“Besides, this celebration has reassured many of the faithful that the venerable Rite of Saint Pius V, which enjoys in the Latin Rite of the Catholic Church a “right of citizenship,” as I said in my homily. There can be no doubt about the fact that this Rite has not been extinguished.”
“In the rite which it is celebrated in all the Latin Catholic Church, that is in accordance with the Novus Ordo. Celebrating the Mass in accordance with the Rite approved by Paul VI, I have to say that I found a richness of love and devotion that personally satisfies me…That does not mean that I do not reserve a great love for the Holy Mass in accordance with the Rite of Saint Pius V, which was the Mass of my priestly ordination and if my first years in the priesthood.”
Both quotations being found in the exclusive written interview of Cardinal Castrillón Hoyos, Prefect for the Congregation of the Clergy, President of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, and the
Latin Mass, A journal of Catholic Culture magazine Vol. 13, No. 2, Spring 2004.
I guess someone ought to get the memo to the good cardinal that he is in error using the term ‘Novus Ordo’ ASAP!
Since both services are, and have been, valid since the reforms of VCII, they already do in fact co-exist.

The real problem being that there is no teeth, enforcement in the directives of the Holy See on the matter. Hence the abuses and refusal on the part of so many of the west’s episcopacy with regard to this issue.
This, of course, is the very reason there needs to be a canonical jurisdiction created for the rite of Saint Pius V across the globe, just as there is for the Canonical Jurisdiction of St. John Vianney, in Compos, Brazil.
Your unworthy brother in Christ and By the Grace of God a future priest,