Since the CCC states that homosexuals are called to chastity, and the only way to achieve that is to live celebately, why then shouldnāt they be priests.
When we look at pedophiles outside of the church most are married men. The fact that a man abuses male children does not make him a homosexual, it makes him a pedophile. In the same way being a homosexual does not make you a pedophile, or more likely to be a pedophile. I think that we are assuming that if these abusive priests had not taken a vow of celibacy that they would be gay, but that doesnāt necessarily follow.
Can someone explain how a non homosexual would be sexually abusing someone of the same sex. 100% of the priests who had sex with teenage males were homosexual. The priest abuse scandal is about homosexuality. It is not about pedophelia. The abused were adolescent males, not children.
My answer is that homosexuals should be banned. When a heterosexual enters the seminary he gives up a good. When a homosexual enters he gives up an evil. The two situations are vastly different. Additionally, why should a heterosexual have to be in an environment where many are homosexual? Would we think it is a good idea to have female nuns living in close quaters with heterosexual male priest? Why is it ok for homosexual priests to live closely with same sex men??