Rubbish. Even in the monastery we enjoyed “amusements” like playing basketball, having snowball fights, reading edifying works of fiction, writing and performing humorous plays, and so on. We occasionally watched a movie together as a community, and even watched parts of the 1988 summer Olympics! For our abbess’s feast days, and a few other special days in the community, we would perform plays and songs that would make us laugh so hard some of the nuns would cry.You misunderstand. One can focus on God in duties and maybe in amusements. But most of the time amusements pull us away from being focused on Him and then we start thinking mostly about them.
These things did not distract us from God. They helped us grow closer as a community and the joy was a tiny taste of heaven.
Art – music, literature, theater, dance, poetry, movies – they can all be an expression of our being made in the image and likeness of God. When an artist studies in the area in which God has blessed them with talent and vision, their works – no matter how simple, no matter whether or not the works are overtly religious – can lead others into conversation, reflection, contemplation, and even conversion.