simply isn’t a productive use of my time with God.
  3. Yes, I have doubts on the Church’s position. That is not a sin. Questioning why (by some estimates) 4% of the population were born unable to experience intimate romantic love is a genuine concern. I doubt out of love for my LGBTQ brothers and sisters. The Church taught me to stand for justice and encouraged sympathy for the less fortunate. That has led me to roadblocks and questions. I will work through it, God willing.
  4. Those of you making assumptions about my sexual life, or lack of… Are proving my point for me. No, I have no been celibate my entire twenty-three years of existence but that is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS and irrelevant to the question at hand. **That is between me, God, and my confessor. Your prying into the details of what I do in my bed is disrespectful, invasive, and inappropriate for a public forum. **
  5. If I wanted to be told, in the face of real suffering, to “suck it up,” I would be a Protestant. 😛
  6. But thank you, because every single post here has given me something to consider. It’s becoming clear to me that the way homosexuality is approached in the Church is wrong, even if the teachings are not. Consciously or not, we have created an unsafe environment for members of the LGBTQ community, regardless of their celibacy. I cannot tell you how many comments I, a closeted and “upstanding member of my parish,” have heard that are mocking and cruel towards homosexuals. These harmless jokes and gossip create a culture of fear and repression.
I am asking all of you today to please, please think about the language you use in your every day life. Do you throw around slurs (fag, ****, etc.)? Do you point and laugh at openly gay members of society? Even the tiniest rude comment, heard by a closeted friend (and, I will stress that you have no idea who in your life is gay), can cause unimaginable anguish. This sort of nastiness drives good people away from the Church.

As an adolescent child, navigating my sexuality (which is always a confusing time, gay or straight), I had no role models. I had no visible model of a lesbian, never mind a Catholic lesbian. I was entirely alone, in an environment that was very clearly hostile to me. My research online led me to the Catechism, which was cold and unfeeling. I was a young girl with schoolgirl crushes and if the Church mentioned homosexuality at all, the essence of their words were “suck it up”. **“Intrinsically disordered” sounds unbelievably scary and cruel to a child. **

So please, I would love to hear more of your thoughts and opinions and stories. These discussions are important to have. If homosexuality had been discussed outside of innuendos and whispers, my childhood would have been a lot less confusing. Debate and doubt within the Church is healthy and leads to spiritual growth. It’s okay if we disagree.

I would ask that you all say a prayer, not for just me, but for my brothers and sisters who struggle in and out of the Church with homosexuality and gender dysphoria. The man wearing leather and waving a rainbow flag next weekend at a Pride Parade may make you giggle or feel uncomfortable, but he is a human too and deserves our love. The LGBTQ community faces discrimination at every level of life regardless of their relationship status.

I’ve personally been praying to St. Therese of Lisieux, the patron of AIDS patients. I feel she has a strong sympathy and love for us. I’m sure you all have your individual patrons. And if you could reach out to one person, even with just a smile, you could make the world a little less dark for us.

Thanks. 🙂
I would ask that you all say a prayer, not for just me, but for my brothers and sisters who struggle in and out of the Church with homosexuality and gender dysphoria. The man wearing leather and waving a rainbow flag next weekend at a Pride Parade may make you giggle or feel uncomfortable, but he is a human too and deserves our love. The LGBTQ community faces discrimination at every level of life regardless of their relationship status.

I’ve personally been praying to St. Therese of Lisieux, the patron of AIDS patients. I feel she has a strong sympathy and love for us. I’m sure you all have your individual patrons. And if you could reach out to one person, even with just a smile, you could make the world a little less dark for us.

Thanks. 🙂
Can I just say that I would consider myself SO blessed if I had a daughter just like you?

I agree with so much of what you said. The Church needs to do a much better job at welcoming the LGBTQ community… these brothers and sisters of ours aren’t going back into their closets and they need to hear they are loved by Him as much as the rest of us. When I became Catholic nine years ago, nobody said I couldn’t bring all of my baggage and sinful tendencies with me. I was a work in progress, and that was perfectly ok because God has these beautiful things called mercy & grace that he freely bestows. I am still a work in progress, and probably will be this side of heaven.

When someone I loved told me he was gay, I said - be gay all you want, but PLEASE don’t leave the Church. Don’t leave Jesus. He promised me he wouldn’t - and several years later I wish I could say he kept his promise but there truth is, he was run out by the sort of comments you mentioned. They chipped away at his faith until there was nothing left. Sadly, I think his experience is typical.

Let’s go with the given that homosexual sex is a sin. Lying is also a sin. Greed is a sin. Gluttony, the use of artificial birth control etc. etc. Can you impinge how empty our churches would be if all of those people felt like they weren’t worthy to be sitting in the pew? If they felt everyone viewed them as disgusting? If they were joked about and mocked? Sin is sin… we all struggle with something. My point is, we feel perfectly fine showing up at mass every week. We feel forgiveness and love from God - not constant condemnation. Why are we so special?

I think it will take time… but attitudes are changing. I think it’s because people like your dear parents, who do did everything right one day wake up and find out their beloved daughter is a homosexual. And after the initial shock wears off, and they grieve for a bit, they realize their daughter is the same beautiful person they’ve always known and loved. At least that’s my prayer for all LGBTQ children.

God bless as you.
You are unique and special to our loving Lord who made you and loves you.
We are all praying for you because you asked for prayers and we are all glad to respond.
Your private life is exactly that - private. There will always be those who go on and on about the rules of the Church and sin, hell, etc etc. That is their right but for many of us it is not the way of a loving God.
I pray for your happiness 🙂

  1. Yes, I have doubts on the Church’s position. That is not a sin. Questioning why (by some estimates) 4% of the population were born unable to experience intimate romantic love is a genuine concern. I doubt out of love for my LGBTQ brothers and sisters. The Church taught me to stand for justice and encouraged sympathy for the less fortunate. That has led me to roadblocks and questions. I will work through it, God willing.
    No, doubting isn’t a sin, and I pray that you work that out with God. But also understand that the Church isn’t going to change Her position. It can’t. Jesus was clear on what marriage is. You can experience a deep and intimate relationship with Jesus, we all are called to that. No you shouldn’t pray to God to change you, but rather pray for holiness and guidance.
The reason why the Catechism seems cold and unfeeling, is because it explains things on a logical basis. Logic is unfeeling.
  1. Those of you making assumptions about my sexual life, or lack of… Are proving my point for me. No, I have no been celibate my entire twenty-three years of existence but that is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS and irrelevant to the question at hand. **That is between me, God, and my confessor. Your prying into the details of what I do in my bed is disrespectful, invasive, and inappropriate for a public forum. **
Totally agreed! If you had wanted to make it known, you would’ve.

Praying for you, and all who struggle with this.
In some areas, the Catholic Church is a leader in social justice issues.

However, it is failing as a leader in some other areas. Women’s rights and gay rights are two of the areas where the Church cannot find a legitimate position. Therefore, it is being ignored throughout the “developed” world. Even countries with strong Catholic majorities find the Church’s official position to be irrelevant.

We know, of course, that the only thing which could possibly be infallible would be an actual deity. There is always reason to suspect the legitimacy if any person, and of any man-made organization which claims infallibility in any topic. This is why some Protestants refer to Catholics as “Papists”.
I know what it is like to suffer from same sex attraction. I am what many would call a bisexual. I suffer from same sex attraction which is disordered but I also have opposite sex attraction which is normal. It’s not normal to have both of course.

Anyway, the Church does teach that sexual intercourse must be open to procreation. Homosexual sex is definitely not open to procreation and that is why it is disordered and gravely immoral.

I honestly believe with all of my heart that God wants everyone to live chaste lives for their own good. I believe that if I was living an unchaste life, I would be a very unhappy person. I truly believe that God created the rules that He has for us so that way we could be happy here on earth and forever with Him in Heaven. Granted it is not always easy to follow the rules but if we want to be with Him forever in Heaven, that’s what we’ll do.

Anyway, have you checked into Courage Apostolate? It’s an apostolate for those who suffer from same sex attraction.
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