Angry?, Nawww, a little sad how patriotism blinds people to national caution and apathy.
That’s a pretty condescending attitude…
Although, I don’t think you are thinking this through clearly. The events you describe is not Gospel, or written down like some code of conduct. It is in fact a case of immorality.
The genocide that the potential ally is committing would morally override the desire to have Saddam assist Reagan in his strategy. If the global mission is to save those in oppression, and that overrides every man’s/nation’s personal mission, then on Reagan’s first discovery of Saddam’s corruption, he would have first taken care of the Kurd problem involving thousands, then the Iran hostages.
Reagan was the president of the United States, not the world! No national leader can assume accountability for every attrocity wrought by tyrants. Was FDR responsible for Hitler? The second world war may have freed the Jews, but the reason for going to war to to stop Germany’s aggression. The reason we went to war was for National Security, not some noble ideal like saving mankind…Get real, people die at the hands of thugs every day and as tragic as that is, very few national leaders will rise to stop it unless there is something that benefits the aiding country.
God wants us to do things with the power He gives man/nations.
You know, I am not convinced that the US’s strategy to go into Iraq was the best one. I hope that those you chastise will one day be vindicated as the turmoil in the Middle East subsides. I don’t know if history will prove that the sacrifices Americans are making to win this war on terror are worth the cost in lives and dollars, but, I am willing to see this through in the hope that a better world will exist for all of humanity.
In fact this event trumps up any position the US makes in it’s argument on human rights. It tables it’s views with the conclusion that “one of ours, is worth more than thousands of yours”, and goes on with the crusade of hunting down those for human rights violations. Chivalrous indeed, what a farce.
Every nation’s leaders has the duty to protect it’s own citizens. It would be silly if Paul Martin did more for the Chinese than he did for Canadiens. Of course, they will put the rights and needs of their own people ahead of others. That’s only natural…
Your concuring with this decision is astounding coming from a Global Catholic.
What exactly is a “Global” Catholic and how do you know that I am one?
What of the time between his knowing about it and his success with the Iranian hostages? Did all those Kurds who took a bullet agree that Reagan had to save a few first no matter how long it takes? Did they understand Reagan’s tea parties and diplomatic luncheons?, of course they did, as everyone is bound to the “US Gospel”.
I never heard of the term “US Gospel”. If you are somehow implying that I am incapable of thinking this through without the benefit drinking the grape juice, then I can only say that, perhaps, you need to consider if you might be the one who is being swept up…
You are trying to advance the US doctrine of “Our Way is the Devine Way”, but the reality is the history of overthrows and deceptions the US has intiated reads more like the Book of Necromacy.
So, you oppose the notion that Saddam has been deposed? Would Iraqis be better off with Hussein in power?
I would recommend you read “Body of Secrets” by Bamford. If you still feel the same fine, but uncover the complete truth first, then make a decision.
OK, what makes Bamford the purveyor of “truth”.
Actually, no, and you make my point again. There is an American appointed judge. Power corrupts absolutley, why stop now when your on a roll.
Power when abused can certainly be a corrupting force. But to say that “power corrupts absolutely” suggests that all power is corrupting. Jesus had the power to heal and forgive men’s sins. Was Jesus “absolutely corrupted”?
Better get informed man.
Andy, I try to remain openminded and offer alternative angles. Actually, I have read a great deal and given these matters a lot of thought. If being informed means that I must share the manner of your outlook, then I would submit that I would rather stay ignorant…