Should Catholics boycott Disney?

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Kids are influenced by everything. Their minds are a spong. Just because they don’t ‘get’ something doesn’t mean they aren’t influenced.
Pretty hard to be influenced when you don’t understand what is supposedly influencing you.

That’s sort of the definition of influence.

Like I said, take Looney Tunes. There was a lot of political satire that went right over my head. A lot. And violence - in fact, cartoons were more violent back then than they are now (now they’re just drivel).

I used Shrek as an example because the innuendo in it is hilarious to an adult - but it was obvious in theaters that it fell on deaf ears of kids - because they simply didn’t understand it.
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Some of their programs are heavy in occult symbols.
Pretty hard to be influenced when you don’t understand what is supposedly influencing you.

That’s sort of the definition of influence.
Oh I disagree. People just pick things up subconsciously.
Some of their programs are heavy in occult symbols.
Are you able to be more descriptive? “Occult symbols” is really vague and, frankly, quite meaningless given how frequently the term is abused.
Oh I disagree. People just pick things up subconsciously.
You have to understand what you’re subconsciously seeing to do that. That’s just basic psychology.

Influence is defined as the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself.

If you essentially don’t “see” what it is that’s supposed to affect your character, it can’t change your behavior.

If you’re hiking in the woods and almost step on a snake you never saw, you won’t even think about it because you didn’t know it was there. If I see the snake before I step on it, that will have an influence on what I do. But if you walked over the same snake and he didn’t move and you never saw him, it had no opportunity to affect your actions. It didn’t influence you because you didn’t know it existed.
It is hyper-individualist. The Christian’s goal is not to conform with what the world or what he wants, but what God wills.

People have abandoned their spouses with the excuse of “being true to themselves.” It can easily be used to justify selfishness.
Like I said, take Looney Tunes. There was a lot of political satire that went right over my head. A lot. And violence - in fact, cartoons were more violent back then than they are now (now they’re just drivel).
My late husband just LOVED Looney Tunes. There were so many times we’d be watching it and one of us would say, “Boy, they’d never get away with that now! Somebody would complain.”
I don’t think Disney is trying to be that negative honestly with “being true to one’s self.”
‘Gravity Falls’ is full of occult/Masonic symbols.
You have to understand what you’re subconsciously seeing to do that. That’s just basic psychology.
If that were true how do children ever learn anything? They either gain understanding or learn through anamnesis.
Of course they won’t portray the negative implications of that message. They only scratch the happy/feel good surface of it.
People have abandoned their spouses with the excuse of “being true to themselves.” It can easily be used to justify selfishness.
Oh, so you’ve met my ex-husband then? 🤨
Yeah really. If someone is trying to bend who you are, they don’t love you.

And at the end of the day, you have to wake up with yourself. Staying for the sake of someone else never goes well for anyone.
No. Sorry if that’s the case, Gertabelle.
Sorry to use your comment like that. It just struck me how accurately you nailed that one – “being true to myself” is exactly how my ex-husband put it when he ended our marriage.

In fairness, however, I had known him since childhood and knew that he never wanted to be married. I even turned down his first marriage proposal. But the longing for a child made me close my eyes and jump in anyway. I created the divorce as much as he did. :cry: sigh

On the upside, however, God used us to bring the most beautiful and amazing child into the world, and I wouldn’t give him up to fix all the mistakes I made in the process. O felix culpa! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
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‘Gravity Falls’ is full of occult/Masonic symbols.
You have to understand what you’re subconsciously seeing to do that. That’s just basic psychology.
If that were true how do children ever learn anything? They either gain understanding or learn through anamnesis.
You have completely and absolutely missed my point.

You can’t be influenced by innuendo that you don’t understand. That’s not how one learns, it’s just a fact. If you don’t understand a joke, you won’t find it funny. Once you learn what it means, then you might find it amusing or even hilarious.

There’s a reason for the expression “right over one’s head”. If you don’t understand it, you either inquire or you disregard it. You can’t be influenced by something you don’t know anything about.

Take the old show “Dinosaurs”. It was GENIUS and way ahead of its time - it was 100% satire, but that’s not why kids loved it. Kids loved it because it was dinosaurs acting like people. “Gotta love me!” But it was all about unions and labor law and the political atmosphere of the time. They didn’t see that. They had no idea.

They don’t understand the satire in “The Simpsons” either. They don’t know it’s a commentary on modern life .They just think it’s a cartoon. They don’t understand the satire in Charlie Brown, whose characters actually mirror much of modern existence. They didn’t understand most of the original “Muppet Show”. I watch that now and it’s hilarious - but it went right over my head (there was a reason that was prime time programming, and it wasn’t because it was for kids).

NOW with the wisdom of adulthood, I know why it’s funny. So do my friends. But back then? No, we had not a clue.
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I can’t agree. Everything we put into our minds influence us. Just because you don’t get it doesn’t mean it hasn’t influence us. In fact the later getting it kind of proves my point. The information was there waiting to be fully appreciated.

As another point I think all of us can be influenced by art including music on a subconscious level. I knew a parent who observed his boy would get wild if he had rock music on. Classical music wouldn’t do that. There is a reason people subconsciously start tapping their toes at bluegrass music.
If you don’t understand the message, it’s impossible for it to influence you.

It’s the equivalent of my husband speaking anything to me in German. I don’t speak German; he’s fluent. I don’t understand it. Pretty hard for me to be influenced by it.

The “later getting it” doesn’t prove your point at all - because when you received the message - YOU DIDN’T UNDERSTAND IT. So how does knowing what it means later, thirty years down the road, have anything to do with thirty years before?

That’s not how people learn. It wasn’t hearing the German that influenced me. It was the later translation. It’s exactly the same thing. You can’t get innuendo that you don’t see. You can’t be afraid of a snake you never saw. You can’t be scared of a diagnosis you don’t understand.

The message cannot influence you if you don’t even see it.
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