“If you give me the right to kill my children, I’ll give you the right to kill yours.”
“If your kids want to kill you, the law will stop you. Why should you have greater rights than your kids?”
There are so many equally flip answers that I could try to write if I had the time. But the issue deserves more than a one-liner.
Abortion is a symptom of hardness of heart. If one were to approach the issue with a charitable heart filled, who could reach a decision to snuff out a life rather than endure manageable discomfort (in 99% of the cases) for less than 9 months.
This being said, it is easy for us to see the big picture. A woman or girl confronted with the issue is facing immediate issues that appear to be overwhelming. This is a common human frailty. We all do it. For example, we neglect our kids or spouse because of our work pressures.
For those of us who see the big picture, we need to reach out such that we change peoples hearts. To do this, we need to understand where they are coming from and address the issue from their perspective.
If they are a single mother who doesn’t want to raise the child (for whatever reason), we need to show to them that there are realistic adoption alternatives.
If the issue is financial, we need to be ready to show them that there are resources that will help them afford to carry the baby to term. This might include income support.
If the issue is reputational, we need to show them love and respect at a level they have never rec’d before.
Keep in mind that the percentage of people who actually ever receive an abortion is quite small (certainly too small to ever control the political environment. The political support for abortion comes not only from the women who fear the consequences of an unwanted abortion but is primarily the following:
- Women beyond child-bearing age who see abortion rights as a proxy or symbol of women’s place in the world.
- Men who want to avoid the consequences of an unwanted baby (mostly financial in nature ala child support).
- Men who want to demonstrate how “enlightened” they are regarding women’s rights.
- Men and women who sympathize with women or girls faced with the issues related with not wanting to raise an unwanted child, financial burdens associated with a pregnancy, or reputational issues (this is mostly parents who don’t want their children to grow up and face consequences of actions).
The above people are the ones where the political battle really needs to be fought. Assuming that we have programs/charities that are dealing with the issues detailed in #4 above, we need to focus on #1 and #3 (Men described in #2 are one’s who I don’t ever see us convincing) in a charititable way such that they see that no consideration is given to the unborn child in the equation. But to do so, we must penetrate a hard heart and this my friends is something that we might be able to impact slightly but the real work will be done by the Holy Spirit.
In short, I just think that we need to pray, pray and pray. Just as God listened to the appeal of Abraham on behalf of the people of Sodom and Gomorrah, He will respond to the concerted prayers of His people. It is in this collective cry for His intervention that this issue will finally be resolved.