She said "men don't have any right to talk about abortion!"

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I think if a man has no right to talk about abortion, and has no place in making the decision on their own childs life… then they shouldn’t have the respondsibility of paying child support for the child if the women choose to give it life.
As far as a rebuttal to this comment, I think it’s probably a waste of breath, myself. Usually people who say something this trite and canned really aren’t open to reason. I would suggest moving on to another topic. It’s not a sound intellectual argument.
This is just as ridiculous as saying that a bunch of celibate bishops shouldn’t ban contraception.

Truth is truth, no matter who states it. Women do not have a monopoly on the truth about abortion.

*Ad hominen *remarks like those just show how weak the pro-abort argument is.
I have yet to meet a man who was never born. Since men were given the gift of life we have every right to speak up.
men were all babies once, babies were all embyos once. All men had a mother, men can be fathers, fathers generate children, and if mothers have rights in regard to their children, so do fathers.
I’m not a woman, but I was a fetus once. To tell me that I have nothing to say about abortion, is as stupid as saying that someone can only have an opinion on slavery if they have owned slaves.

men were all babies once, babies were all embyos once. All men had a mother, men can be fathers, fathers generate children, and if mothers have rights in regard to their children, so do fathers.
I totally agree with you.

Women, such as the one I was talking to will say in response to you that the pain of giving birth alone gives them the choice. They will say that the pain of child birth isn’t something that woman should be forced to go though by a man.

And then when you try to set them right through rational arguments they say, “You have no right to force your views on others.”

In order words they say that we have no right to let the truth be known. They fall back on moral relativism when they can’t defend their arguments logically. EVEN those that call themselves christian do that. They blure moral relativism with christian teachings.

It is very frustrating having a rational conversation with people like that.
Yes, I’m sure many of you have heard this one before.

I think it is a very sexist comment against men. To suggest that because a woman goes through the pain giving birth that her point of view is the only one that is relevant is just evil.

It troubles me, because as a man I have the capacity to love and I also have the capacity to reason.

When a woman says such a thing she is actually trying to end rational debate about the issue of abortion.

Does anyone have a good way of rebuking such a comment?

Which ones have worked well for you?
What it is is an attempt to shut down the discussion without having to defend their views. It is as logical as saying “well since you can never father a child you dont have any say in any decisions about them”
to the Men:

It will take a man to overthrow ROE V. WADE.

One day…when the right Supreme Justices are on the high court (soon)…some man somewhere, will have to Sue the selfish woman who deprived him of his Fatherhood.

A women sued for the right to abort…a man will have to sue for the right to life!
:rotfl: You are joking right???
How about this for an equivalent statement:

“No one has a right to talk about the war in Iraq unless he or she has served on active duty in the military.”
This line of reasoning…woman’s body, woman’s choice,men have no (name removed by moderator)ut…suddenly seems to dissolve when the woman chooses to HAVE the baby and then expects the man to pay child support.

Suddenly the man, who perhaps was not interested in becoming a father is expected to take responsibility and is not granted the “courtesy” of a “choice” about it.

As far as I am concerned, choice comes into play only when deciding whether or not to have sex, after that…the choice has already been made.

THIS part I whole heartedly agree with!

"choice" my fanny. It has nothing to do with choice.

**For the most part, these comments are from your garden variety man-hater. Yet, they continue to be confused about why they can’t have a decent and loving relationship with a man. Gee… could it have anything to do with their attitude?:rolleyes: **
What I think is unfair is that a man can’t stop his girlfriend from aborting his child, but she can force him to pay child support if she chooses to have the child. Therefore, the woman can choose whether or not to change her life, but the man can’t (of course i know they can choose to be abstinent but I’m being realistic.) I think a practical approach, since overturning Roe v Wade doesnt seem to be happening, is that if a man can prove that he could be an acceptable father and adopt the child, as well as pay for the mother’s prenatal care, the courts can stop her from having an abortion.
Men don’t only have the right, they have the responsibility.
That is the flip side of the issue. I have had many men tell me that the decision to abort was their wives/girlfrined to make since it was their body. The ultimate copout. i have also has many postabortive woman tell me if only there husband/boyfriend woud have told them they wanted the child they would never had had the abortion. And the final insult is the man who wont support the child saying it was her dedicion and her decision only to have it thus her responsibility to care for it
Also, while I’m not agreeing with these women, I can see why they think it’s their decision. They are the ones having to deal with the pregnancy, which could in certain professions have a negative impact on their career, open them up to public gossip, cause embarassment, as well as the cost of prenatal care and all sorts of things. Of course, I know premarital sex opened up these problems, and this suffering isnt necessarily an excuse for an abortion, but a man can continue on with his dating life, job, and not be publicly displaying his out of wedlock child. It definately directly affects the mother more.
My response is usually that they wouldn’t be pregnant if they didn’t let a man tell them what to do with their bodies. If they let him create life within them, they have no right to shut him out of their lives now. He’s already been to the most intimate part of you.
JamesG]Could you provide me with a comment that men sometimes say that is insensitive toward women who are pregnant? If it is such a problem then it shouldn’t be hard for you to list a few of them

I think this is a perception that is proliferated by radical feminists. They want women to think that men won’t help them. They want women to feel like victims.
Could you provide me with a comment that men sometimes say that is insensitive toward women who are pregnant? If it is such a problem then it shouldn’t be hard for you to list a few of them.

I think this is a perception that is proliferated by radical feminists. They want women to think that men won’t help them. They want women to feel like victims.

I agree we all have a responsibility to protect and nurture human life. As a man it is good to hear a woman appreciate and say good things about men. There are many of us who would give our lives for you and your children. The last thing we need is to feel despised by those we have a NEED to love.

The message that men don’t care, don’t have feelings and are insensitive is part of the culture of death.

When men hear these messsages they cling to them and start to act that way. After all, it is the only message they hear.

When women hear them they feel like victims and then find proof in the men that have turned to a tainted definition of their gender identity.

The notion of the “empowered woman” is a myth and is also part of the culture of death. Logcial reason alone will tell you that power is not given it is taken. Power and the pursuit of it through the ability of man leads to evil. True power comes from God alone. This power is the holy spirt.
What I think is unfair is that a man can’t stop his girlfriend from aborting his child, but she can force him to pay child support if she chooses to have the child. Therefore, the woman can choose whether or not to change her life, but the man can’t (of course i know they can choose to be abstinent but I’m being realistic.) I think a practical approach, since overturning Roe v Wade doesnt seem to be happening, is that if a man can prove that he could be an acceptable father and adopt the child, as well as pay for the mother’s prenatal care, the courts can stop her from having an abortion.
How would such a law be enforced?

I think men hold the key to the reduction of abortions in this land. If more would stick around and face responsibility everything would be different. But the reality is, that men don’t stay. They say they will and then don’t for a variety of reasons - some good, some bad.
How would such a law be enforced?

I think men hold the key to the reduction of abortions in this land. If more would stick around and face responsibility everything would be different. But the reality is, that men don’t stay. They say they will and then don’t for a variety of reasons - some good, some bad.
Prior to being able to have an abortion, the woman would have to either:
  1. Provide written permission of the father to have an abortion.
  2. If she wants to assert that either she doesn’t know the father or he is unavailable, she’d have to provide an affidavitt of such assertion for which providing a fraudulent affidavitt has severe criminal and civil consequences.
If a doctor performed an abortion w/o one of the above items, there would be severe criminal, civil and professional (loss of medical license) consequences.

If the woman can’t get the permission of the father, he has so many days to produce evidence that he is financially capable to provide for the support of hte child and pay for the cost of the mother’s prenatal care.

While not exactly equal (biologically inequality is pre-determined), it adds greater equity to the scenario of when one parent wants the baby. Currently, all the choice is the woman’s. She can choose to abort w/o consent of the father or she can choose to have the baby and require child support. Under this scenario, without mutual consent, the father can require the woman to bear the child (this is her consequences for her role in getting pregnant) while the father bears the responsibility of raising the child to adulthood.
So, anyways - instead of fighting amongst ourselves, let’s all hit the road to Washington for Monday’s RoevWade anniversary anti-abortion march. Local marches are planned for this weekend, also, such as the 1 in Syracuse that starts at the Jefferson St. Armory at noon today. I know many people who know abortion is wrong, but who can’t seem to take the time to participate in demonstrations. I think pols do notice the numbers, even if the MSM doesn’t report them.
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