Sexless Marriage Challenging My Faith

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What confuses me is this line.

What does your wife’s hysterectomy have to do with anything?

I think knowing the disability in question might help you get better answers, here.
Because my wife had a hysterectomy she is not able to conceive which I thought eliminated the sinful nature of climax outside of intercourse. I understand that is not true. The disability is a torn meniscus which makes intercourse impossible without significant pain.
I’m so sorry to hear about your struggles and your wife’s pain, friend.

I don’t have any expertise to help, but I’ll pray for God to assist you.
It’s not clear to me what you are saying. Instead of dancing around the issue, can you state it plainly. You say you can have sex but not intercourse. What does this mean?
It means sexual acts that lead to climax outside of intercourse.
It would be easier to bear if you were together in this. Is there any way you could go to a Catholic counselor, or somehow unify on this? Is she Catholic? Does she understand the “why” of the Church’s position in general?
I have discussed this with several different priests, all of whom gave me wildly different answers. As some of you may know I have discussed this subject here before. So why bring it up again? Because when you are the only one in your entire family who still practices the Catholic faith and you have no other source of support it is exceedingly difficult to do, month after month, year after year. I come here for support, often to hear the answers I already know, because I sometimes need reinforcement and encouragement. And yes, my wife is Catholic and knows the Church’s position on this, but she vehemently disagrees.
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Because when you are the only one in your entire family who still practices the Catholic faith and you have no other source of support it is exceedingly difficult to do, month after month, year after year.
I think this may be the crux of the matter. You need support, and I’m sorry you don’t have it. If your wife isn’t practicing her faith, that’s a hardship, and I speak from experience.
Because my wife had a hysterectomy she is not able to conceive which I thought eliminated the sinful nature of climax outside of intercourse. I understand that is not true. The disability is a torn meniscus which makes intercourse impossible without significant pain.
I would check with the doctor about that — I mean, not to be indelicate, but with pain relievers and careful positioning, this doesn’t sound like an insurmountable obstacle.

I take shifts in a retirement community and these kinds of questions come up a lot and our nurse practitioners have counseled lots of couples who were post stroke or hip replacements or whatever and they could resume their sex lives
If you and your wife desire children, but she is unable, then be good and trust there is nothing impossible with God if it is His will. Consider Abraham and Sarah, Jacob and Rachel, Zechariah and Elizabeth.
Except that Sarah and all the women in the Old Testament who have gotten pregnant did not had an hysterectomy.

God can make the paralytic walk again, and the blind to see, but He has never grown back a member or an organ.
…not to be indelicate, but with pain relievers and careful positioning, this doesn’t sound like an insurmountable obstacle.
Now you’ve planted an image in my mind that I can’t “unsee”. 😉

Just kidding, OScarlett. I wish the OP all the best in resolving the challenge he is going through and applaud you for your encouragement.
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You would never see an exemple in the Bible or in the miracles (recognized by the Church or not).

Why are you debating on something that is impossible?

It is even uncharitable for the OP question.
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We are able to have sex, but not intercourse
That’s not possible…

Without prying too much, what exactly do you mean by that? Because all sexual encounter must end in the natural marital act. Anything else would be contrary to the natural law and thus immoral.
I am so sorry that you experience this situation and you suffer it both a lot.

I am praying that you and your wife would stay unite and your burden will be lighter to bear one day. That your suffrance will be bearable.

You have endure so much with the help of your faith. Keep it it is a treasure and Go see you want to please him.
There is a limit in miracles, you know?

Try to live on the reality and the limits of your biology and what is possible by medicine or God’s miracle.
There is a limit in miracles, you know?

Try to live on the reality and the limits of your biology and what is possible by medicine or God’s miracle.
So, you are saying He cannot grow back a member or an organ? And, again, how do you know He never has?
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Just read again your Bible and all the history of miracles. You will have the answer. He had never.

He certainely can but choose to not go against the biological laws of the world He had created. Have you a problem with the will of God?
Just read again your Bible and all the history of miracles. You will have the answer. He had never.

He certainely can but choose to not go against the biological laws of the world He had created.
“But, there are also many other things which Jesus did; which, if they were written every one, the world itself, I think, would not be able to contain the books that should be written.” (Jn. 21:25)
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I don’t see the point of this line of questioning. All it does is offend people who seem to be the target of your ideas and speech. Why does it matter, anyways?
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How do you know? Would you say He cannot?
You’re missing the point. No one is arguing that God couldn’t do something. At least, something that isn’t a logical contradiction.

We’re saying it’s not reasonable to think He will when He has shown no inclination to do so throughout history.

Like i said, could God make a man conceive and bear a child? I guess, yeah. Is it reasonable for men to assume they aren’t going to become pregnant? Yes.

Belief in miracles does not mean abandoning common sense. If I fire a shotgun at my foot, it’s possible God could miraculously intercept the pellets before they mangle my foot. However, if I wisely refrain from firing a shotgun at my foot, it doesn’t indicate a lack of faith in God. It just means I’m using normal human prudence and common sense.
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Regrow the uterus of a woman who had a hysterectomy and proceed to make her bear a child.
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