This is not my experience. My diocese has had an EF since the 1990’s.
Attendance has never been higher than 300.
This is kind of anecdotal. It could be something with your location that is keeping the numbers from growing. Also. for you to say 300, that is a lot of people to me. I live in a rural midwest area and just to have 300 at an OF Mass would be alot for us.
What makes it especially hard to stomach is that many that attend are converts, who are under 40, who have no first-hand knowledge of the pre-VII Church.
Two things here. Many converts
and reverts, rather than those who have been Catholic all of their lives and never left, are discovering a great treasure. They want to know all about it. They are learning and studying the faith and they see that the Church has had a time line that started with Christ and it’s all good, even the pre-VII Church was good and beautiful. You do not have to have first hand knowledge of something to study it, read about it, know it and practice it. Many young priests coming in, not so attached to VII or the spirit of VII are also restoring a lot of tradition and beauty.
The other thing that I’m mentioning is because I am starting to see a trend here at CAF and it is becoming quite disturbing, I hope it is becoming disturbing also to the moderators and that is a distaste of
converts. You did not in your comment but some have even come to the point of adding name calling when mentioning converts…
This is reminiscent to me of the parable in Matthew 1 of the workers in the vineyard where some were called at the start of the day, some were called later and then some again at the very end. The workers who had been there for the whole day complained and grumbled because all got equal pay but Jesus said to them He would pay as He wills.
In Haydock’s commentary it says:
I will also give. Some are called to the service of their God, and to a life of virtue, from their infancy, whilst others, by a powerful call from above, are converted late in life, that the former may have no occasion to glory in themselves, or to despise those who, even in the 11th hour, enter upon the path of rectitude; and that all might learn that there is time sufficient, however short, left them to repair by their diligence and fervour their past losses.
As I said perhaps these converts are realizing the treasure they have found and want to treat it with extra special care.
If they had first-hand knowledge of the Québec Church of the 1950’s, they would likely have run, not walked away from Catholicism.
This leads me to the last thing. The Catholic Church before Vatican II was just that, the Catholic Church,the Church of Christ. To put down the Church of either before or after VII is not charitable to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, nor to our Church Fathers, saints and families who came before us and handed down the faith to us.
God bless