
There are two kinds of cooperation with evil: formal and material. Formal cooperation involves either willing the act or physically participating in it and is always immoral. Material cooperation occurs when a person performs an act which is not itself immoral but is used by another to commit an immoral act and may or may not be immoral. For example: one person volunteers to drive someone to an abortion clinic, another drives a bus that stops at a clinic. Both people materially cooperate in the abortion but only the former has committed a sin - the bus driver is not acting immorally.I have some questions about cooperation with the military. Suppose a person helps test missiles for the military. These products could be used for operations that are just or (at the present time, perhaps) unjust.

If a person believes that what he is doing is immoral (whether or not his belief is correct) then his action is immoral. Note: it is important to understand that the reverse is not true - the fact that a person believes an action is moral does not make it so.I guess it just seems that if a war is currently going on that one believes is unjust, then cooperation would be difficult to do in good conscience.