Shamans at the Vatican

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I’m sorry, but this ‘Vortex’ is rubbish… more vitriol, venom and hate from Voris.

Heaven forbid the Pope of the Catholic Church seeks to evangelize the world… the event was consecrated to a Catholic Saint for crying out loud…

Voris admits over and over again in his tirade that he does not know what is happening at the event or what the rituals entail, but sees fit to condemn and vilify nonetheless.

Very sad that Michael seeks to condemn first… verses the very Catholic virtue of assuming positive intent.

Keeping Michael’s conversion in my prayers…

Let’s remember Archbishop Chaput comments about Voris’ Enquirer…

… Church Militant have proven once again that they are not interested in presenting information in any useful way… The sole desire of both Lepanto and Church Militant is to create division, confusion, and conflict within the Church. Actions of that nature run contrary to Christian tradition. Their reports are not to be taken seriously.

… Church Militant sow division wherever they tread. They do not seem to acknowledge the need to work with civic society and its representatives on a project like the World Meeting of Families. And we are not going to spend/waste time arguing with them. They are sincere, but also destructive. No one on our leadership team supports abortion or Planned Parenthood.
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Just because an event is “consecrated to a catholic saint”, that doesn’t make it any less sacrilegious. That makes it even WORSE. Nothing like this ceremony should take place on Vatican soil, where St. Peter himself was martyred! Should we have Pagan Norse rituals and consecrate them to St. Olaf? Or have pagan Native American rituals and consecrate them to St. Kateri Tekakwitha?
Shooting the messenger doesn’t work. If you don’t like what Voris is saying, turn down the volume and watch the ceremony. The pope is particiapting in pagan rituals at the Vatican.
No one dare speak out.
Really? Then what is this thread all about? And aren’t there several clergy who regularly speak out about what the Pope does or says? Might want to revisit that particular declaration…
The question had to do with the bishops not speaking out. Voris is not a bishop, as far as I know. 🤣
Did you read the whole thing? Aren’t there several bishops who regularly speak out? Perhaps their silence indicates that there is no “there” there this time.
Pehaps you missed the call for prayer and fasting from two prominent bishops. This was issued long before the “amazonian synod”.
If it was issued that long ago, is it related to the occasion you brought up? If it is, then why did you say:
No one dare speak out.

ETA: If it is not, how is it relevant?

I am done.
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Why not host a Hindu ceremony and give offerings to a statue of Shiva while we’re at it. Better yet, Ba’al is very underrepresented. Let’s give him a nod, why don’t we? :roll_eyes:
Just because an event is “consecrated to a catholic saint”, that doesn’t make it any less sacrilegious. That makes it even WORSE. Nothing like this ceremony should take place on Vatican soil, where St. Peter himself was martyred! Should we have Pagan Norse rituals and consecrate them to St. Olaf? Or have pagan Native American rituals and consecrate them to St. Kateri Tekakwitha?
The Pope participated in tree planting ceremony… which is inline with Laudate Si and the symbolic of the horrible fires currently burning in the Amazon…

Geez… you’d think we was doing a Quija board based on some of these reactions.

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Oh yeah, offering the Pope a fertility idol. Very in line with Laudate Si. Don’t forget these aren’t Catholics. They’re SHAMANS. They aren’t offering prayers to St. Francis or Christ.
This isn’t Pope Francis blog site, despite the disingenuous name given to it by it’s owner.

It misleads what Pope Francis actually does and should not be allowed in CAF, but I’m not in charge here.
You’re right… Jesus made a habit of sitting with sinners, tax collectors and other vile humans… How dare the Pope and the Church emulate that nasty habit…
Yes He did. He also taught truth and did not hold His tongue in the presence of falsehood.

He also did something in the temple, and it was less of the “invite the idolaters and their rituals in” variety, and more of the “become violent and break stuff and attack people with a scourge of small cords, because they were turning the temple into a den of thieves” variety.

I get interfaith activities. They are important, and growing in importance in the face of eroding religious liberties. I’m grateful you can find other religions and their buildings in the city of Rome. But I’m having a hard time understanding why this was allowed to happen in the Vatican garden, with the Pope’s active participation.
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If it is as bad as some say, then the turn back to God will be glorious and stronger then ever.

If it isn’t, God will not waste out prayers.

Either way, the gates of Hell will not prevail.
I’ve been trying to keep close soon-to-be St. John Henry Newman’s words (and the words of Moses they are based on, see Exo 14:13-14) at the end of his Biglietto Speech:
Christianity has been too often in what seemed deadly peril, that we should fear for it any new trial now. So far is certain; on the other hand, what is uncertain, and in these great contests commonly is uncertain, and what is commonly a great surprise, when it is witnessed, is the particular mode by which, in the event, Providence rescues and saves His elect inheritance. Sometimes our enemy is turned into a friend; sometimes he is despoiled of {70} that special virulence of evil which was so threatening; sometimes he falls to pieces of himself; sometimes he does just so much as is beneficial, and then is removed. Commonly the Church has nothing more to do than to go on in her own proper duties, in confidence and peace; to stand still and to see the salvation of God.
You’re right… Jesus made a habit of sitting with sinners, tax collectors and other vile humans… How dare the Pope and the Church emulate that nasty habit…
Christ didn’t participate or affirm them in their sinss
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