Shamans at the Vatican

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Hopefully not. One coud reasonably assume that letting a shaman pray over you isn’t spiritually healthy.
The issue is a balance between compassion and righteousness. If we only see acts of compassion but dont see our Church Leaders actively calling for fraternal correction of the culture to righteousness - then we get a sense that our Christian values are being compromised and diluted.

In all of this - we must take comfort in “the gates of hell will never prevail”. Lets pray for our Leadership in the Chair of St Peter.
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The next thing you know the church will start calling it’s most holy season after the pagan fertility goddess Eostre.

This seems like a familiar rehash of the time when St. John Paul received a Koran. The church didn’t come to an end.
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Either the Catholic Church is the one true faith or it isn’t. Either I am better off being Catholic, in terms of salvation, or I can find it in any faith that seems attractive this weekend or the next. Which is it? What am I supposed to be “getting” from this interfaith… bonanza?
This sort of thing, which has now taken place on the very grounds of the Vatican, seems to be precisely what the synod organizers had in mind when they wrote of including indigenous elements in the Amazon church’s liturgy. And what many Catholics view as dangerous and reckless.
–Robert Royal
The “NC” Reporter is the source…a Catholic in name only outfit.
You’re right… Jesus made a habit of sitting with sinners, tax collectors and other vile humans… How dare the Pope and the Church emulate that nasty habit…
That’s obviously not the issue.
Its a pagan ceremony. Even a tribal cheif from the Amazon confirms that it is a pagan ceremony. It’s one thing to to have dialogue with them at their house and proselytize, like Jesus Christ did. It’s another thing to enable pagans in their idolatry, invite them into the House of God, and scandalize the faithful.
I would certainly hope the Pope took some time to evangelize about Jesus and
the Trinity while his guests were there.
I think Pope Francis is identifing new paths for the evangelization of God’s people in that particular region.

The Synod seems to be a natural extension of Pope Francis’ Laudato Si and will prove to be a watershed moment not only for Pope Francis personally, but also for the history of the Catholic Church itself - since Vatican II.
Shooting the messenger doesn’t work. If you don’t like what Voris is saying, turn down the volume and watch the ceremony. The pope is particiapting in pagan rituals at the Vatican.
Voris has no valid idea what went on, how can he even make conjecture.

He even admits it. On tape. He wasnt there,
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He exposes pedophiles and the creeps who protect them.

Never understood why so many on this site seem to have an issue with that.
He exposes pedophiles and the creeps who protect them.

Never understood why so many on this site seem to have an issue with that.
You would have to ask the Archbishop of Philadelphia that question. I believe Chaput’s reputation is beyond reproach and his strong warnings about Voris’ junket should be respected.
“But the sacrifices of pagans are offered to demons, not to God, and I do not want you to be participants with demons.”
  • St Paul, 1 Cor 10:20
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The next thing you know the church will start calling it’s most holy season after the pagan fertility goddess Eostre.
If we want to get technical, the word Easter is not from Eostre directly, but is from a month that was named after her.

I feel it’s also worth pointing out that the connection to Eostre is only present in English and German. In virtually all other languages, the word for Easter comes from Passover (example: In Italian, Easter is Pasqua–Passover, for the record, is Pesach in Italian). In fact, this derivation is still present in English to some extent through the word “paschal.”
I will ask again, does anyone have entire video of this event? With translations in the vernacular?
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