Steve, again you are responding to my comments directed at Tlaloc who continued to conveniently ignore the STD issue, by claiming he ‘knew’ all his partners and their history. I was simply pointing out that was an absolutely ridiculous assumption. He continued to blow off the risk and I continued to pound on him. Obsessive? Maybe. I just wish he would acknowledge when he is living in dreamland. Further, unlike pregnancy, there are very few effective protections against STDs and also unlike pregnancy, some of these STDs are fatal. I think people tend to discount with a wink, wink, nod, nod, go get a penicillin shot chortle chortle. It’s not that easy.
As to the HPV rate, I should have stated this was with respect to single, sexually active males. There are obviously millions of sexually active males in this country but presumably many of them are monogamous. HPV is a particular problem because it’s relatively silent. I was lucky. They caught my cervical cancer early. I had day surgery and it was removed, not to return so far and it’s been about 20 years. Lucky me that I got yearly pap tests. A friend of mine was not so lucky. SHE was a virgin before marriage and monogamous after. She thought there was no reason for her to continue to get paps after marriage. She is now dying of cervical cancer that has spread to her uterus and ovaries. She never knew she had it and never knew she was at risk. So if I’m obsessed, maybe it’s thinking that this 40 year old woman is going to leave behind a young son and many broken hearted friends. It was all so unnecessary.
Lisa N
As to the HPV rate, I should have stated this was with respect to single, sexually active males. There are obviously millions of sexually active males in this country but presumably many of them are monogamous. HPV is a particular problem because it’s relatively silent. I was lucky. They caught my cervical cancer early. I had day surgery and it was removed, not to return so far and it’s been about 20 years. Lucky me that I got yearly pap tests. A friend of mine was not so lucky. SHE was a virgin before marriage and monogamous after. She thought there was no reason for her to continue to get paps after marriage. She is now dying of cervical cancer that has spread to her uterus and ovaries. She never knew she had it and never knew she was at risk. So if I’m obsessed, maybe it’s thinking that this 40 year old woman is going to leave behind a young son and many broken hearted friends. It was all so unnecessary.
Lisa N