Should homosexual men be allowed to be priests?

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Hey when did I miss this poll?

Ok again, I do not like this poll, and I did not vote, because it fails to distinguish between those who have SSA and are chaste, and those who are ACTIVE homosexuals. The way I see it, if you are talking about ACTIVE homosexuals, then run from that like wild fire, they shouldn’t be priest. After thinking about it some more, I don’t think that men who have had a homosexual expirence, but are now chaste, shouldn’t be priest either. I mean you wouldn’t put a fromer crack addict, who is not clean, in charge of the narcotics(SP?) at a police station. Now I have a Twin brother who is struggling with SSA, and he loves God with all his heart, he is a devout Catholic, and he has a special devotion to the BVM. He has considered the priesthood, and since he has been chaste since he hit puberty, ( Yes that is a big deal, because most of the kids at my public school who are gay have had gay sex, go to gay bars, and are always making out in the hallways.) I think he would be an awsome canidate for the priesthood. He knows his faith, he does love God, and I believe that men who have SSA, who have never had a homosexual expeience, should be allowed to be priests.
God bless you Ryan. I don’t think some one of the negative comments here that could be applied to your brother are either fair nor christian. I’m am sure your brother is blessed to have a sibling like you.

Happy new year.
I was under the impression that boys are more often sexually abused than grils, because it is more difficult to detrmine that boys have been sexually abused, (forgive me for not being too clear on this horrible topic, but I keep thinking of the note of warning posted some where on this forum about watching posts for sexual content) and also that boys are less likely to come forward.

In to men being under greater temptation becuase they are surrounded by men, I would think in general that is only true during the seminary years, as I have seen very few parishes that have more than one priest these days, and it may scenarios where there is only one priest for a cluster of parishes.

The assumption is that these men, like all priestly candidates, will take a vow of chasitity. I asked a Catholic Answers apologist if homosexual men can become priests. Here was his answer.​

This matter is usually dealt with on a diocese by diocese basis. Most and probably all dioceses and religious orders ask candidates to state their sexual orientation. If they are living a celibate life-style, at this time most dioceses and religious orders do accept them (all things being equal).

While most of the examples of clergy abuse appear to be homosexual in nature and such abuse is truly reprehensible, it is important to recognize that there are many, many people in the Church who live daily with the cross of such sexual orientation in a quiet, chaste manner. Further, many of these people are faithful clergy and religious.

The knowledge that there are any homosexually-oriented clergy and religious can be very disturbing to some people—regardless that such clergy and religious are chaste. From what I as a priest have seen, such sexual orientation is far more disturbing to those individuals who are themselves burdened with it. Because of the fidelity of such faithful clergy and religious, Rome has been reluctant to make a blanket restriction. After all such people are chaste because of the Lord’s favor. Without the favor of His grace, no one can be chaste regardless of sexual orientation.
This is about as STUPID a question I may have ever heard.
The only answer is NO. But I will say that the catholic church is desperate for priest’s, so it doesnt suprise me. A church that claims to love it’s people would never put it’s youth in a situation like that. Oh wait the catholic thurch has already done that. UNBELIEVABLE!
Now I think you are talking about those who are active homosexuals. I think that those who said yes were reffering to those who struggle wiht SSA, but are not ACTIVE.

God Bless.
Yes, that is the intention of the poll. See my stated assumptions at the beginning of this thread. The assumption is we are talking about men who will take a VOW of chastity. The Apologist response I posted (on a question I posed to him) speaks of the same type of person (i.e. a man with SSA who bears his cross and remains chaste).
Yes, that is the intention of the poll. See my stated assumptions at the beginning of this thread. The assumption is we are talking about men who will take a VOW of chastity. The Apologist response I posted (on a question I posed to him) speaks of the same type of person (i.e. a man with SSA who bears his cross and remains chaste).
That has always been the contract. It has been broken too often of late to allow us the luxury of assuming that a vow will be kept. We need a break for a few years until we can get a grip on how to manage this persistent and damaging problem.
Yes, that is the intention of the poll. See my stated assumptions at the beginning of this thread. The assumption is we are talking about men who will take a VOW of chastity. The Apologist response I posted (on a question I posed to him) speaks of the same type of person (i.e. a man with SSA who bears his cross and remains chaste).
That has always been the contract. It has been broken too often of late to allow us the luxury of assuming that this population is, as a class, likely to keep such a vow. I hold nothing but admiration for those who have SSA and who are faithful. But we need a break for a few years until we can get a grip on how to manage this persistent and damaging problem.
Any Catholic with a wooden-washer for a brain knows that homosexuality actions are mortally sinful. Of course, mortal sin blocks the soul from receiving sanctifying grace. If you’re motally wounded… you seek to get to the nearest hospital… pronto! If you are in mortal sin and fail to repent of it… you choose eternal death.

Catholics do not accept homosexuality as a normal lifestyle. Although our current Canadian govermment has exalted this perversion to a national religion… usurping any personal vison of morality one might hold. The state now imposes it’s dictate what the Church may believe – thanks to our pseudo-Cathlic Prime Minister and feminist-appointed supreme court.

Gettiing back to the priesthood. The priesthood is not a man-made institution… it’s God-made. Holy Orders… remains a Holy Sacrament. Therefore what does the mortal sin of sodomy have to do with our Holy Catholic Faith? The answer: nothing! … unless you’re a ‘pious’ intelectual who wishes to pervert that which is truly holy. An individual who asks such a question isn’t looking for truth… but rather, is doing the work of division. For those who think that Truth is a trivial pursuit… there are plenty of other forms of ‘christianity’ that are more that willing to ordain anyone to the priesthood. It truly saddens me that 20% of ‘Cathlics’ in the above poll think it’s fine to equate the Holy Sacrament of the priesthood with the perversion of sodomy. Time to dust off the Bible and the Catechism folks!
You know what, I find this thread really wrong, and i want it closed!
You know what, I find this thread really wrong, and i want it closed!
After reading the thread, I tend to agree with RomanRyan.

FWIW, it seems to me that the focus should be more on discovering who has an authentic call to the priesthood, rather than what one’s sexual orientation is. If one has a true calling from God, I suspect that the man who is called would not engage in any abuse of any kind…or to anyone.
After reading the thread, I tend to agree with RomanRyan.

FWIW, it seems to me that the focus should be more on discovering who has an authentic call to the priesthood, rather than what one’s sexual orientation is. If one has a true calling from God, I suspect that the man who is called would not engage in any abuse of any kind…or to anyone.
The point of this thread, to my understanding, is to ponder how the Church might discern which of the candidates who present themselves might actually have “the right stuff.” At this point, our record is woefully disappointing.
buffalo said:

…The Holy See has recognized that a major contributor to these sex abuses has been the reluctance of bishops to apply the 1961 document from the Sacred Congregation for Religious which prohibits the admission of homosexuals to the diocesan priesthood and religious orders.

This doesnt suprise me to see a church that is running from the Bible as fast as it can like the catholic church to ponder this question. To even consider this question should tell you plenty about your leaders.
PLEASE read Mathew 7:20-23. Your leaders, dont let it be you.
After reading the thread, I tend to agree with RomanRyan.

FWIW, it seems to me that the focus should be more on discovering who has an authentic call to the priesthood, rather than what one’s sexual orientation is. If one has a true calling from God, I suspect that the man who is called would not engage in any abuse of any kind…or to anyone.
I totally agree, we should contact a moderator ASAP, this thread has gone far of its original question.
When a priest takes a vow of celibacy, is he allowed to masturbate? Do celibate priests masturbate?
Dear zootjeff,

Take a look at paragraph 2352 and #2396 from the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
2352 By masturbation is to be understood the deliberate stimulation of the genital organs in order to derive sexual pleasure. “Both the Magisterium of the Church, in the course of a constant tradition, and the moral sense of the faithful have been in no doubt and have firmly maintained that masturbation is an intrinsically and gravely disordered action.” “The deliberate use of the sexual faculty, for whatever reason, outside of marriage is essentially contrary to its purpose.” For here sexual pleasure is sought outside of “the sexual relationship which is demanded by the moral order and in which the total meaning of mutual self-giving and human procreation in the context of true love is achieved.”
2396 Among the sins gravely contrary to chastity are masturbation, fornication, pornography, and homosexual practices.
Now, all priests are human beings, and all human beings (other than Jesus and Mary) were and/or are sinners. So priests can commit the sin of masturbation like any other human male. But as Christians and believers in the teaching of the Catholic Church, they try to avoid and abandon this sinful practice with the help of God’s grace – as we all should.

In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

Then are wet dreams bad too? If males don’t masturbate regularly, they have a wet dream every 4 weeks or so. This happens naturally and sometimes wakes the person up with sexual pleasure. Because it feels good, is that also bad?

The assumption is that these men, like all priestly candidates, will take a vow of chasitity. I asked a Catholic Answers apologist if homosexual men can become priests. Here was his answer.​

This matter is usually dealt with on a diocese by diocese basis. Most and probably all dioceses and religious orders ask candidates to state their sexual orientation. If they are living a celibate life-style, at this time most dioceses and religious orders do accept them (all things being equal).

While most of the examples of clergy abuse appear to be homosexual in nature and such abuse is truly reprehensible, it is important to recognize that there are many, many people in the Church who live daily with the cross of such sexual orientation in a quiet, chaste manner. Further, many of these people are faithful clergy and religious.

The knowledge that there are any homosexually-oriented clergy and religious can be very disturbing to some people—regardless that such clergy and religious are chaste. From what I as a priest have seen, such sexual orientation is far more disturbing to those individuals who are themselves burdened with it. Because of the fidelity of such faithful clergy and religious, Rome has been reluctant to make a blanket restriction. After all such people are chaste because of the Lord’s favor. Without the favor of His grace, no one can be chaste regardless of sexual orientation.
What planet have you people been vacationing on for the last five years?!?

Way over 90% of the so called “pedophilia scandal” related lawsuits for which the Church is paying so dearly now, fiscally and spiritually, were actually cases of homosexual seduction and rape of young men.

Even when you consider just the relatively tiny amount of actual cases of pedophilia, consider also that the relatively tiny homosexual population of this country makes the majority contribution to the number of actual pedophiles convicted. By many times the number of “straight” pedophiles.

My Gran’Pa used to say “Before you start to calculate the odds, you need to decide if you can afford to loose!”.

The answer is an unequivocal NO! We can’t afford to loose. Not one more child molested by a priest. Not one more case of homosexual rape by a priest or seminarian. Not even one more case of homosexual seduction.

It is time to fold our cards and walk away from this table!
Irregardless of the odds, what we stand to loose is not ours to loose. It is the souls of the thousands, maybe millions that are scandalized and driven away from God’s Church and maybe even from God Himself.

And any honest person with same sex attraction disorder should recognize the danger, both to himself and to the Church, and should voluntarily disqualify himself from the priesthood.
There are plenty of other valuable ministries available for the honestly chaste, God fearing person, whether single or married, where they can make a valid and valuable contribution. Ministries that are screaming for more manpower!

Sorry but that’s the way I see it.
  • FranL
I respect the Vatican’s warnings against ordinating even celibate homosexuals in its 1961 instructions. However I am having trouble understanding them. All men are prone to “evil tendencies” in one form or another, to use the phrase found in the instructions. To me it seems that men who are prone to or have a history of alcoholism, gambling, violent behavior, or reckless blasphemy are just as dangerous to a parish, if not more so, than a man with homosexual tendencies. A man who has demonstrated an ability to live the chaste life required of him by God and the Church seems to have already demonstrated the sort of remarkable virtue ideal in a priest. Chaste homosexuals are welcome to the Lord’s table and are living the life laid out for them by God.

They have demonstrated their willingness to put aside their own desires for the sake of God, and have answered his call to serve. I don’t understand why this is not sufficient.
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