Thanks again to all my fellow Catholics for your feedback. I appreciate the comments from both those who are sympathetic this issue and those who may be critical of my perspective. All responses are helpful in weighing, what I consider to be, a difficult and important issue.
Again, I am aware that it is not my right, responsibility, or position to forgive her. As many of you have pointed out though, it would be foolish to make a life long commitment to someone that may not be able to remain faithful to that commitment. It is not about judging her, holding this over her head, or browbeating her in any way whatsoever. I love her dearly and would not ever want to do anything to hurt her, or any less of a wonderful woman that I know her to be. That is precisely why I am seeking some Catholic/Christian feedback here.
This is a very sensitive issue for both of us. She is clearly ashamed of many of the things she has done and is hesitant to communicate clearly with me about it for fear of what I might think, do, or say. At the same time, we both must know where we both stand as it relates to any important issue in our lives before we can truly say we are ready to commit them to one another. If it was totally clear to me that these actions were totally in her past then this would not be an issue. My biggest concern is that promiscuity is something she has always struggled with (and never quite got away from), and that it could potentially rear its ugly head after she is my wife and possibly the mother of my children as well. I have also had premarital sex though, but it was many years ago when I was much younger. I am not perfect and am admittedly flawed in many ways (she must weigh my flaws as well). Since those mistakes many years ago I have tried to live a chaste life in order to prepare myself as best I could for the woman that God has planned for my wife. I don’t expect her to be perfect, just in a place spiritually and emotionally that she is truly ready for the life long commitment of marriage. That is no more than I would expect of myself.
I guess another way of putting it is that actions speak louder than words. Someone’s actions speak to what their heart truly believes moreso than the words they speak. Therefore if my potential wife claims that she agrees with the Church on the issue of premarital sex and recognizes the importance of lving a chaste life prior to marriage, but has still been very promiscuous right up to the point of meeting her future husband then I would question what and who she really is. The actions and the words would clearly contradict each other in that case. I think that could probably be said for any “moral” shortcoming a person may have trouble with.
The bottom line is that we are headed in the direction of determining these things about, not just her, but each other. We are attempting to do this in a thoughtful, sensitive, godly manner. It has already been a difficult issue to begin delving into. I think we will either make it or we won’t when the covnersations are over.
We are both continuing to pray in earnest about this and all the other issues that must be considered when determining whether another person is suitable, and part of God’s plan, as our future spouse. Thanks again for your thoughts, help, and prayers.