
No I don’t. I would not speak for you, why are you speaking for me?You believe that the ultimate authority in this incredibly wondrously created world is *you. *
*We don’t. *
No I don’t. I would not speak for you, why are you speaking for me?You believe that the ultimate authority in this incredibly wondrously created world is *you. *
*We don’t. *
The question is not one of tolerating legitimate differences. The question is about what God desires. There is only one Truth in this matter.In my mind there are two kinds of copulating. There is sex, and then there is making love. I personally have no problem with sex outside of marriage, I did it, and I do not regret it. That is not to say that my path is for everyone, we each have our choices to make. I try not to denigrate those who choose to remain a virgin until marriage, I think it should go both ways.
By your comments you suggest that your choices have no consequences outside of your own feelings on the matter.No I don’t. I would not speak for you, why are you speaking for me?
RIGHT!I have different feelings as to what God wants from us. That is the difference.
Remember what I said about how you always seem to bring up homosexuality?Answered with the typical narcissism and hedonism of a sybarite or a homosexual; who misuses sex for pleasure rather than procreation.
Sex can too.Art moves us emotionally.
Sex can too.Ar moves us intellectually.
Sex can too.Art informs us.
Sex is too.Art is an act of expression
Sex is too.Art is an act of creativity
Neither does most sex.Art does not create a BRAND NEW LIFE.
Depends on the art in question. Since both Sex and death can be a part of art you’d be wrong to say Art never does so.Art may portray life and death, but it does not CREATE LIFE OR DEATH.
True but really not relevent.There would be no ART if we had not been CREATED by SEX, in order to express ourselves artistically.
Certainly it may be. Watch the Triumph of the Will sometime to see how powerful hateful art may be.Art may express hatred, violence, and have exploitive intent. Is such art in the same neigborhood of consequence as sex done in hatred and violence or exploitation??
Then leave emotionality out of it then…If that is what you are stating, then yes. However it is not based simply on emotional feeling, but also my lifes experience.
YesThen leave emotionality out of it then…
Your* ultimate* authority of right and wrong, good or bad, truth or falacy is based on YOUR OWN experiences and what YOU think of them??
Are you one of those guys that argue porno mags are really filled with “art”?Sex can too.
Sex can too.
Sex can too.
Sex is too.
Sex is too.
Neither does most sex.
Depends on the art in question. Since both Sex and death can be a part of art you’d be wrong to say Art never does so.
True but really not relevent.
Certainly it may be. Watch the Triumph of the Will sometime to see how powerful hateful art may be.
Rob’s Wife said:Okayyy. Then let me say that sex within a husband and wife marriage is for the soul what wholesome, organic, nutritent rich, foods are for the body and all other sex is to the soul what cancerous junk food is to the body - the effect may not be instant, but there is an effect.
How do you explain the benefits of society to someone who is a hermit? It affects so many aspects of who we are as to beggar description. Sex plays an enormous role in our socialization.I agree we are not simple creatures. Otherwise we’d just say no to sin and that’d be the end of the problem. However, I’m curious to know what benefits you speak of ???
That definition neglects all abstract art.Actually I’ll take a stab at answering what art is for: Art is a physical manifestation of a mental concept or an interpretation of another physical object with the intent to project that concept/interpretation to others or to maintain for ones own use. Now whether or not it’s tastefull or talented art is a matter of debate for each subject matter.
Really? Then what is music for? is it to make you feel happy or sad? or to think? Or to extoll greatness? There are an endless ways that artists use music to do things.That said, what a particuliar art form is FOR is usually still quite clear. For example: an antique table may be an art piece, but it was created to be used as a table - not a car, or dishwasher, or whatever. To use it for something other than a table would destroy the object and may even make it unfit for what it was originally intended for.
Of course. Sex has millions of meanings depending on the people and the situation. It may mean “I love you” or “I like you” or “I care for you” or “I want to help you” or “I’m frightened” or “I’m happy” or “I’m happy you’re happy” ad infinitumI maintain sex was created for a husband and wife to become one in spirit and to open the possiblity of creating new life. If you contend it was not for that or not just for that purpose - then what purpose/meaning do you give it? Any at all?
It’s my time to “waste” right? So why do you care?tlaloc what do you expect when you argue with catholics who will always have different beliefs than you? your not going to change what anyone thinks, and since this is a catholic forum im guessing were supposed to be discussing this topic with the idea that we all are catholic…its not gonna work otherwise. your just wasting your time.
Why? First off you’re wrong as below since the procreative process can most assuredly be part of art (see for instance the other thread about the National Geographic movie on the development of the fetus). Secondly even if you could claim art and sex were separate you’d still have to show how creating life is smoehowm more consequential than not creating life. You take it as a given I don’t. Beyond that you’d also have to show that just because Sex can create life that means even non-procreative sex is also more consequential than art.Neither does most sex. BUT ART NEVER DOES. AND THAT MAKES SEX 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 TIMES MORE CONSEQUENTIAL.
Sure it is different but thats because no two acts of violence are ever really the same. They all are different from each other. Some are physical and some mental, and we could even positi some are spiritual. But even among violence of a certain “type” each instance is unique.Certainly it may be. Watch the Triumph of the Will sometime to see how powerful hateful art may be. OBJECTS THAT CAUSE HATE OR VIOLENCE IS DIFFERENT THAN THE ACTUAL ACT OF HATE, VIOLENCE, OR EXPLOITATION, ESPECIALLY IN THE AREA OF SEX, DON’T YOU THINK??