Shamans at the Vatican

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Catholicism teaches the faithful to be united with Christ—not away (detachment) from Christ. Buddha would say no.

“The source of all sufferings is attachment.” Buddha.
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Not just somewhat different focus…

It’s completely and fundamentally opposed. One is for the total embrace of Christ (God)—-The other is for the detachment of Christ (God).

I would add that, as a philosopher or a teacher, Buddha had a lot of good and helpful things to say, and many of his lessons are very good and brilliant. But, going back to the issue of kneeling and prostrating to a statue of Buddha—out of respect—Catholics should never do it (yes, I understand that people will do what they do). Buddha and Christ are completely opposed.
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No, here it is…
When, as a family, we go to (sometimes Catholic) loved ones’ graves and make an offering of food and rice alcohol, prostrate twice, and then kneel for a few instants of silent prayer, there is not the slightest intent of worship of the dead.
The poster claims to not have an intent to worship, but they did offer food and rice wine.

Catholic worship does not involve offering rice wine and food to the dead…pagan worship does.
I view the Vortex as a source for reporting what is taking place. I really believe they report the facts they know. The Vortex is not divisive if these bishops are actually doing things against the faith. The Vortex is putting a spotlight on their actions. If that is divisive then lets look at the source of the division. If there is a group of bishops and cardinals who are deliberately introducing secularism into the church then we need to know. This generation is responsible for maintaining the faith of the true Catholic church.
Who else is reporting on this? Usually the reporting agencies are biased with liberal ideology so they avoid the truth. I would rather know the truth even though it may make some uncomfortable than to listen to a version of watered down faith.
I’m surprised by this comment…It’s hard to believe that you could read the Church Militant website and see that a factual news when it is so obviously slanted to a conservative ideology.

I’m not uncomfortable with truth at all…nor do I think most people are. I am very weary of the division that is sown by Voris and his cohort… I firmly agree with Archbishop Chaput… that they have demonstrated time and time again that they have nothing constructive to offer.

I tend to stay away from organizations (like Voris) who’s bishop revoked their ability to use the word Catholic in the name of their organization.

Jeez… peeked at their blog today and it is littered with the most negative coverage possible… spend 10 minutes in the comments section and you’re likely to catch what they have …fear, negativity, hate… NO THANKS
It’s hard to believe that you could read the Church Militant website and see that a factual news when it is so obviously slanted to a conservative ideology.
For some people, “conservative ideology”, as you call it, simply means remaining faithful to the Magisterium of the church, and not succumbing to the pressures and temptations of the modern world. This attitude is biblical, and based on the teaching of Jesus Christ. Those of us who believe in Jesus Christ find no fault with what seems so threatening to you.

You will likely argue that it is a matter of interpretation and individual conscience. But this leads us to relativism, and some of us find that idealogy not in keeping with the teachings of the church.
Stop attacking the messanging. Is it Catholic to do something (even in appearance only) that is pagan? Answer:No
For some people, “conservative ideology”, as you call it, simply means remaining faithful to the Magisterium of the church,
That is certainly not how I meant it though. Instead I meant a conservative ideology that looks at everything as being black or white, one that considers faith to be a set of fixed formulas instead of a dynamic living thing, one that insists that faith is something external to the person and can be followed like a formula.

Remaining faithful to the Magisterium is not a conservative or liberal thing.

Liberal ideology can be equally as bad
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You are the one using the term “conservative ideology”, borrowed from political debates, but not applicable to the sphere of religion. Unless, of course, you consider religion to be part of the political battleground.
Those who were/are behind Pachamama and Company have shot themselves in their collective feet. .
Stop attacking the messanging. Is it Catholic…
What is the one thing that makes the Catholic Church unique in Christendom, separating her from the Protestants, Orthodox, and all other non-Catholic Christians?

I ask this, because defining what it is to be Catholic is the first, mandatory step in using the word as a standard against what other things are measured.
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