
Great, now we are on to something…No, I freely admit that I could be wrong. You could be wrong, I could be wrong, anyonge could be wrong.
SO, we both believe we were created by God, correct??
Great, now we are on to something…No, I freely admit that I could be wrong. You could be wrong, I could be wrong, anyonge could be wrong.
However that does not logically mean that procreation is the only end to which sex can be put.Sex creates life. That’s the point of it. You can’t get pregnant any other way. Bad water won’t do it to you, wishing won’t, pills won’t… sex will.
Some animals are mongamous and some are not but in neither case does it really help your case as animals engage in a lot of behavior that is sexual but not procreative. Go down to the local zoo and watch the primates if you don’t believe me. Animals definitely use sex for more than just procreation.Even animals get it.
In wolves, they mate for life the majority of the time. If their mate dies, they howl in sadness. Before the mating period there is a courting period, the wolves eat together, sleep side by side and there is no sex at all. Because to animals, sex is to make a new life.
We can also bond with people who are not our spouses.Humans have feelings, we can think. Our minds go beyond instinct. When we have sex, we can bond with out spouse. We do bond with our spouse.
Let me put it this way: If I told you friendship was only for two people and that it was wrong to ever be friends with anyone else and you only got to pick one person to be firends with for the rest of your life would you do it? Probably not. You’d see immediately the huge loss you’d suffer from cutting yourself off from humanity that way and the incredible danger of having to make a lifetime commitment on limited information.Surely humans can go beyond that animals are doing. Or at least equal it. Marry for life at least, and use sex to have children and bond the two of you.
Yes, sex can be part of art making the procreative process (if said sex is procreative) also part of art.HUH?? “PART OF ART”??
No, it’s like comparing two things that are extremely huge sweeping aspects of life to one another. Comparing poetry to music, or love to death. These are the primordial elements of what we call life. Sex, Art, Death, Love, etcetera.GREAT, I’M COMPARING THEM TOO, AND IT IS LIKE COMPARING ACTUAL APPLES ON APPLE TREES TO PICTURE OF APPLES, OR A WRITTEN DESCRIPTION OF APPLES, OR A SONG ABOUT APPLES, OR A MOVIE OR PLAY ABOUT APPLES.
Maybe because you keep using the gibberish filter? And are the all caps really needed?ASK A RAPE VICTIM ABOUT THIS. ACTUALLY BEING RAPED VS. SEEING A MOVIE ABOUT RAPE?? YOU REALLY ARE SPEAKING GIBBERISH, NOW.
OK…SO…we are here, we exist, with Gods “help” and you might say.Yes, I believe that God had something to do with my being here. I am not sure I would use the exact words “God made me”. However, I am here thanks to God.
Because he doesn’t think humanity is all that consequential. As soon as sex is objectified (like art), it is no more consequential than buying a dress getting lunch at the drive-thru at a fast food restaurant.am i the only one who thinks its really weird how much this is focusing on art? im not sure when art actually became relevant to sex…
this is probably where he can never agree with us because hes not catholic so he wont think its immoral.Because he doesn’t think humanity is all that consequential. As soon as sex is objectified (like art), it is no more consequential than buying a dress getting lunch at the drive-thru at a fast food restaurant.
Okay so you admit your position then is based on faith, not logic. That’s fine, I just want to be crystal clear about the difference. You do this because you have faith in the church. Period.If the church said that friendship was between two, and only two people, of the opposite gender who had to live together, love each other and become one flesh with that person, then yes.
You most definitely can. Trust me on this as I have a wee bit more experience in this matter than you do. My partner is just that, my partner. That doesn’t mean she has to be my only lover. But it does mean she holds a special place in my heart above any other lovers.I would never, ever vow to love a man forever and go have sex with his friends. Ever. That is the biggest lie I can think up at this time. You can’t vow to become one with a person and then go sleep around. Just like you can’t sleep around with someone you’re not one with.
Interesting that you tell your friends (plural) secrets but sex is a secret you think only can be “told” to one other. Seems your analogy is breaking down.I tell secrets to my friends. I trust them. I don’t tell secrets to people I don’t know, or barely know. Sex is a secret meant to be shared with one person, something no one else should know.
A muslim would tell you the same thing. They would tell you that their bet is better then yours.OK…SO…we are here, we exist, with Gods “help” and you might say.
Ok…SO you are banking on the God of No Consequence. Your behavior or choices have no ultimate consequence (ie God doesn’t care, he had no real purpose for creating you, you have no objective purpose, there are not really any ultimate standards to be met for meeting any purpose for being here. You have you, and your opinions, and your experiences, and that’s it. When you die, you just die, and that’s it, no ultimate consequnces for your life choices, no reward or justice granted you based on your behavior.
I am banking on the God of Consequence. My behavior does matter beyond my feelings, my comforts, my experiences. I am banking on a reward for making good, better, or best choices, and having to account for my bad, worse, or worst choices based on a God Of Consequence.
NOW…If you are right in the end…you win. Actually you neither win or lose, but you certainly don’t lose. AND NEITHER DO I.
If I am right in the end, I have fighting shot at a glorious reward (you do too) but you most assuredly put your money on a BAAAAAD bet…given the possible consequences and you may suffer unimaginably for the rest of time.
Where should we all put our smart money??
No. Comma.Okay so you admit your position then is based on faith, not logic. That’s fine, I just want to be crystal clear about the difference. You do this because you have faith in the church. Period.
Yes, you do have more experience. You’ve had sex. I havn’t. I’m saving it while you’re giving it away.You most definitely can. Trust me on this as I have a wee bit more experience in this matter than you do. My partner is just that, my partner. That doesn’t mean she has to be my only lover. But it does mean she holds a special place in my heart above any other lovers.
Ok, so I added an s. Make it friend then. A secret to tell one friend, your best friend. In the whole world, whom you shall be with forever, until you die.Interesting that you tell your friends (plural) secrets but sex is a secret you think only can be “told” to one other. Seems your analogy is breaking down.
Let me reword what I said. Not someone you don’t know, but only know a bit. Someone you havn’t spent time thinking about as a life-partner. I wouldn’t tell a secret to any of my friends, no. But I might tell my very best friend. The one I’ve known for a while and plan on knowing for years and years to come.You indeed shouldn’t tell secrets to people you don’t know or trust, nor should sleep with them, whatever gave you the idea I advocated slepping with just anyone?
I havn’t actually. I’ll google it and look it up. Thanks!Pro-Life Teen,
Have you read Alice von Hildebrand’s “The Priviege of being a Woman”? Your posts remind me of the excerpts I have read (I have a friend who loves von Hildebrand and she is always emailing out excerpts to everyone, lol).
"When women are pure, men will respect, nay, venerate them; they will also hear the call challenging them to chastity."
As a guy, let me tell you this could not be more true. Keep up the great posts. It’s so impressive to see a youngster with such a firm grasp on the faith!
But both the Muslim and I would say the same thing TO YOU.A muslim would tell you the same thing. They would tell you that their bet is better then yours.
I do not believe that once I die, I just die. I am not sure at all what happens, but that does not mean I think we are simply worm food. Of course I could be wrong about that as well.
Absolutely!Sex is one of God’s greatest gifts to humanity.
It is definitely up thereIt is the greatest thing a person can give to another person.
Well that’s a non sequitur if I ever heard oneIf you’ve had premarital sex- particularly if you don’t regret it, when you give it to your wife, you downplay it- your attitude is basically “hey, this is cool, try this” in a casual, noncaring way.
I suppose that could work too.If you have saved yourself for marriage, then you can say “this is something special- this is something I have saved for you- and only you”