Sexual Morality "Opt-out"

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Empathy what? It is not like they are condemning people to hell for these things. It seems to just teach them about basic Catholic sexual morals. I am sure that regular school will teach you all the forms, but this knowledge is somewhat know by most youths.
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And there we have it. Somehow murder often equates to birth control here.

So how do you teach that the Church’s considers the “withdrawal” method as inconsistent with church teaching. Most kids have heard of it in slang terms and won’t know what the heck you are talking about. It is the number one “method” used by sexually active teens, too. I just don’t see how you can have an honest and fruitful discussion about sexual morality if you don’t provide the information up front about terminology, etc.

Hey I am an all out kind of person with this stuff. My kid knew where babies came from by the time she started kindergarten. She know how they were born. There wasn’t a topic we didn’t talk about as I was raising her, because sexuality and the act of sex are a part of life and it isn’t something to shy away from. I answered all of her questions honestly, whenever she asked.

Personally, I think kids need education and parents sometimes aren’t up to the job. So I have no problem with making the education available through means other than “home”.

My problem is that you don’t bait parents (and their kids) into a session like that, knowing that it is a very sensitive and personal topic, and then “spring” it on them. It is disrespectful. And you post indicates you sort of took joy in the fact that it was handled that way.
Empathy what? I
Empathy in understanding that this is a verry personal issue and not everyone has the same attitude or feelings about it. That is important. Putting yourself in the shoes of other people. That is what empathy is.
What do you think the kids feel about birth control? Did you watch the video?
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My problem is that you don’t bait parents (and their kids) into a session like that, knowing that it is a very sensitive and personal topic, and then “spring” it on them. It is disrespectful. And you post indicates you sort of took joy in the fact that it was handled that way.
But you see the nuts and bolts were left up to the parents to discuss with the kids.
The Church’s teaching on the beauty of human sexuality is not a “personal topic”.

It was handled with grace and empathy.

These are teens (16 years old) preparing for Confirmation, not a secular high school biology class.

And I did take joy in the fact that these teens who have not been taught the Theology of The Body ever at our Church were not sheltered by their parents from hearing the beautiful truth!
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The Church’s teaching on the beauty of human sexuality is not a “personal topic”.
Actually, it can be very personal. Do you remember what it was like to be 16? Talking about anything related to sex with adults at that age can be so cringe-worthy it may make the teen not want to continue on with the classes. You don’t know the experiences of others. Maybe some kid was sexually abused at the hands of a family member and this setting is just too much for him or her. Maybe you have a SSA kid who is still in the closet and nothing about human sexuality is seeming too beautiful to him right about now. Maybe it disturbs him and makes him feel physically ill. You see? Maybe not everyone sees it the way the Church presents it in the videos you found so cool and enjoyable. Again, it is about empathy. Putting yourself in the shoes of others and understanding why this type of a thing may be so unbearable to them that you might drive them away.
Here is the video…

No discussion was part of the class.
The videos were shown.
Empathy is a main topic.
It was up to the parents to discuss with the kids at home.

Here is the video. Watch it before you criticize…

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I am sure a lot of people left that meeting feeling violated. It is why I don’t go to meetings of any kind unless I have an agenda beforehand.

Anyhow, if families don’t want their kids to have this kind of training for the reasons most people believe (here), then it means they already aren’t one hundred percent “in” on their faith. I think it isn’t exactly smart to use tactics like that. You most likely will drive them further away. I don’t think Jesus treated people that way, honestly.

But I am agnostic. So that is just me.
Well, actually, your not being Catholic might explain a good bit. I really have a hard time seeing how a Catholic could learn that the Church is going to teach them that sex outside of marriage is immoral and have them surprised by that.

I also don’t know how you got the idea that Our Lord never said anything that would drive people away. What he taught was that it was better to lose a hand or foot than to fall into sexual sin, and that lust could send you to Hell.

“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’
But I say to you, everyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one of your members than to have your whole body thrown into Gehenna. And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one of your members than to have your whole body go into Gehenna.
“It was also said, ‘Whoever divorces his wife must give her a bill of divorce.’ But I say to you, whoever divorces his wife (unless the marriage is unlawful) causes her to commit adultery, and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery
." Matt. 5:27-32

I’m sure modern-day parents would be just thrilled to hear that.

Sure, sure, Jesus never offended anyone except those law-and-order types. People believe that, but that is not what he said.

(A published agenda beforehand? Do you think Jesus had those, too?)
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I don’t need to watch it, but I will later when I have time. You already said it discussed birth control, chastity, and the “spectacular gift of waiting for one person to give yourself completely to” (I really hope there were no rape victims in your audience). I am not saying the material is at all inappropriate. What is inappropriate is that you would show it without giving parents the opportunity to decide to take a pass on it. Look how easily you just posted the link to it. Did you email it to parents prior to the meeting so they could review it and make a decision for themselves and their kids? That would have been the appropriate thing to do.
Why are you being so knit-picky about this and putting a bunch of negative connotations everywhere?
I don’t think most schools tell the parents what videos they will show to their children.
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Well, actually, your not being Catholic might explain a good bit. I really have a hard time seeing how a Catholic could learn that the Church is going to teach them that sex outside of marriage is immoral and have them surprised by that.
I was raised Catholic and have 16 years of Catholic education behind me. I understand everything going on here.

Again, I am astute enough that I don’t go to meetings of any kind unless I have an agenda in hand ahead of time. Not everyone is me, though. I just find the poster’s joy of shocking and stunning (because he knew good darn and well some of them weren’t going to be happy with what was going on) parents who are doing their best to prepare their kids for confirmation apalling. That kind of manipulative behavior isn’t what Catholicism is about.

That is really all I have to say about it.
I am not the DRE, I just applaud what she did by showing the videos.
I did not know what was going to be shown, or even the topic.
So your assumption that I knew beforehand that parents would be stunned is false.
The DRE is a consecrated virgin,
An incredible witness by her life of total self giving to Christ and His Church.

I understand you are not a believer.
I see nothing wrong with teaching the faith (including morality) to Catholics preparing for the Sacrament.

If you watch the video you will see the great tenderness and empathy shown towards those who have been wounded. Myself included!

This video was taped World Youth Day 2016.
You know, the one with Pope Francis.
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Catholic education is not that good though.
Plus aren’t you around 50 years old. I remember forgetting how to do certain math skills and science facts after a few years.
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You don’t get it. You aren’t going to get it because you don’t want to get it.

Just because you think something is wonderful doesn’t mean everyone else will. We are all at different places in life.

Sexuality is a very personal subject. Especially for teens. Truthfully, it is a subject like no other. Like I said, I don’t believe in holding back at all. I taught my daughter all of it. And I told her what my value system is regarding all of it. There was no ambiguity in my house when it came to the subject of sex. But everybody else isn’t necessarily the same as me and my daughter. I wouldn’t tell someone else how to run their household with regards to this. I might make suggestions, but at the end of the day it is their choice (as it should be).

That isn’t the point. The point is that you took joy in the shock and stunning of the people around you because you knew they may not have received the video in the way you received it. It isn’t nice. I think we are called to be nice.

I realize you will probably say something like “Well Catholicism isn’t about nice. It is about Truth”. If that is the case, you have totally missed my point.
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Catholic education is not that good though.
I think that’s pretty presumptuous on your part. Poor or not, 12 years of grade school education in Catholic schools is bound to leave something of merit. And you don’t know where she went to school, either.

She says 16 years total.

What if those last four were at the University of Notre Dame? That’s some pretty good Catholic education in my book…
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I guess I am putting my own connotations into it, but if Catholic education was as good as it should have been don’t you think more youths would stay.
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I don’t know. I don’t know what the causes of that are.

As it’s happening across all denominations, I don’t think it’s unique to us in particular.

I think the world in general is changing, and that’s affecting every church.
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That isn’t the point. The point is that you took joy in the shock and stunning of the people around you because you knew they may not have received the video in the way you received it. It isn’t nice. I think we are called to be nice
Shouldn’t you be more emphatic, maybe he was excited to show them that the morality was not as unreasonable and strict as they would have thought it would be.
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