Kevin Walker:
Your answer is a total *non-sequitur, *do people with depression or bulmia commit male or child rape; or do they engage in sado-masochistic behaviour; do they rationalize; are they narcisisstic; do they demonstrate above average amounts of anti-social behaviour, self-destructive behaviour, and dillusional thinking; do they demonstrate above average rates of homocide or suicide or dementia or denial or projection?
The answer is no! But homosexuals do demonstrate all the above!
No? How can you make a broad characterization that all of these people here do this and all of those people over there do that?
there is no basis for any of that
I’ve known heterosexual people with very serious mental disorders
Some of whom shouldn’t be around children…most of whom were fine
Once again this vitriol is just amazing
Don’t start judging groups. That way lies a whole lot of problems
After all these threads about SSAD and the “gay” agenda I still cannot comprehend the mindset that believes admonishing public sinful behavior is wrong. It is no wonder our culture has fallen to the point it has. “Tolerance”, as understood today, is a word and philosophy that has usurped the teachings of Christ.
It is not about admonishing people for sinful behavior or not
It’s about singling out one particular brand of sinner rather than another
Is anyone saying the heterosexual school volunteers are without sin?
If Johnny’s mom has affairs or if his dad steals from his company would they be turned away? So apparently it is the type of sin that is a concern here rather than sinnfullness in general
The Church isn’t for perfect people, they don’t need it
But the rest of us do
We all struggle with our own demons
Who are you to say that yours are worse (or better) than mine?
IFAIK Works are still a key tenant of Catholicism
I heard a nice sermon last Sunday about the poor in spirit…those who struggle… those who question