Should Our Military Go On Strike?

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The question speaks for itself, dripping of red meat and blood for the hounds to attack.
Sounds like you’re just baiting. There are provisions in the UCMJ to cover such an action, only it’s not called a strike and the penalties can be very severe.
The UCMJ (the Uniform Code of Military Justice) considers any act of collective bargaining as mutiny!

Soldiers are not civilians and the military is not a democracy.
I must admit that a part of me was baiting, but I was really looking for the reaction on both sides. In the interest of being honest, I must admit that in addition to my normal nightly prayer requests (troubled families, the military in general & specific members that I know including some I am related to, the sick, my family, our leaders, priests and religious, an end to abortion, the poor souls in Purgatory, and others), I also ask that our men and women in Iraq stand down and demand to be returned stateside.
Elaine's Cross:
I also ask that our men and women in Iraq stand down and demand to be returned stateside.
And to hell with the Iraqis?
Elaine's Cross:
I must admit that in addition to my normal nightly prayer requests . . . I also ask that our men and women in Iraq stand down and demand to be returned stateside.
Rather than asking for what you personally want, you might consider asking that He help our leaders follow His will, that He help our soldiers act within His moral framework, that the innocent are protected, and above all else, that His will be done.
Rather than asking for what you personally want, you might consider asking that He help our leaders follow His will, that He help our soldiers act within His moral framework, that the innocent are protected, and above all else, that His will be done.
The caveat “if it be thy will, Father” is always there, Mr. Stumbler. There is also the request to bestow wisdom and a genuine desire for peace on our leaders.
Elaine's Cross:
I also ask that our men and women in Iraq stand down and demand to be returned stateside.
Actually, only if Mr Bush fails to make the decision to pull out himself.
And to hell with the Iraqis?
Saddam is out of power; let the Iraqis fight for their freedom. We have monkeyed in their business long enough. It’s time to allow some genuine self-determination to occur.
And to hell with the Iraqis?
Saddam is out of power; let the Iraqis fight for their freedom. We have monkeyed around in that region for far too long. It’s time to get out, stay out, and let true self-determination occur.
Elaine's Cross:
I also ask that our men and women in Iraq stand down and demand to be returned stateside.
That is a strange request of God. Do you think there is not a battle between good and evil there? I certainly do. That is why I pray for the safety of our military and civilians working over there and most importantly, for God to crush the evil ones and cause confusion and disarray among them. Now, that is a holy prayer, and a prayer with purpose, not neutral gibberish.
Elaine's Cross:
Saddam is out of power; let the Iraqis fight for their freedom. We have monkeyed in their business long enough. It’s time to allow some genuine self-determination to occur.
So I was right, you feel “to hell with the Iraqis”…

not very Christian of you, this goes against the teachings of the Church you know.
Elaine's Cross:
I must admit that a part of me was baiting, but I was really looking for the reaction on both sides. In the interest of being honest, I must admit that in addition to my normal nightly prayer requests (troubled families, the military in general & specific members that I know including some I am related to, the sick, my family, our leaders, priests and religious, an end to abortion, the poor souls in Purgatory, and others), I also ask that our men and women in Iraq stand down and demand to be returned stateside.
I sure hope you don’t teach any children to be cowards like you pray that our soldiers will be. Goodness gracious - where would our country be if it’s underlying attitude consisted of cut, run, and hide when it gets difficult.
Elaine's Cross:
The question speaks for itself, dripping of red meat and blood for the hounds to attack.
It would be against the law, a criminal act to do such a thing. I prefer to live by the Code of Conduct, which binds me to live “Always with honor.” I made an oath to obey the officers appointed over me. To go on strike would be a violation of that oath, which is irreconcilable with honor.
It would be against the law, a criminal act to do such a thing. I prefer to live by the Code of Conduct, which binds me to live “Always with honor.” I made an oath to obey the officers appointed over me. To go on strike would be a violation of that oath, which is irreconcilable with honor.
God bless you.
Elaine's Cross:
I I also ask that our men and women in Iraq stand down and demand to be returned stateside.
Ahkk! :eek:
Are you familiar with the military at all? As a former military wife hell would freeze over before our men and women would bring such dishoner to their country.

For myself, I pray for their safety, their families, those that have lost thier lives and their families, stability in Iraq, the newly elected leader, and a return home as soon as it is possible.
Elaine's Cross:
Saddam is out of power; let the Iraqis fight for their freedom. We have monkeyed in their business long enough. It’s time to allow some genuine self-determination to occur.
It is obvious that you have no concept of the U.S. military.
Elaine’s Cross said:
I must admit that a part of me was baiting, but I was really looking for the reaction on both sides. In the interest of being honest, I must admit that in addition to my normal nightly prayer requests (troubled families, the military in general & specific members that I know including some I am related to, the sick, my family, our leaders, priests and religious, an end to abortion, the poor souls in Purgatory, and others), I also ask that our men and women in Iraq stand down and demand to be returned stateside.

Part of you was baiting? You started the thread with this post:
Elaine's Cross:
The question speaks for itself, dripping of red meat and blood for the hounds to attack.
You must be a mighty big girl if that is only part of you that is baiting!

Obnoxious posts do not warrant serious consideration or response. If you are looking for an intelligent discussion, try posting in an intelligent manner.
Having been in the military, I can put two cents in here. When a recruit enlists, he takes an oath to obey all the lawful orders of those appointed over him. There is no provision to say if only you agree with them. I think if you talk to the servicemen and women over in iraq, nine out of ten are proud of the job they are doing and would actually refuse to leave under such dishonarable reasons. I agree, the military is definitely not a democracy. Can you imagine how vulnerable our national security would be if that was the case.
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