Lisa N:
Steve A I noticed you characterized my mentioning of STDs as “obsessive.”
Well that was sort of a half serious ribbing
in one post on the other thread there had to be several hundred words there and it seemed that STD appeared in just about every sentence.
I was about to cut and paste it and do word count but then I realized that that would be a little obsessive
Seriously though, it did seem to appear that almost every response you made went right back to STDs. The style was a little pedantic….as if people were somehow unaware of the risks
I wondered if you had some background in education
Lisa N said:
……… I read somewhere that a majority of sexually active men carry HPV. ………
I’ve seen numbers ranging from 50-75% of all adults
But in the same publication the CDC also states that there are 20 million cases in the USA which is about 6-7% of the total population and maybe +/-10% (?) of the adult population so even the official numbers don’t add up. The CDC also gives a figure of 6.2 million new cases a year which doesn’t jibe at all with their total figure of 20 million.
Unless they meant 200 million! This, after you net out children and the celibate, would mean that we all have it already. So it may be a little late to start worrying about closing that barn door now.
Fortunately most strains are harmless, only about 1/3 are sexually transmitted, and most strains show no symptoms. Which is probably why it is difficult to get good numbers.
It’s ubiquitous presence in the population is interesting though. It has obviously been around for a looong while. So much for the good old days

Lisa N:
Given that people like you, Tlaloc, Mac6iver etc are not at all impressed by the possibility of consequences of sin,
I didn’t say I wasn’t impressed with the consequences of sin
I didn’t say anything about that at all.
PS why would you lump me in with Tlalco?
That guy’s preaching open marriage for Goodness sake.

Lisa N:
I did want to point out the health risks. If you consider that suggesting a casual sexual encounter is hardly worth risking disease or even death is obsessive, so be it. Just don’t pretend there are not actual consequences even if you sleep well tonight.
Lisa N
I didn’t say that either
You somehow translated my cherishing my past relationships as special parts of my life that I don’t regret into casual sexual encounters. Casual, disease ridden, sexual encounters at that. Eeeewww
We seem to be talking past each other
Like I wrote several times, a lot of life is risk management; physical and spiritual
Adult life is a game for the big kids
If you can’t stand the consequences of playing then take your ball and go home