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Ok, now that I have your attention.

There was a thread that is now closed, on regret after pre-marital sex. There was a debate on that and I don’t think we’re done.

Some members of this forum were for pre-marital sex, and all that ‘good stuff’.

I posted one before-last, if you wish to retort, go ahead.

If this thread closes, then I’ll continue in PM’s.

This is something I value, and I want to show others the truth in this, please, let me finish what I started.
I think we should get right to the heart of the issue, What is sex for?
Sex… Last I checked sex is to have a child. At least, that’s what my bio-teach says.

It’s also to bond two into one and strengthen love.

Any objections?
Sex… Last I checked sex is to have a child. At least, that’s what my bio-teach says.

It’s also to bond two into one and strengthen love.

Any objections?
No objections at all.🙂
I agree, one man and one woman, in the bonds of matrimony!
Sex… Last I checked sex is to have a child. At least, that’s what my bio-teach says.

It’s also to bond two into one and strengthen love.

Any objections?
Indeed yes. That’s like saying your eyes are to see predators and find food. Well maybe originally but they aren’t confined to such anymore thanks to our wonderous (and terrible) intellect. The eyes can now serve to bring us Art for instance, something they never evolved to do but a product of the interaction between consciousness and sensory data.

Ditto Sex. What once existed for procreation is now so much more. It is an indelible part of our social structure and has been for the last hundred thousand years at least.

You might as well say food is only to subsist. While we do need food to subsist we have also found there to be wonderous variety in food and we now go to great lengths to make our diet varied, and often aesthetically pleasing as well as nutritious.

We are not the simple creatures we once were. This has caused us no small number of problems but there have been benefits as well.
Sex - a gift from God for married couples to express love, bonding, intimacy while creating new life.
Sex is a bit different than eatting or looking at things. What is sex for, you really didn’t answer that in your post Tlaloc.
Indeed yes. That’s like saying your eyes are to see predators and find food. Well maybe originally but they aren’t confined to such anymore thanks to our wonderous (and terrible) intellect. The eyes can now serve to bring us Art for instance, something they never evolved to do but a product of the interaction between consciousness and sensory data.

Ditto Sex. What once existed for procreation is now so much more. It is an indelible part of our social structure and has been for the last hundred thousand years at least.

You might as well say food is only to subsist. While we do need food to subsist we have also found there to be wonderous variety in food and we now go to great lengths to make our diet varied, and often aesthetically pleasing as well as nutritious.

We are not the simple creatures we once were. This has caused us no small number of problems but there have been benefits as well.
Yadda yadda yadda…blah blah blah…ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
In my mind there are two kinds of copulating. There is sex, and then there is making love. I personally have no problem with sex outside of marriage, I did it, and I do not regret it. That is not to say that my path is for everyone, we each have our choices to make. I try not to denigrate those who choose to remain a virgin until marriage, I think it should go both ways.
Watchout Tlaloc, if the Rev. Wilson finds out you’ve been making these posts he’s going to make you wear the: A.
In my mind there are two kinds of copulating. There is sex, and then there is making love. I personally have no problem with sex outside of marriage, I did it, and I do not regret it. That is not to say that my path is for everyone, we each have our choices to make. I try not to denigrate those who choose to remain a virgin until marriage, I think it should go both ways.
You believe that the ultimate authority in this incredibly wondrously created world is *you. *

*We don’t. *
Tyler Smedley:
Sex is a bit different than eatting or looking at things. What is sex for, you really didn’t answer that in your post Tlaloc.
I said in the other thread it’s like asking what Art is “for”? Its a question you could fill a library exploring, certainly not one I can give a satisfactory answer to in an internet post. Suffice it to say it can have a million different meanings.
Indeed yes. That’s like saying your eyes are to see predators and find food. Well maybe originally but they aren’t confined to such anymore thanks to our wonderous (and terrible) intellect. The eyes can now serve to bring us Art for instance, something they never evolved to do but a product of the interaction between consciousness and sensory data.

Ditto Sex. What once existed for procreation is now so much more. It is an indelible part of our social structure and has been for the last hundred thousand years at least.

You might as well say food is only to subsist. While we do need food to subsist we have also found there to be wonderous variety in food and we now go to great lengths to make our diet varied, and often aesthetically pleasing as well as nutritious.

We are not the simple creatures we once were. This has caused us no small number of problems but there have been benefits as well.
Answered with the typical narcissism and hedonism of a sybarite or a homosexual; who misuses sex for pleasure rather than procreation.
I said in the other thread it’s like asking what Art is “for”? Its a question you could fill a library exploring, certainly not one I can give a satisfactory answer to in an internet post. Suffice it to say it can have a million different meanings.
Art moves us emotionally.
Ar moves us intellectually.
Art informs us.
Art is an act of expression
Art is an act of creativity

Art does not create a BRAND NEW LIFE.

Art may portray life and death, but it does not CREATE LIFE OR DEATH.

There would be no ART if we had not been CREATED by SEX, in order to express ourselves artistically.

Art may express hatred, violence, and have exploitive intent. Is such art in the same neigborhood of consequence as sex done in hatred and violence or exploitation??
You might as well say food is only to subsist. While we do need food to subsist we have also found there to be wonderous variety in food and we now go to great lengths to make our diet varied, and often aesthetically pleasing as well as nutritious.
We are not the simple creatures we once were. This has caused us no small number of problems but there have been benefits as well.
Okayyy. Then let me say that sex within a husband and wife marriage is for the soul what wholesome, organic, nutritent rich, foods are for the body and all other sex is to the soul what cancerous junk food is to the body - the effect may not be instant, but there is an effect.

I agree we are not simple creatures. Otherwise we’d just say no to sin and that’d be the end of the problem. However, I’m curious to know what benefits you speak of ???

it’s like asking what Art is “for”? Its a question you could fill a library exploring, certainly not one I can give a satisfactory answer to in an internet post. Suffice it to say it can have a million different meanings
Actually I’ll take a stab at answering what art is for: Art is a physical manifestation of a mental concept or an interpretation of another physical object with the intent to project that concept/interpretation to others or to maintain for ones own use. Now whether or not it’s tastefull or talented art is a matter of debate for each subject matter.

That said, what a particuliar art form is FOR is usually still quite clear. For example: an antique table may be an art piece, but it was created to be used as a table - not a car, or dishwasher, or whatever. To use it for something other than a table would destroy the object and may even make it unfit for what it was originally intended for.

I maintain sex was created for a husband and wife to become one in spirit and to open the possiblity of creating new life. If you contend it was not for that or not just for that purpose - then what purpose/meaning do you give it? Any at all?
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