Should active homosexuals be allowed to volunteer or work at Catholic Schools?

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And so are teachers, fathers and uncles. They’re pedophiles, too. But being a teacher, father or uncle does not make them a pedophile, now does it? I’m not arguing with you that homosexuality is a disorder. It certainly is. But despite what one could conclude from your rank logical flaw, homosexuality is not the same disorder as pedophilia. They are both sexual disorders, but they are FAR different.
Exactly how far different are pedophiles and homosexuals? The sick-in-the-head group N.A.M.B.L.A. (the North American Man Boy Love Association) are all pedophiles who want to legally lower the age of consent for boys AND NOT GIRLS!!! - *ipso facto *N.A.M.B.L.A. is a homosexual organization! Homosexual = Pedophile!

Active homosexuals should absolutely not be allowed to get near your children for any reason whatsoever!!!
Lisa N:
…If ANY organization should have learned about the dangers of placing children in the control of male homosexuals it should be the Catholic church.
It’s a humiliating lesson to learn. Let’s hope and pray we learn it, especially those in authority. On the plus side, it positions the Church to warn the secular society around it: “Learn from us. We have the data. Don’t make the same mistakes we did.”
Lisa N:
…We just had an INCREDIBLY sad and sick newstory of a young man…There are charges pending that not only did he molest these young men but he also placed some of these cases with male homosexual “foster parents” who then used them for sexual abuse…
More and more this is where the secular society is going. It’s insane. Under Gray Davis, these kinds of adoptions became legal in California.
No, but a lot male heterosexuals.
However that was not the statement, it was specfically with respect to male homosexuals preying upon teenage boys. They are not an equal opportunity predator.

Lisa N
Lisa N:
However that was not the statement, it was specfically with respect to male homosexuals preying upon teenage boys. They are not an equal opportunity predator.

Lisa N
Neither are male heterosexuals. Let’s limit the playground supervision too lesbians and heterosexual women if that’s what you are worried about.
If the person doesn’t have a “history”, has practiced a chaste life, has lived to God’s teachings as close as he/she can, and doesn’t try to influence others to that way of life, then they should be allowed to help out like everyone else.

If we don’t allow chaste homosexuals to help due to their potential to a certain sin, then we’ll have to exclude every other person as well. Every single one of us on earth has that potential to sin. It’s human nature. And everyone has a certain cross to bear; just not everyone’s cross is made of the same wood. The tendency to like the same sex is God’s cross to some people, and if they take that cross and live according to His ways to the best of his/her ability, then they should be treated like anyone else. Remember, we can only judge a person’s actions, not the person himself/herself. Only God can do that.
If the person doesn’t have a “history”, has practiced a chaste life, has lived to God’s teachings as close as he/she can, and doesn’t try to influence others to that way of life, then they should be allowed to help out like everyone else.

If we don’t allow chaste homosexuals to help due to their potential to a certain sin, then we’ll have to exclude every other person as well. Every single one of us on earth has that potential to sin. It’s human nature. And everyone has a certain cross to bear; just not everyone’s cross is made of the same wood. The tendency to like the same sex is God’s cross to some people, and if they take that cross and live according to His ways to the best of his/her ability, then they should be treated like anyone else. Remember, we can only judge a person’s actions, not the person himself/herself. Only God can do that.
Very Christ-like. 👋
Active Homosexual indicates he is not living a chaste live style so the question is mute.

In any case, it’s asking for trouble in my opinion.
Kevin Walker:
Exactly how far different are pedophiles and homosexuals? The sick-in-the-head group N.A.M.B.L.A. (the North American Man Boy Love Association) are all pedophiles who want to legally lower the age of consent for boys AND NOT GIRLS!!! - *ipso facto *N.A.M.B.L.A. is a homosexual organization! Homosexual = Pedophile!..
No, NAMBLA is a pedophile (or more correctly pederast) organization

And, in all Christian charity, its members are no different than pond scum heterosexuals who chase underage girls.

I just can’t believe some of the vitriol on this thread.

When Christ cured the centurion’s servant did He care that it was his cadamite?
Steve Andersen:
No, NAMBLA is a pedophile (or more correctly pederast) organization

And, in all Christian charity, its members are no different than pond scum heterosexuals who chase underage girls.

I just can’t believe some of the vitriol on this thread.
No joke, man. This…
Kevin Walker:
Exactly how far different are pedophiles and homosexuals? The sick-in-the-head group N.A.M.B.L.A. (the North American Man Boy Love Association) are all pedophiles who want to legally lower the age of consent for boys AND NOT GIRLS!!! - *ipso facto *N.A.M.B.L.A. is a homosexual organization! Homosexual = Pedophile!
…is just plain bigotry, plain and simple. It is against charity. Statements like this pierce the heart of our Mother. No doubt, NAMBLA is to be deplored, and you are right, they are sick in the head. But stereotyping people into a pedophilia group to which they do not belong is an act of hatred. With words like this, how is the world to believe that Catholics are willing to reach out and minister to our homosexual brothers and sisters who struggle with a mighty temptation. They are no less than you are in spiritual dignity! Yet, with such words of hatred, you would cast them away, no? Am I mistaken? The Church is not a territory to be possessed by you or any one of us. The Church belongs to Christ, and belongs to all. We are one body, haven’t you heard? Yet, you spread lies about the members of your own body. ALL people are called to holiness in Christ. So rather than speak hatefully, reach out and preach the Good News to them.

How do we witness to them? It is difficult. I try my best. I was once hit on by a gay man at a bar. He said to me, “I just want you to know I think you’re beautiful.” It caught me offguard, to be sure. But I simply said to him, without making a scene, “I thank you for the compliment, I am heterosexual.” I didn’t seek to humiliate him, nor was his advance a threat to me. I had ample opportunity, however, to curse him and make a scene to humiliate him. I did not. And, he was very kind after I told him I am heterosexual, and he walked away. Now, what I do not know is when I left that night whether or not he saw me get into my car with the rosary hanging from the rearview mirror and the prolife bumperstickers on my car. Now, if he did, what kind of witness would I be for Christ? If I had cursed and degraded him, what kind of witness would I have been then?

I do not justify his sin, but you accuse him and others like him of perhaps one of the gravest crimes a person can commit. Now I cannot in good conscience let you call people like this man – who was at the time clearly an active homosexual – a pedophile. It is unjust, uncharitable, and un-Christian. And you now become the wolf in sheep’s clothing, attempting to drive off the lost sheep, the very thing you accuse them of in your original post.

It has been my experience with active homosexuals that many are lonely, dejected, reaching out for affection and friendship from someone, anyone. Others want to be seen, they desire attention, they feel compassion for homosexuals so they do the wrong thing and experiment. They are empathetic, caring, friendly, loving, dilligent, and possess a number of other good qualities. But they are afflicted. In my daily life, I am surrounded by them. They pour my coffee, they wait my tables, they work beside me. But never do I feel threatened. Why? Because they have the same intrinisic dignity as you and I do. Christ loves them, just as he loves me. And I will not hate anyone whom Christ loves. I will live my life as a witness to them in as best a way as I know possible. And should I become close friends with any of them and we get to talking about homosexuality, I will tell them what I believe. If they then choose to hate me, then so be it. But I will not pretend, when I am in their presence, that they are the only sinner among us. Nor will I ever accuse them, as you do, of being a pedophile in a most heinous act of false witness! :mad:

from Jason Evert’s site (chastity Q&A)…

One day, during an interview, someone asked Mother Teresa for her views on homosexuality. She announced that she did not like the word homosexual. She stopped the interview and told the reporters that if they had any more questions about homosexuals, they would refer to them from now on as “Friends of Jesus.” This is how the Church sees those who carry this cross.
I noticed by post got a dodge. I’m going to post it again. The Catholic school I know REQUIRE parents to perform some sort of work to help out the school. The suggestion here is that the gay guys are being allowed some great favor by being a web master or playground monitor.

My question is, should gay parents be exclused from the obligations other Catholic school parents are expected (or forced) to perform as a condition of enrolling their children?
Not only should “Actively” Gay people be allowed to work in schools where their philosiphies could possibly steer a child off track, but “Actively” gay people should not be allowed to be parents. Period.
Homosexual Activity is an ABOMINATION to the Lord, no two ways about it, or do any of you “christians” who support gay lifestyles being accepted as “ok” believe the Word of God and the Church anymore.
Love the sinner, hate the sin, and most certainly don’t let the sin become an acceptable way of life.

Peace of the Lord be with you!
It has been my experience with active homosexuals that many are lonely, dejected, reaching out for affection and friendship from someone, anyone. Others want to be seen, they desire attention, they feel compassion for homosexuals so they do the wrong thing and experiment. They are empathetic, caring, friendly, loving, dilligent, and possess a number of other good qualities. But they are afflicted. In my daily life, I am surrounded by them. They pour my coffee, they wait my tables, they work beside me. But never do I feel threatened. Why? Because they have the same intrinisic dignity as you and I do. Christ loves them, just as he loves me. And I will not hate anyone whom Christ loves. I will live my life as a witness to them in as best a way as I know possible. And should I become close friends with any of them and we get to talking about homosexuality, I will tell them what I believe. If they then choose to hate me, then so be it. But I will not pretend, when I am in their presence, that they are the only sinner among us. Nor will I ever accuse them, as you do, of being a pedophile in a most heinous act of false witness! :mad:
This is all very nice Sweetchuck but the thread is not whether you would have a homosexual pour you coffee but would you have a homosexual volunteering at a school? If so would he/she be volunteering in a capacity where he/she had control or authority over children? There IS a difference.

With a few exceptions the thread is comprised of posts that suggest using some common sense and rational thinking. IOW it is certainly uncharitable to hate all homosexuals because of their temptations (whether they succumb to them or not). OTOH that doesn’t mean they should be given carte blanche access to children. Aside from the remote possibility that the homosexual is also a pedophile, there is the real issue that if someone sends their child to a Catholic school they do not want them to be exposed to “out there and open” homosexuals who pretend their current partner is the same as a husband or wife and who do not model Catholic teaching. There is no difference between saying you don’t want your children exposed to open practicing homosexuals and not wanting them exposed to someone who has a “shack up honey” or someone who is open about their sinful or illegal behavior. I don’t think that’s unreasonable.

Lisa N
After all these threads about SSAD and the “gay” agenda I still cannot comprehend the mindset that believes admonishing public sinful behavior is wrong. It is no wonder our culture has fallen to the point it has. “Tolerance”, as understood today, is a word and philosophy that has usurped the teachings of Christ.
I’d like to join this discussion but terms like same sex parents
and homosexual parents are not in my vocabulary. Also they
just don’t compute to any common sense I have. The whole
concept is un-Catholic to me.
Lisa N:
This is all very nice Sweetchuck but the thread is not whether you would have a homosexual pour you coffee but would you have a homosexual volunteering at a school? If so would he/she be volunteering in a capacity where he/she had control or authority over children? There IS a difference.
Lisa, WHERE in this thread have I advocated employing active homosexuals in Catholic schools. I want you to find my post, because I have not. If you click on the vote, you’ll see that you and I voted the same way. When a poster uses the forum to instigate hatred and bigotry and spread lies, I feel the need to respond. I’m just saying, I’m around homosexuals a lot, a whole lot, and they are not the people some people here suggest they are. And they are certainly not pedophiles.

Now, I don’t understand why you ask me if I would have a homosexual volunteering at a school.
If you look at post 19, I said, “If they’re practicing homosexuals, they’re not in the right spiritual state to have influence over children. … Practicing homosexuals will lead others into sin.”
If you look at post 34, I said, “A school should absolutely not employ any self-proclaimed practicing homosexual.”
If you look at post 42, I said, “I think that’s precisely why active homosexuals should not work for schools.”
If you look at post 60, I said, "I fact, I think some of you are projecting into my posts that I am advocating for the hiring of all homosexuals. Let me emphasize who I’m advocating for:


How many times to I have to state my opinion? We’re in agreement, but some of the posts here are just plain deplorable (not yours).
Lisa, WHERE in this thread have I advocated employing active homosexuals in Catholic schools. I want you to find my post, because I have not. If you click on the vote, you’ll see that you and I voted the same way. When a poster uses the forum to instigate hatred and bigotry and spread lies, I feel the need to respond. I’m just saying, I’m around homosexuals a lot, a whole lot, and they are not the people some people here suggest they are. And they are certainly not pedophiles.
Sweetchuck, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean you literally, I meant the general you as in the rest of the posters. IOW it’s not relevant that homosexuals are nice or good waiters when the issue is whether they should be volunteering in schools. I think we agree on the main issue although quite honestly I am probably more skeptical that there are a significant number of laypersons who are homosexual and chaste. If they are, they are both to be admired and prayed for as it is a very hard temptation resist.

Lisa N
Lisa N:
Sweetchuck, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean you literally, I meant the general you as in the rest of the posters. IOW it’s not relevant that homosexuals are nice or good waiters when the issue is whether they should be volunteering in schools. I think we agree on the main issue although quite honestly I am probably more skeptical that there are a significant number of laypersons who are homosexual and chaste. If they are, they are both to be admired and prayed for as it is a very hard temptation resist.

Lisa N
Oh, I agree, they are certainly a small minority when it comes to the overall homosexual community. My thoughts are that there HAS to be a better outreach to homosexuals than the ones that currently exist in the church: the whatever-makes-you-happy-we-condone outreach and the none outreach.

As I see it, with Courage being so small and so abhorrent to many homosexuals (because of the idea that they “should change who they are” offends so many of them), the Church needs to do something to throw its weight behind the movement, there should be something else to bring homosexuals into chastity and into the faith.
Oh, I agree, they are certainly a small minority when it comes to the overall homosexual community. My thoughts are that there HAS to be a better outreach to homosexuals than the ones that currently exist in the church: the whatever-makes-you-happy-we-condone outreach and the none outreach.

As I see it, with Courage being so small and so abhorrent to many homosexuals (because of the idea that they “should change who they are” offends so many of them), the Church needs to do something to throw its weight behind the movement, there should be something else to bring homosexuals into chastity and into the faith.
I do not believe Courage says all folks with SSAD must “change”. They are a great outreach and we need 1000s more like 'em. The problem is as old as the world. Few want to convert, because it means changing the way one leads their life.
Steve Andersen:
No, NAMBLA is a pedophile (or more correctly pederast) organization

And, in all Christian charity, its members are no different than pond scum heterosexuals who chase underage girls.

I just can’t believe some of the vitriol on this thread.

When Christ cured the centurion’s servant did He care that it was his cadamite?
Get is through your head right now, homosexuality is NOT a sexual preference, it is, and always has been, a mental health disorder!

It does not matter if a homosexual is sexually active or not, they are irrational and should never be left alone with kids. PERIOD!
Steve Andersen:
No, NAMBLA is a pedophile (or more correctly pederast) organization

And, in all Christian charity, its members are no different than pond scum heterosexuals who chase underage girls.

I just can’t believe some of the vitriol on this thread.

When Christ cured the centurion’s servant did He care that it was his cadamite?
Puh-lease - get it through your head right now, homosexuality is NOT a sexual preference, it is, and always has been, a mental health disorder!

It does not matter if a homosexual is sexually active or not, they are irrational and should never be left alone with kids. PERIOD!
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