vern humphrey:

Like any other human being, I must form my judgement based on the information available to me. I agree that it would be helpful to have more information made available to the general public to help inform us in when forming our judgments. Perhaps we should make a FOIA request?You believe. But you do not have access to classified information, nor do you have the training and experience to reliably evaluate that information. That’s why the Church places the responsibility on the government.
Any particular reason you brought this up? We do not have a draft in place, and I already gave my position on the obligations of those who are in the military above.Note also, the Church calls upon government to make provision for conscientious objectors – but says those persons must serve in some capacity.
That doesn’t even merit a response. If opposing your government’s actions amounts to treason, let’s just install the president as dicatator-for-life and be done with it. Why let the uninformed plebes have even a token say - they might accidentally embolden those notoriously apathetic terroristsAnd yet you take positions that aid our enemies.

The point I was making was regarding action by the government. Passing a law is a government action. Prosecuting a war is a government action. As citizens we have a duty to evaluate, judge, and respond to actions the government takes in our name, be those legislative or executive actions.Just what law are you working to revoke? The power of the Congress to declare war? The designation of President as Commander-in-Chief?
Your error is in equating “unjust law” with an on-going war.
Is that what this is all about - you wish to avoid guilt? If the war was wrong, we have the blood guilt of those who died on both sides on our heads. If the war was right and we did not go, we likewise would bear guilt. There is no way to avoid culpability. Such is the weight of democracy.And if you are wrong in your judgement (as you likely are, due to your lack of information and lack of training and experience to reliably evaluate that information) will you accept on your head the blood-guilt of those soldiers who die as a result?