Should homosexual men be allowed to be priests?

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. Men want a manly, authentic male role model to emulate. .
So its ok to ordain leather men?
So its ok to ordain leather men?
When I was in seminary (Protestant), we had a Halloween costume party one year. One of my classmates came in low slung jeans with biker boots and cap, and a t-shirt with a cigarette pack rolled up in the sleeve. The seminary was about a block from the leather gay bars in town. After taking his date home, a pedestrian was hit by a car right in front of him as he came up from the subway station. The woman wasn’t seriously hurt, but nearly had a heart attack when this big bad lookin’ dude came running up to offer assistance and started to pray with her!
I can’t believe that people are debating this question! Look at the harm that homosexual priests have done to the Church (and thereby society) in the recent scandal. Homosexuality is a serious emotional problem. It makes no difference that the APS has removed homosexuality from the list of mental pathologies because they removed pedophilia and beastiality from the list at the same time. The list is political not scientific. As a child, I wanted to be a commercial pilot, but my dream never came true because I was legally blind without thick glasses. An amputee cannot enlist in the Marines no matter how much he wants to serve his country. A homosexual has no business in the priesthood. Political correctness cannot remove real limitations.

By the way, I recognize that there may be priests who have a homosexual orientation and who, by prayer and sacrifice, manage to live holy and celebate lives. We need to keep them in our prayers. Still, it is too great a risk for the Church (and humanity) to permit people with this serious problem to become priests. Don’t agree? Watch what happens to the Anglicans over the next two decades!
I am assuming the damage has been done by pedophillias and not homosexual men that we are paying the damages for. If it was an adult relationship, there would be no lawsuit, right? I am assuming that some priests have fathered children with consenting adult women, and that this may not have led to lawsuits either. Actually, I know very little about the scandals, so feel free to set me straight.
Hello Fitz,

I am told that Archbishop Rembrant Weakland of the Archdioseas of Milwaukee paid big bucks, out of devout Catholic donations, to his exlover to keep his homosexual escapaids quiet.

I am also told that people were threatened with loosing their jobs in Milwaukee Archdioseas Catholic school district if they reported male to male child pediphile episodes.

I cannot remember fully where it was, but I remember somewhere of a diosease paying off women to keep them quiet about priests fathering children.

Do not be fooled. There have been quite a bit of donations Catholics thought were going to the poor but redirected into hush money payoffs or higher insurance premiums to hide clergy abominations.

I have read of automatic excommunications being subjected to people who marry Protestants in the old days. What would be so wrong with Rome throwing down automatic excommunication or “holding sins bound” against any clergy administrator who pays hush money to cover what really is a sin today? No more of this quiet absolution and, millions of dollars later, secretly moving clergy criminals on to the next unsuspecting parish or diosease.

Peace in Christ,
Steven Merten
Good Heavens the Roman Catholic Faithful speak. You must See, this is amazing. There are so many in the Priesthood, they only watch news makers. What do you get them for Christmas? Fruitcakes. What do they eat for breakfast? Fruitloops. What is their favorite song? It’s fun to play at the YMCA, … Seriously though, they need our support, I hope we all stand behind them. By the way, the beautiful fight song “Face to Face” was imbedded in an E-mail I received from the Vatican. I simply right clicked on the sender address…IHS Daryl
Good Heavens the Roman Catholic Faithful speak. You must See, this is amazing. There are so many in the Priesthood, they only watch news makers. l
will not quote the rest of your hateful message. it adds nothing to this discussion. no wonder the left calls orthodox believers in bible morality homophobes if that is the way you conduct debate on such a serious topic.
Steven Merten:
Hello Fitz,

I am told that Archbishop Rembrant Weakland of the Archdioseas of Milwaukee . . .
I am also told that people were threatened with loosing their jobs in Milwaukee Archdioseas Catholic school district if
. . .
I cannot remember fully where it was, but I remember somewhere of a diosease paying off
. . .
Do not be fooled. There have been quite a bit of donations .

I will not repeat the slanderous parts of your message. If you have a specific, substantiate allegation, with documented sources, that are relevant to this discussion then state them. It may be that what you allege is true and/or that it contributes to the crisis in the Church today, but you cannot fling allegations about based on hearsay and rumor.
Attraction to the opposite sex is not a disorder (i.e., a mental health issue). But SSA is. So I don’t think the struggle to keep the vow of celibacy is the same.
well I’m no expert but I don’t think that SSA is in the handbook of standard clinical disorders (not any more at least)

I would think that obsesing and fretting over the attraction and worrying over everyonelese’s response to it could be far more of a disorder than the attraction itself
so you seem to be putting the cart before the horse
So its ok to ordain leather men?
The Church needs authentic men and women in religious life. The P.C, heterodox, illiberal rubbish we have endured all these years is finally starting to be seen by the average Catholic. The cadaverous, grayed haired, tired, happy clappy, “social justice” crowd are on their way out. The Pope has said a new Spring time is approaching. Authentic renewal is on the way. We still have much to do to reform the reform, but the orthodox, faithful, young men and women will help clean house.
 The Pope has said a new Spring time is approaching
And we thank him for the appointment of Bishop Gregory to the See of Atlanta. Thank you Holy Father.
 The Pope has said a new Spring time is approaching
And we thank him for the appointment of Bishop Gregory to the See of Atlanta. Thank you Holy Father.
As I said we are still in need of a reform of the reform. The good, orthodox folks in Atlanta I hope will pray for the new Bishop to have strict obedience to JPII and the authentic teachings of the Church.
Galatians 5:19-21 "19 Now the works of the flesh are obvious: immorality, impurity, licentiousness,** 20 idolatry, sorcery, hatreds, rivalry, jealousy, outbursts of fury, acts of selfishness, dissensions, factions, 21 occasions of envy, drinking bouts, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God." Why should homosexuals be allowed to serve as shepherds of God’s people if their own sinfulness will keep them from entering into God’s kingdom? Blind leading the blind. It makes no sense for them to even lie to themselves as they claim to be “christian”.
There seems to be some good in all of this. In focusing on the homosexual aspects of our situation (as a church) it would seem the medea has settled down a bit in attacking thev"unforgiveable sin". It sorta makes you wonder though, where will they discover the next unforgiveable sin.

Ya know if we can just make a few more things unforgiveable we can just about wipe out the church structure as we know it. Hmmm, I thought the Catholic Church was the church of sinners (ya know how hard it is to get a good resume on a sinner). Somtimes I have to wonder if 20…30…no make it 60 years is enough time to consider one healed…

There I go again…someone once remarked… “incoherent.”

I must add that in someways it is very sad that we seem to allow this attack on our priests…knowing full well that all are not quilty as charged. How easy it would be to claim abuse of any up and coming man of faith…just to shut him down…not trying to skirt the issue of abuse rather discuss it in all its aspects

The gates of hell will not prevail…I think it says that in the bible. Yep…this is gonna be one of them problems that we as humans probably have no chance in solving except by prayer…lots and lots of prayer.

Shirt version: beware of the media and their agenda…when things are going smooth with them the church is probably having some serious problems with sin.

Just a few comments. hopefully not too incoherent, from the sinner’s bleachers
larry j:
There seems to be some good in all of this. In focusing on the homosexual aspects of our situation (as a church) it would seem the medea has settled down a bit in attacking thev"unforgiveable sin". It sorta makes you wonder though, where will they discover the next unforgiveable sin.

Ya know if we can just make a few more things unforgiveable we can just about wipe out the church structure as we know it. Hmmm, I thought the Catholic Church was the church of sinners (ya know how hard it is to get a good resume on a sinner). Somtimes I have to wonder if 20…30…no make it 60 years is enough time to consider one healed…

There I go again…someone once remarked… “incoherent.”

I must add that in someways it is very sad that we seem to allow this attack on our priests…knowing full well that all are not quilty as charged. How easy it would be to claim abuse of any up and coming man of faith…just to shut him down…not trying to skirt the issue of abuse rather discuss it in all its aspects

The gates of hell will not prevail…I think it says that in the bible. Yep…this is gonna be one of them problems that we as humans probably have no chance in solving except by prayer…lots and lots of prayer.

Shirt version: beware of the media and their agenda…when things are going smooth with them the church is probably having some serious problems with sin.

Just a few comments. hopefully not too incoherent, from the sinner’s bleachers
The homosexual abuse problem is but one of many problems caused by the culture of dissent. That culture has infected the laity and priests and bishops. If we want authentic reform we should start by obeying all the teachings of the Church. These issues all fit together.
No…Gays should not be allowed to be Priests…one doesnt get a job in a Candy factory if addicted Chocolate.
If all preists are celibate,a s required, then they are all conquering the desires of the flesh, and it should not matter what their orientation is.
Not necessarily true.

It is true that straight Priests have occasions to be around females and be tempted…but these are ONLY “Occasions”…while it is a FACT that Priests struggling with SSA are 100% 24/7 365 days a year, are surrounded by and livng with MEN…the very sex they are attracted to. The struggle against the temptation is even GREATER than mere occasions straight Priests may find themselves alone with women…and not only that, but one must take into account the very real possibility that if there are other gay priests struggling with this temptation, and BOTH find themselves alone which will be VERY EASY to do…they may find themselves giving into their temptation more often than supporting one another…and besides THAT…what about those gay priests who dont care about indulging their lust? Its open season on the other gay priest who may already be struggling to be chaste…bad situation all the way around…this is the perfect example of “Near Occasion of Sin”

One wouldnt want a former pedophile teaching their children in a classroom setting, no matter how much that former pedophile does their best to stay pure… if you aint prepared to give the pedophile the same break as you would a priest who struggles with SSA, then you have your answer…

People who like Candy shouldnt take jobs in Chocolate factories…
What happens if a homosexual priest who has never acted on his sexuality all of his life and God has really called him to the Holy Orders? Who is responsible for the loss of this vocation? And please, I cannot bear to hear that God would not call a homosexual fo the priesthood.

I know of one case in particular and he lives a very holy life…what then?

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