
BLB Oregon I don’t think anyone suggests that we only consider sexual sins. But a) that was the stated issue of the thread and b) most of us do not know public thieves, rapists, murderers, etc who are signing up to volunteer in schools. The kind of sins that most of us encounter are probably sexual sins because for the most part they are not part of the criminal justice system. Public sexual sinners do walk the streets, have kids, and volunteer in schools. Further most sexual sin (contracepting, masturbation, etc) is the kind of thing that is not a public issue and unlikely to be obvious to either the children or school officials. It’s a lot easier to identify a couple of homosexuals standing arm in arm than to look at someone and know whether they are having an affair, taking the Pill or masturbating at home.Okay, but why are we restricting ourselves to sexual transgressions? When Jesus talked about separating the sheep from the goats, sex did not come up. That is not to say sexual sin is unimportant, but rather that there is some danger on fixating on a sin that poses no temptation to us, while failing to notice other sins that we are jaded to… and which, therefore, no longer “scandalize” us. We end up teaching kids that it is okay to be complacent to our own sins–go ahead and ignore that part of the Gospel, it’s not realistic!–as long as we oppose the “hot button” sins of others.
If a sin isn’t something that would get you put out of the Church, let’s not use it to put someone out of the schools. We don’t have second-class citizens in the Church. There are only sinners that are willing to accept the call, even when they fail to answer it, and those that deny that the call has been made. That’s all. Except for issues of safety and not providing a near occasion of sin, leave it at that.
So the focus on homosexuality in this thread is not because we take other sins less seriously. Rather I think it’s that we really do not encounter people engaged in very grave sins who are signing up to volunteer in schools. However clearly homosexuals are trying to normalize their behavior by infiltrating various organizations such as schools.
Lisa N