
The point is not are we going to send the kids away, it is, are we going to send the parents away. If the parents have had a divorce and no annulment then they are living in mortal sin and they are advertising for evil. It is my belief that those married folks that are honking around are committing the same kind of sin as the active homosexual. Both the philanderers and the active homosexual are committing grave mortal sins and until they stop they should not be allowed to promote their life style.If we don’t allow sinners to volunteer at Catholic schools, who is going to work there? The acid test should be whether a person advocates against the teaching of the Church. If someone is in the habit of saying, “Well, the Church is wrong on this or that”, then that is a big problem, particularly if the matter is grave. But if they refuse to contradict the Church, you can’t throw them out because their lives don’t meet the mark or because they are not sufficiently aware of their sins. None of us would pass that test.
Really, are you going to strap the heterosexuals to a lie detector and ask if they slept together before marriage, ever use contraception, fudge on their taxes, gossip, contribute to strife in their families, always vote the Catholic party line (whatever that is) and so on? Half of all Catholic marriages end in divorce. Are we going to send the kids of the divorced parents away, too, until they get their annulments? Of course not.